Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

17 Teves 5765 - December 29, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network












A Peaceful Night in Auschwitz
by A. Grossnass, Jerusalem

It's 2:30 in the morning. I can't sleep. Someone took the pillow I like. I'll just add some hot water to my lemon tea. I like it piping hot.

Ask the Shadchan

by Rebbetzin Naomi Travis

Question: I have older children in shidduchim. I'm tired of making inquiries. Phoning the references is not always helpful. They all say the same thing — lots of adjectives. I don't even know what to ask anymore. Can you give me practical advice on how to check out prospective shidduchim for my children?

by Drora Matlofsky

Green pointed elves fluttering in the wind along my street. Did I hear a whispered laugh? Why did they leave their mother tree if they are still green?

Reaching the Stars

by Rochel Leah Perlman

In 1984, my husband Avrohom and I were in Israel visiting my widowed mother in Har Nof who lived next door to my son. After a brief stay, Avrohom left Israel to return to our home and his mattress factory in Baltimore, USA.

Complaint of a Sock
by Drora Matlofsky

She insulted me!

Just look at her, pulling a face and picking me up with the tip of her fingers, and listen to her, singing away,

"I found an old sock / In Vladivostok, / I found an old sock / Today!"

`Trama' in Real Life
and Hashem's Kindness Throughout

by Rifca Goldberg

Part V

And then my name is called...

My husband is in the hall. He's just arrived. We go into the recovery room together.

Disability in Schools
by A. Ross

What do we do in schools with children who have some specific condition, but are otherwise healthy? Some principals refuse point-blank to accept the child in the first place. For instance, they might not want a child suffering from an allergy.

Birds of Song and the Tree of Life
by Rosally Saltsman

Although it's not yet time for the song of the turtledove to be heard in the land, there is a flock of songbirds coming to Israel for a week's migration.


My wife read "Why are We Choking Ourselves" (Parshas Mikeitz) and she told me I would enjoy it. I sure did!

In Plain Sight
by R. S.

Every Friday morning, there stands near my post office a beggar. He looks like a beggar, he smells like a beggar but there is an aura of gentleness and holiness about him, a nobility which makes me feel certain that he is Eliyahu Hanavi.

Short inspirational pieces by Avrohom Tzvi Schwartz, Kiryat Sefer, author of A Handful of Light, Hearts on Fire and his latest, Be Happy and Successful

Honor Them

Honor them! Honor them! Honor them! If you can't break the jug without spilling the wine, don't break the jug.

Pass the Nuts, Pass Up the Guilt!
by Dr. Reuven Bruner, Ph.D.

After you've been told for years that fatty foods like nuts are bad, it's pretty hard to switch gears and start eating them because: Surprise! Now they're good.

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

Wow, Mrs. W., I have a lot of mail to answer from you. I don't mind at all though. I love to hear from you and from all my correspondents.

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