Diplomate, Board Certification of Emergency Medicine
Continuing to answer more questions from readers. We are
asked about tap water: Is it safe to drink?
The Ministry of Health -- I have spoken to them -- insists it
is, but it is heavy water, meaning that it has a high content
of calcium salts. This gives the water a rather bad taste.
Mineral water and filtered water taste great -- and mean you
may use less of that poison called Petel (fruit syrup).
However, there is no evidence that Israeli water has any
danger nor is there any evidence that mineral waters have any
health benefits. You should note this is not the case in
other countries, and visitors to the third world are taking
risks by drinking water, beverages or even bottled drinks
with ice in them.
Exercise on a daily basis is possible with a brisk walk
especially in the hills of Jerusalem where it is a great
experience and healthy for you as well. Exercise bikes are
good as well, and that is what I do. Do not take the elevator
for one flight, and don't use the car for a short trip.
Want a great idea? The next time you visit the Kosel, park
your car in Rechavia, where it is cheap, and walk to the
Hereditary factors are important but are not the only factor
in one's health profile. Smoking, drinking, high stress
levels may all be learned behaviors but as well may also be
Cholesterol is a subject we have spoken about in the past.
Keep it low -- if you are a female you will have more HDL or
good cholesterol, but if you are a male -- keep it low by
eating fewer fats and exercising. Do not be convinced by
advertisements of no cholesterol -- fatty foods are still
Platelets are little cells that form clots. They are
important to stop bleeding. However, a small clot in a
clogged artery can wreak havoc, so the best bet is to take a
daily aspirin -- a potent anti-platelet drug. A more
expensive alternative is Plavix, and the two together lower
you risk even more.
The prostate gland provides the nutrients for male
reproduction and as males get older, for reasons that are
unknown, the prostate tends to enlarge and block off the
urinary tract. They often become cancerous as well and have a
tendency to spread to bone, making it a painful cancer.
Screening through physical exam and blood tests of PSA may
lower risk.
The thyroid performs many functions, including temperature
control and stress reactions. Women tend to have thyroid
problems as well as cancer of this gland, which is in the
neck. Chronic weight gain or weakness may be a sign of a
poorly functioning gland. Blood tests can establish the
Why do doctors have bad handwriting? Our minds work faster
than our pens, I believe. However, instead of trying to
decipher their handwriting, ask for a good explanation so the
handwriting can be understood. Write me in care of the
A message from GlaxoSmithKline, sponsor of this
column. Children's immunizations are so important, and
Glaxo is in that business. One of the important ones in
Israel is the Hepatitis A vaccine -- a disease that isn't
usually dangerous in the long run, but is very debilitating.
Everyone in my family has been immunized.