and Family
Seeing Fireworks!
by Rosally Saltsman
We are always looking for signs of Hashem in our lives. Signs
that say He's there, He's watching, He loves us. As spiritual
people, we know that the more we look for a sign, the more
signs we see. It's like when you arrive at the airport and
look around to find someone waiting for you and waving to
you. Hashem is always there, waving, if we just look...
But this time I got more than just a wave.
My precious son's bar mitzva encompassed almost a week of
festivities which required coordinating several hundred
different things with about 347 that could possibly go wrong.
I was in a state. Actually, I was in several: anticipation,
anxiety, joy, hysteria, gratitude. And I was praying a lot. I
figured though, that with so many things going on, at least
some of them would be successful.
I was wrong. They were all successful, that is, ultimately,
Boruch Hashem. Of course, there were the problems, the
stress, but they faded into the background when my son said
his drosho, when my guests exclaimed their praise and
congratulations, when the tears flowed down my face.
I am blessed with many friends who helped in many ways over
and over again; several rabbis who are very busy honored us
with their presence, the people whose services I had hired
outdid themselves and my wonderful son did himself and
everyone else in the universe proud!
On the final night, when my son played along with the band,
and his friends and family and rabbis stood around, smiling
and clapping, there was a fireworks display outside the
window. Everyone turned to look and asked if I had ordered it
There is a wedding hall facing the shul hall. Almost every
night one can look out their window of this mixed
neighborhood and see fireworks. But then, on this night when
my son was playing, having reached manhood, while I stood
there surrounded by love, overwhelmed with nachas and
full of gratitude to the Ribono Shel Olom, I knew that those
fireworks were for me, timed especially for me and Joshua.
They were our own personal sign from Hashem that He was
celebrating with us.
May we always see Hashem's signs and appreciate His