Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

28 Adar I 5765 - March 9, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Mishmeres Hasholom: A Dream World Taking Shape

by Yated Ne'eman Staff

In our day and age, there are so many people young and old walking around with one unfortunate common denominator: Strained relationships. For example, divorce and painful family feuds are all too common. The Jewish community, once enjoyed a semi-immunity to these social maladies — but no longer. The cause? There are many, but one problem is a loss of the art of communication, and with it the undermining of healthy bein odom lechavero relations.

Now, imagine a world free of loshon hora and machlokes, where hatred and quarrels have no entry and only ahavas Yisroel and unity prevail. Divorce is again a rare phenomenon, and family relationships are open and understanding. Sounds like a dream? But sometimes, with hard work, tefilloh and siyata deShmaya — dreams can come true!

Mishmeres Hasholom is determined to restore the art of proper communication to every home in Klal Yisroel. As an international organization reaching out to 12 countries around the world, Mishmeres Hasholom has adopted a number of ambitious goals, among them: To create entire neighborhoods which are free of loshon hora and machlokes by encouraging the daily learning of two halochos of Shemiras Haloshon and to encourage work on middos development and positive communication habits within every Jewish family, community and institution.

And the dream is already beginning to take shape! In Israel alone there are already 20,000 families participating in the project, bringing the Shechinah into their homes and spreading the light of kedushoh, achdus, peace and love. Every woman who joins becomes a golden link in the chain of the Jewish people.

Mishmeres Hasholom's women's program now has some 1400 representatives tirelessly working on its behalf. A neighborhood coordinator is responsible for street representatives who are in turn in charge of about ten building representatives. These building representatives encourage each of their neighbors to join in actualizing the dream of Mishmeres Hasholom. The learning in the building is often done in the zchus of someone in need, by a neighbor's request — for a refuah shleima, a shidduch, etc.

The organization is now in high gear spreading the message of Shemiras Haloshon en masse by distributing written material, hanging up posters, and making phone calls for encouragement. Building representatives were recently asked to hang posters in two additional buildings so as to potentially triple the number of participants. Just imagine 60,000 families working to actualize the dream — on a family, community , and world- wide scale!

The impact of Mishmeres Hasholom has been felt on all fronts - - based on reactions from participants, volunteers, and supporters. Here are just a few examples:

"I am a kindergarten teacher in Beit Shemesh, and I must tell you how inspired I was by those of my young students who have joined the Mishmeres Hasholom Mothers and Children learning program. I noticed how careful they were when speaking to each other and how they were working on their middos. I decided to start the learning program in Gan so that all the children could join. Our Gan has been transformed. There is no fighting — the kids play beautifully with each other. Thank you, Mishmeres Hasholom!"

"I am an avid volunteer in the Mishmeres Hasholom network. Some time ago, I came into Yerushalayim from Beit Shemesh with the intention of taking the No. 14 bus to Talpiot. However, I could not resist and decided to stop at the Mishmeres Hasholom office first to take care of a few matters. You can imagine my horror and gratitude when I heard that the bus I had been planning to board exploded, leaving many casualties. My involvement in this great project literally saved my life."

"My grandfather is a very old man and not well. His mind was not clear and he needed an operation. Though we have little financial means, we so much wanted to do something for his merit. We heard that providing the prizes for the children who have joined the Mishmeres Hasholom Mothers and Children learning program would be a tremendous zchus for him. Somehow, my father, who himself is not a well man, was able to come up with the money for the prizes. My grandfather woke up after the operation with a clear mind and his condition is steadily improving. We hope to be able to provide next month's prizes as well."

Never one to sit on its laurels, Mishmeres Hasholom is busy with a number of new projects. A program for the learning of Hilchos Shemiras Haloshon on a daily basis has been instituted in six girls' high schools, and several others have expressed interest. The elementary schools have also been calling to join the program. To date we have six girls' schools and five boys' school participating.

Another exciting new project with be launched after Pesach. Every Rosh Chodesh, get-togethers will take place in 200 locations, where the women will hear a special message from a rov by phone hookup or tape on a particular middoh, with encouragement in Shemiras Haloshon. The women will then receive sheets with points to ponder on the subject of the month and interesting questions. Stories that happened through Mishmeres Hasholom will be shared.

The achdus created by such gatherings, the enthusiasm they will engender, the new "era of communication" that it ushers in — surely the dream is about to come true . . . Can't you hear the footsteps of Moshiach and the echoes of the sweet song of geulah just over the horizon?

If you too would like to take a part in actualizing the dream, as a volunteer, participant or supporter, please call Mishmeres Hasholom at 02-537-9160.


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