Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

5 Shevat 5764 - January 28, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Beit Shemesh Elections Challenged
by Betzalel Kahn

Natan Shitreet filed an appeal in the Jerusalem District Court challenging his defeat by Daniel Vaknin (Likud) in the mayoral elections in Beit Shemesh three months ago and calling for new elections.

In the petition filed against Vaknin, the Elections Registrar and the Interior Minister, Shitreet presents a long list of evidence he claims point to bribery and providing benefits to voters, and demanded the results be annulled and the evidence handed over to police investigators.

Shitreet says since only 1,399 votes separated him from Vaknin, if only 700 were transferred to him the election results would have been different. "A large segment of the public in Beit Shemesh was frightened by threats from Vaknin and his close associates, and entire communities were threatened," he claims.

According to a report in the weekly newspaper Yerushalayim, the petition reads in part, "A known and identified activist [working] for Dani Vaknin entered homes in the Ethiopian community and [said], `If you hang Shitreet signs we'll send you back to Ethiopia.'" Shitreet alleges Vaknin did not shirk from using various means to win the elections including bribery, incitement, intimidation, fraud, illegal coalition agreements, threats and hooliganism, personal appointments to man polling places, the use of municipal workers and municipal means, violations of election laws on the day of the elections and several other violations for which the election should be repealed.

The petition also claims Vaknin supporters handed out food slips to the needy, checks to needy families, cash payments and benefits in exchange for support, and deliberately failed to enforce the law in cases of building violations and debt collection.

The petition contains a long, detailed list of alleged election-day violations perpetrated by the mayor himself as well as his campaign supporters and election workers, including ballot committee members.

According to a statement issued in response to the suit by the City of Beit Shemesh, the electorate sent a clear message to Shitreet. "The voter did not even grant him the right to be a member of the City Council. Shitreet continues to sling mud and fabricate information. Mr. Shitreet should feel free to drop by the nearest police station and present all of his complaints based on his well-developed imagination and leave it to Israel Police look into the matter."


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