Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

18 Av 5764 - August 5, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Home and Family

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

Diplomate, Board Certification of Emergency Medicine

Recently, we received a letter from America asking about Burnshield. This is a product known to be 80-90 percent water that is advertised for burns. We at Tel HaShomer are a burn center and I checked with a number of physicians from the center to see what their opinions were and have not found much evidence for it helping burns. Water does sooth burns, and copious irrigation is required for chemical burns, especially from lye (although regular burns do not need this). Still I cannot find any evidence that this product works.

I still like Dermaplast, a product with benzocaine and aloe vera. Aloe vera soothes and may have some antibacterial properties. However, both the benzocaine and the aloe vera can cause skin allergies to people who are susceptible.

Other subjects: What about juvenile diabetes? This form of diabetes is treated with insulin control, and there is always something new in the field. Diabetics can have complications. Kidney failure, heart trouble and eye problems are common. But with today's experts and new glucometers -- machines that check what the level of the sugar in the blood is -- we are succeeding more and more in making normal lives for these people. Eating lots of sugar does not make you a diabetic, but can make you fat and predispose to adult diabetes.

What about Juvenile obesity? This is a subject we have discussed before. I will just add that our women, due to peer pressure, tend to watch their weight during their teen years but we are permissive with our boys to live it up at Kiddushim. Does anyone monitor the food that is served at yeshivas for nutritional value? Men still die a lot earlier than women and obesity does kill. Good eating habits must start early.

Juvenile high blood pressure: This is unusual and a sign of serious problems such as kidney disease, congenital heart disease, or others. However do not depend on home monitors for this. Many are not calibrated. Exercise can help both of the last two problems and should be a part of training a child for a healthy lifestyle. Write me in care of the Yated.

A message from GlaxoSmithKline, sponsor of this column. Avandia is advanced diabetes care. It is the newest generation of diabetes treatment, rarely causing low blood sugar but at the same time being very effective.


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