Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

27 Sivan 5764 - June 16, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network


Living in Eretz Yisroel: Cause or Effect?

When you think about the pure concepts, it would seem that it is quite easy to distinguish a cause from its effect. The effect is dependent on the cause, but the cause is not dependent on the effect. The cause will bring about the effect, but the presence of the effect does not always indicate the prior presence of the cause unless it is exclusive.

Yes, But We're Different
by Rabbi N. Z. Grossman

Part I

Growth and Challenge

Rav Yaakov Emden zt'l writes that Am Yisroel's survival in the face of the efforts of all those who have arisen to destroy us -- like a sheep among seventy wolves -- is the greatest miracle in all of history. A similar observation can be made about the growth and expansion of the chareidi community in the Holy Land despite all the attempts to halt and contain it.

Concerning Chareidi Livelihoods and Economics
by Yochanan Dovid

I met him one evening as he was coming home from work. From afar, I noticed that he was walking somewhat hunched over, a sure sign of a depressed state of mind. As an old friend, I immediately asked him, "How are you feeling? Did anything unfavorable happen to you today at work?"

In `Camp' Together With Maran R' Yaakov Kamenetsky ztvk'l
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

These days, the slopes of the Catskill mountains are dotted with typical vacationing spots populated by the chareidi public. With hardly a pause America, and especially New York City, relocates itself from the "foothills" of skyscrapers to the pleasant shade of oaks and pines and fresh mountain air.

Politica: Recess Campaign
By E. Rauchberger

After just one year and three months since his second government was set up Sharon has arrived at the same juncture Binyamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak encountered while serving as prime minister: a coalition minority which makes him dependent on the kindness of others. Sharon's current campaign is just to reach the summer recess in decent shape.

Comments about Lechovitz, Rabbi Akiva Eiger, Manchester

To the Editor:

The 22 Sivan (June 11) English edition of the Yated included an article "Oleinu Leshabeiach . . ." At its start there is a story about Volozhin bochurim going to the Admor of Lechovitz, which interests me greatly.

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