Bnei Brak Education System Not Striking
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
The Bnei Brak Education System did not take part in the
national strike that began on Sunday and schools,
kindergartens and nursery schools were in session as
R' Avrohom Tanenbaum, the city's secretary and spokesman,
said the decision to keep the education system in operation
was reached during a meeting between Mayor Rabbi Yissochor
Frankentahl and Rabbi Yonoson Safra, director of the city's
Department of Education, upholding the longstanding policy of
not participating in teachers' strikes. Tanenbaum also said
the City is not involved in the dispute, which is clearly
being waged in all earnestness. On one hand the state's
difficult economic condition requires deep funding cuts, but
on the other hand local authorities are already in a dire
economic situation due to decreased income.
In Bnei Brak teachers' strikes have not been honored over the
years to prevent bitul Torah and to avoid placing a
burden on the city's parents, the majority of whom have large
In the past, while institutions in the chareidi sector did
not strike, the city's non-religious schools did strike based
on the initiative of teachers' associations. But since this
week's strike was organized by the local authorities the City
of Bnei Brak cannot make policy distinctions between the
chareidi sector and the other sectors, therefore all schools
will remain open.