The worldwide directory of Daf Yomi shiurim published
by the Daf Yomi Committee of Agudas Yisroel of America is
currently being updated in preparation for republication.
For vacationers and tourists around the world the directory
is the best way to find information regarding the times and
locations of Daf Hayomi shiurim in cities in the US
and around the world. The Daf Hayomi Committee is working on
the 5th edition of the guide in preparation for the
completion of the 11th Shas cycle, scheduled to take place on
20 Adar I (March 1) 5765. The previous edition was published
in 5757 shortly before the completion of the 10th cycle.
"The number of shiurim has grown demonstrably since
the last siyum, b'ezras Hashem, and there are
definitely many [shiurim] which are not listed in the
4th edition," said Daf Hayomi Committee Chairman Rav Avrohom
Nisan Pearl. He says everyone who intends to add a new
shiur to the listing or to give notice of changes in
the time or place of any shiur should fill out a form
available by request at (212) 797-9000 ext. 267 (Manhattan),
by fax at (646) 254-1600.
The Committee also publishes a listing of seforim,
booklets and aid materials on the Daf Yomi, which is
currently being updated as well. To submit information
contact the Committee via one of the above means. The
deadline for submissions for both listings is 14 Elul 5764
(Aug. 31, 2004).