Dried Apricots
Dried apricots are sometimes infested and they require
Dark, Israeli-grown raisins are frequently infested and must
be checked. Light, Israeli-grown raisins are sometimes
infested and should be checked. California raisins sold by
weight in Israel are also sometimes infested and should be
Fresh dates, with smooth, dark brown skin, which are marketed
refrigerated or frozen, are free of infestation and do not
require checking.
Dried dates that are cultivated in the ordinary way are
sometimes infested and should be checked. Organically grown
dates have a very high rate of infestation and must be
Insects can penetrate the fruit, where they usually die,
remaining stuck to the flesh. Their dark color, which is
similar to that of the fruit, makes it difficult to see them.
Caterpillars can cause small dark specks and sticky cobweb-
like material inside the date, which cannot be seen unless
the date is opened. Occasionally, scale insects can be found
attached to the exterior.
In Eretz Yisroel, carob trees grow wild in forests and
gardens, without suitable measures being taken to protect
them from infestation. Their fruit is frequently infested and
must be checked.
Types of Infestation
Carobs are infested by the larvae of the carob moth and dried
fig moth. The larvae are reddish-brown in color. They
penetrate the carob pods when they are young and gnaw their
insides, leaving waste matter that is visible as small dark
particles as well as sticky cobwebs. Their presence cannot be
detected by examining the fruit's exterior. The moths can
infest the fruit while it is on the tree, during protracted
storage, or after it has been ground into carob powder.
Bug-Free Fruits
The following fruits do not have to be checked (assuming they
have no holes, and no soft spots). This addresses only the
presence of bugs, and not other kashrus questions that may
1. Avocado
2. Coconut
3. Kiwi
4. Pear
5. Star-fruit
6. Fresh dates (sold frozen)
7. Pecan in shell
8. Candied esrog
9. Candied kumquats
10. Canned apricots
11. Canned peaches
12. Dried apples
13. Dried mango
14. Dried papaya
15. Fruit leather (in closed wrapper)