Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

29 Sivan 5765 - July 6, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Warburg Boulevard Kept Closed on Shabbos

By Y. Ariel and Betzalel Kahn

Kiryat Shmuel's Warburg Boulevard was closed on Shabbos at the order of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and behind a unified front in the Knesset.

The light traffic in the area demonstrated that the attempt to open the road was a politically-motivated act of provocation. The local police rejected Transportation Ministry claims that the road must be opened to prevent traffic accidents.

On Thursday night residents received official notice that the road would be closed after MK Rabbi Gafni spoke with the Transportation Minister. Hundreds of sympathizers from other parts of the country, including 15 chareidi and religious MKs, had been prepared to spend Shabbos in Kiryat Shmuel to demonstrate their opposition to the recent move to open the road to traffic after 35 years of peaceful Shabbosos. During a Knesset meeting MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni related to the Prime Minister that he intended spend Shabbos in Kiryat Shmuel and participate in the demonstrations. "I will make every effort to make sure you don't have to spend Shabbos in Haifa," Sharon replied. "I hope the road will be closed."

Action Committee representatives thanked Rabbi Gafni for his work to have the road closed and residents of the adjacent Kiryat Chaim neighborhood thanked Kiryat Shmuel residents for their efforts, which brought quiet to the entire area.

Mayor Yonah Yahav arrived at the site on Friday afternoon to ensure that the street would be blocked off. The municipality is also working to promote a proposal to swap the current center strip with the southbound lanes, creating a natural barrier between the homes and the traffic. Residents are demanding a signed letter promising no attempt will be made to open the road on Shabbos until the alternative road is paved. They say it would mean just three months of closure since it was decided to keep the road closed during the winter months anyway. "We will not let Shinui take advantage of the issue for political gain at our expense," says the Action Committee.

"Once again it has been shown if there is a will one can make arrangements and not trample over the status quo just because of political motivations," said Rabbi Gafni, who is currently checking to ensure the closure will remain in place just as it has for the past 35 years.


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