Life Will Prevail Over Death
Even the Americans have learned something from their
experience in Iraq. "This is a negative insurgency," Brig.
Gen. Erwin Lessel, deputy director of operations for the
multinational forces, told a reporter for the New York
Times. "Unlike a classical insurgency, these groups don't
offer anything."
"They want to dictate to us what to teach and how to
educate. We must fight this with all our might!"
HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman
With regard to Avrohom Ovinu it is written, "Because I know
him, for he commands his sons and his household to follow him
and to guard the way of Hashem." The Torah tells us that the
main reason that Hashem loves Avrohom Ovinu (which is denoted
by the words `because I know him') is because he commands his
household to follow his example of keeping the word of
"The study of Mesillas Yeshorim Prevents Dissension"
by Rav Eliezer Rivlin
One of our readers drew our attention to a letter from R'
Yosef Zundel of Salant zt'l written to R' Eliyohu Dov
Levinson of Kartinga who, aside from his greatness in Torah
and his piety, was also a wealthy and very generous man. R'
Dov did much for the sake of the Yishuv settlement in Eretz
Between Two Worlds: Preparing Oneself for Shabbos on Erev
by Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis
Bomb Threats
It was Shmuel's first Friday in Yerushalayim and he just
couldn't wait for Shabbos to come. Shmuel got ready early and
took a taxi to the Kosel to daven. There was a minyan
that was getting ready to recite Minchah almost an
hour before sunset, and he joined them . . .
Politica Sharon Take Your Pick: Rebels or Shas?
By E. Rauchberger
Ariel Sharon recently passed two hard tests. First he
expanded his government thanks to the votes of two Arab MKs,
the six Meretz MKs and one MK who was booted from Shinui
(Yossi Paritzky), and then he managed to pass the state
budget in a first reading, with the votes of the Likud
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