Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

5 Shevat 5764 - January 28, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shainfeld Tours Announces its Pesach and Summer Accommodations
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

The World Economic Forum held at Davos, Switzerland has wrapped up for this year. As usual, the annual event attracts world leaders -- presidents, prime ministers, CEOs and decision-makers in the areas of finance and banking.

Davos is truly fit to host presidents and kings. The breathtaking views, magnificent parks and lakes, excellent skiing and shopping, and the overall atmosphere of calm and relaxation make Davos an ideal site for events like the Forum. And, among the solidly booked hotels in town was the Shainfeld Club-Hotel, one of the gems of Davos' hotel district.

Davos' physical beauty and wide range of services convinced the Shainfeld Group, one of the best known kosher travel and tour organizations, to make the Club-Hotel its flagship hotel after 15 years. The Club-Hotel's luxurious accommodations and service are second to none. The hotel also attracts a steady stream of skiers and vacationers who come to Davos to enjoy the plush surroundings of this world-class resort in Switzerland's largest and most opulent kosher resort.

The Club-Hotel features a synagogue, indoor swimming pool, sauna and game room. Each room has a kitchenette and full personal facilities. The dining under Shainfeld is absolutely first-class; prepared by top chefs, all meals are under the supervision of the av beis din of Vienna, HaRav Yonah Schwartz.

There's plenty to do in and around Davos; there are plenty of hiking and walking trails (the town is 1,560 meters above sea level, and has 30 ski courses with 450 kilometers of trails). Davos is also centrally located, with trains leaving for Swiss destinations like Arosa, St. Moritz, and points beyond. One of the best things about Davos is that it's flat, so you can walk around for hours without getting tired!

Now, thanks to the Shainfeld Group, you can take a vacation at "the top of the world" in the Shainfeld Club-Hotel.

Pesach in a Hotel?

Shainfeld Tours presents a unique Pesach experience for the dati/chareidi family who wants to go to a hotel for Pesach. The Abrozo Holiday Village will be hosting guests of Shainfeld Tours at its 50,000 square meter facility, with its own private beach. Abrozo has 140 stone villas, each big enough for four or five guests. Each villa contains a living room, two bedrooms, kitchenette, shower and facilities, private terrace, and a 20 square meter garden!

Abrozo features three different swimming pools, with seven kinds of "waves". There's also a waterslide, jacuzzi, and a private beach just for the guests of Shainfeld Tours. The village also has bike trails, parks, and playgrounds. Your kids will have plenty to do all day long.

Meals are under the strict supervision of HaRav Yonah Schwartz, av beis din of Vienna. The hotel dining room will hold two Pesach Sedorim, but guests will have the option to hold their own family seder(s). A noted Chazon will lead the Sedorim and tefillos, and the hotel will feature a program of spiritually uplifting lectures and enjoyable family activities throughout the holiday.

And, if guests wish, Shainfeld Tours will also lead a number of unforgettable day trips to central Italy's most fascinating sites.

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