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HOME & FAMILY Hair Today, Gone Todayby Bayla Gimmel Hair seems to be a focus point of the Yetzer Hora. We encounter Eisav -- full of hair. Hair comes into play with Yosef Hatzaddik, who, the Midrash tells us, curled his hair, which aroused the evil inclination. Hair is an issue with the Nozir, as with Shimshon and again, hair comes into play with Avsholom. It crops up with a fascinating episode concerning `bald' Eliyohu and with Elisha.
SETTLERS FROM YESTERYEAR "Look! We've arrived at Jaffa!" R' Yona called, looking up at the blue skies and then at the foaming waters below and the stretch of sand in the distance. "See the yellow sands of holy Eretz Yisroel there on the horizon?" He stared dreamily and murmured, "Is this possible? Can I really be in the very same place where Yona was cast into the water and a huge fish swallowed him?"
Climbing Out of the Crib
At sixteen months, my baby climbs out of her crib. In a
daring acrobatic feat, she swings her leg up almost to her
shoulder and gets over the bar the way you or I would get on
a bicycle. But at night, alone in the dark of her room, she
cries for me to come. What stops her from using the skill she
so easily uses during daylight hours? What stops all of us
from climbing out of the dark?
The Power of Images
Selective viewing is a prerequisite to maintaining Jewish
Perhaps kosher pictures should be used in more abundance in
the home, to give the eyes something to focus on that is more
appealing that the cereal box or even the ads in YATED.
BOOK REVIEW Illustrator Yoni Gerstein needs no introduction. Neither does the topic, Shmiras Haloshon. Perhaps the public could use a refresher on Rivka Lavie, at least as I know her, which I am sure is just a tip of the iceberg. She is cool, cool as they come!
Your Medical Questions Answered! My readers asked me to discuss asthma. I have discussed this before, but I will repeat it.
Growth Disorders Fairy tales are filled with giants and little people. The stories were written hundreds of years ago, and they sometimes tried to explain why these people looked different from others around them.
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