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HOME & FAMILY Our Children of Truth and Our Truthby Y. Baharav
Part I
"How greatly did Chazal emphasize the virtue of truth and
said, `The seal of Hashem is truth' (Shabbos 31a).
Hashem created everything but the trait of faleshood and the
trait of injustice." Each of the negative character traits is
sometimes necessary, but the trait of falsehood would be
unnecessary, were people not to sin.
Almost Home Recently, I spent some time in another city. Several times during the course of the visit, I did some marketing at a shopping center about two miles from the place where I was staying.
Putting Out the Fire When we found out that the rebbes in my son's cheder were allowed to smoke in front of the students (though not in the classrooms during the lessons), my wife and I decided to try to clean up the air of the cheder. Our sons have asthma, so cigarette smoke is no joke.
Adventures in Carob It was the taste. Why we were so crazy about the taste, I don't know. It wasn't like us to take so much interest in something like that. The carob bar was unusual in that it had absolutely no sugar. It was the milk powder and the natural sweetness of carob.
Keep Smiling
Short inspirational pieces by Rabbi Avrohom Schwartz, Kiryat
Sefer, author of A Handful of Light, Hearts on Fire
and others on Mussar and Hashkofa.
Your Medical Questions Answered! The last thing I want to say is about the most dangerous of rhythm disturbances. Sometimes -- especially in older individuals -- there develops a block between the upper and lower chambers of the heart. This leads to the bottom chamber beating independently.
by Rosally Saltsman
Thank you tree
For the paper to write my stories and ideas on
For the paper to capture my child's smiles on
For the paper to communicate with friends on
For the paper to print stamps for my son's collection on
For the paper -- after I eat chocolate ice cream -- I wipe my
mouth on
For the paper I write all my lists and plans and dreams on
For the paper they print the books that inspire me on
For the paper my son draws the pictures I frame on
For the paper they print the money/checks that I earn and
spend living on
For the paper I use to dry my tears with
For the paper I use to decorate the succa with
Thank you tree,
Far away in the rainforests of the Amazon
Can you hear me, tree?
Tree? Are you still there, tree?
by Ruth Fogelman
The warm sand trickles through my toes,
I cannot see the two acacia arks;
I loved to sit on Great-Grandmother's knee,
"Great-grandfather was cast into a pit
"Great-grandfather was thrown
"Great-grandfather stored in giant warehouses
"And that is how we are here,"
I danced with Great-Grandmother
And now, her tales I tell my children
A Rainbow of Fruit
by KSR
Sour, bitter, sweet and crunchy,
Apples, pears, bananas and grapes,
This fruitful list goes on and on.
Just peel a little, (check) and bite right in.
Once upon a time, someone said,
But Hashem made the world, as we know,
So He made the fruits a rainbow of colors,
The flavors are also full of variety,
B'chein, bechessed, uv'rachamim,
Sour, bitter, sweet and crunchy,
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