Rabbi Ravitz Meets With Degel HaTorah Councilmen
By G. Kleiman
"From the moment of my arrival at the Welfare Ministry I have
been working to reorganize the Department for Public
Institutions. I saw the deep cut made Mr. Orlev made in Torah
institutions with dormitories and I hope that at least a
portion of this funding will be restored through the NIS 290
million promised in the coalition agreement," Deputy Welfare
Minister MK Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz told public figures and
Degel HaTorah councilmen from Elad, Haifa, Petach Tikva and
Ganei Tikva during a meeting in Jerusalem.
"I also see the personnel cut carried out here. And I see the
tremendous bureaucracy in the department today, partly due to
Finance Ministry requirements. We will reinforce the
personnel in the department, simplify procedures and I am in
advanced stages of negotiations with the Finance Ministry to
restore the monies to the Torah institutions in the coming
fiscal year."
Rabbi Ravitz held a long meeting with representatives
covering the range of welfare and Bituach Leumi problems in
these cities and local authorities. The Deputy Minister
promised to continue the campaign in various areas including
the restoration of bussing funds to Chinuch Atzmai schools, a
battle he has been waging for months, and adding to the
budget funding to assist youth.
"As a rule, in matters related to welfare services
HaKodosh Boruch Hu has given us the merit to be in the
right place and to create a proper and helpful atmosphere,
even in genuine cases of pikuach nefesh. Each and
every day I understand more and more why I was sent to this