Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

18 Tammuz 5764 - July 7, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Medical Organizations Help Fly Young Cystic Fibrosis Patients to Camps in Switzerland
by A. Cohen

Leading medical aid organizations have arranged to fly children to Switzerland to participate in Chaim Leyeled summer camps for cystic fibrosis and lung patients.

Two doctors who specialize in cystic fibrosis have been placed at the camp's disposal by Prof. Eitan Kerem, director of the Pediatric Department and the Cystic Fibrosis Unit at Hadassah-Mt. Scopus Hospital. The doctors will remain in close contact with the treating physicians arriving from all parts of Eretz Yisroel. The treating physicians will receive information sheets prepared by each child's doctor noting the child's condition based on an examination shortly before the departure date and the type of treatment required.

Based on a recommendation by adman Benny Gal, Cellcom has decided to supply the camp doctors and director with free cell phones that will allow them to maintain constant contact with the children's respective doctors and hospitals in Israel.

During their stay in Switzerland they will have an extensive array of medical equipment and expensive medications on hand. The basic equipment requirements include a central oxygen system and individual oxygen systems Chaim Leyeled will rent. The patients also need frequently used medications and medical equipment. Chaim Leyeled Chairman Dr. Reuven Sackler submitted a long, detailed list of all the medical equipment and drugs needed to HaRav Chananiyoh Cholek, chairman of Ezer Mitzion, which agreed right away to meet the request.

Flying the children in El Al planes is a special operation in itself. Chaim Leyeled rented special oxygen tanks distributed throughout the plane and attached to the seats. These tanks cost thousands of dollars but can be critical. Last year and in other cases it has been necessary to administer oxygen after some of the passengers felt ill during the flight.

The staff will also have on hand special equipment for use in the event a patient has to be evacuated, including advanced in-flight treatment kits with special monitors used for lung patients. This very expensive equipment is on loan from Ezra Lemarpei, an organization headed by HaRav Elimelech Firrer that provides medical assistance in various forms, including flying patients abroad.


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