Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

27 Sivan 5764 - June 16, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Terror Cell Planned to Blow Up a Meah Shearim Shul
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Police and the ISA announced on Monday that several weeks ago they had arrested a resident of the Old City of Jerusalem who admitted that he was part of a terror cell that hoped to bomb the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) or a synagogue in Meah Shearim.

The suspect is Hussam Nablusi, an East Jerusalemite member of the cell, was arrested on May 16. He was to use his access to the PMO as a delivery company driver to drop off a 15- kilogram bomb. He was to set off the bomb by remote control with a cellular phone. His interrogation led investigators to the bomb that had already been smuggled into Jerusalem.

Security sources said that the plot was not aimed at the prime minister, but rather at his office for the propaganda value in order to prove that Palestinian organizations can strike strategic and symbolic installations inside Israel.

Sources said that it was highly unlikely that Nablusi would have made it inside, past security at the PMO. But all the suspected terrorist needed to do was to leave the bomb at the security gate and set it off. The terrorist organizations would claim that as a major victory.

The bomb was discovered in northern Jerusalem near the village of Bir Naballah last month. According to the security sources, the cell had several alternative plans in case they were unable to penetrate the PMO. One possible target was a synagogue in Meah Shearim.

The cell was arrested on the basis of intelligence information that prompted a major alert for the capital. Nablusi, 38, was arrested on the basis of the information at his Old City home. Security sources said that he had access to various government offices, including the PMO, in his work delivering printed materials.

Three days after his arrest his cousin, who had recruited the delivery man into the cell, was arrested. The cousin, Said Tabange, subsequently incriminated the two A-Ram residents who received the bomb and brought it into Jerusalem, leaving it in its hiding place for Nablusi to retrieve.

Analysts said that this pattern indicates the difficulty that Palestinian criminals have in promulgating attacks in the north now that the security fence is in place. The terrorists have been trying to use residents of east Jerusalem to carry explosives since they have Israeli identity cards and thus have easier access to Jewish areas.


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