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The Jewish community of Antwerp is one of the oldest, most
rooted kehillos in the history of Am Yisroel, a
kehilloh revived following the Holocaust after Hitler
nearly wiped out the entire community. Through chasdei
Shomayim it became a haven for refugees and visitors and
one of Europe's main centers for the renewal of Torah and
The community is flourishing. With numerous botei
knesses and yeshivas wide open to the entire spectrum of
Judaism, the kehilloh is organized to meet the
spiritual and material needs befitting a large city. In
Antwerp the religious Jew can find all of his needs, from
birth to the grave, from kindergartens to retirement homes,
all unified under the banner of Kehillas Antwerp
Recently, the entire kehilloh came out clad in its
holiday best to install the new moro d'asro, HaRav
Alter Eliyohu Rubinstein, who was selected by an overwhelming
majority of community members in internal elections and
immediately began to fill in the void following the
petiroh of HaRav Chaim Kreiswirth zt"l more
than two years ago.
After the installation ceremony we spoke with Rabbi Pinchos
Kornfeld, the secretary of the Jewish community in Antwerp
and chairman of the Installation Ceremony Committee. He also
edits the local Torah weekly, Shabbos BeShabbato,
which covers Antwerp and its Jewish roots, the status of the
Jews in the city, golus among the goyim and
life within the chareidi community.
Arranging an interview with Rabbi Kornfeld was no easy task
in light of the many, wide-ranging communal affairs he
attends to. His schedule was even tighter around the time of
the installation ceremony but after several brief,
interrupted conversations held at highly irregular hours we
heard a fascinating account of Jewish life in the heart of
Europe. At the beginning of the telephone interview, we asked
for a few words on what the concept "kehilloh" means
in Antwerp.
Rabbi Kornfeld: Certainly the concept kehilloh
here in chutz laAretz is unlike in Eretz Yisroel. If
in Eretz Yisroel there are many kehillos of good,
kosher Jews, some of which have their own beis din,
hechsher, etc., and sometimes their followers and members
are scattered in cities throughout Eretz Yisroel, here in
Antwerp there is just one chareidi kehilloh! The
kehilloh unites all of the ehrlicher Yidden--
chassidishe, Litvishe and others. There are also numerous
secular families living in Belgium that include old and young
in a non-compulsory Jewish framework in the second,
traditional kehilloh.
The vast majority of Antwerp Jews are active members of the
chareidi community and are connected to it in many ways. In
fact, the chareidi community provides every Jew all of his
religious needs, from mikveh to eruv to
marriage and divorce to chevra kadisha and many other
matters Jews confront while living in the Diaspora among
goyim. Later we'll expand on this topic.
If you want to hear a few figures, over 1,300 families are
members of the kehilloh, and over 4,000 children are
enrolled at chareidi schools. There are 33 shuls and
numerous Lithuanian and Chassidic yeshivos gedolos,
including the renowned Yeshivas Eitz Chaim.
What are the roots of the Jewish community in
Rabbi Kornfeld: The Jewish community has been rooted
in Belgium for many generations. The foundations of Jewish
settlement in Belgium were lain in the days of the Portuguese
Jews fleeing the Inquisition, who set up Jewish life in the
area, whether openly or underground. The Jewish community in
its present form has existed for quite a long period, from
the time of Napoleon's rule over France and Belgium.
One hundred years ago, HaRav Noach Tzvi Ulman served as rov,
followed by HaRav Mordechai Rotenberg, a member of Moetzes
Gedolei HaTorah of Europe and the author of Yad
Mordechai, who perished together with the members of the
kehilloh who didn't flee from the Nazis on time. Thus
the longstanding kehilloh was cut down until it
rejuvenated after the Second World War when survivors
returned and rebuilt the infrastructure of community life.
Today the city beautifies all of Europe with its variegated
spiritual life, yeshivas and Chassidic courts, and serves as
a lighthouse for the entire region. The last rov who served
as moro d'asro in our community was HaRav Chaim
Kreiswirth zt"l who was niftar about two-and-a-
half years ago.
Several vestiges of the old communal organizations in Europe
that might not be so familiar in Eretz Yisroel remained here,
reminders of Jewish communities as they were run during the
long years of the Diaspora. For example, over the years there
has always been a single community leader of high standing
who led the kehilloh through thick and thin. Today the
head of the community is Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Lehrer, who
represents the community with dignity and stateliness in all
of its dealings with the government, both inside and out.
What void was created with the petiroh of HaRav Chaim
Kreiswirth, zt"l?
Rabbi Kornfeld: With his noble spirit he elevated the
rabbinate here to new heights and with his gadlus in
Torah he transformed Antwerp into a citadel for matters of
halochoh and customs, tzedokoh and chessed, and
when he went to the Next World it left an enormous void in
the kehilloh.
He became an emblem of tzedokoh and chessed for
the entire world. He was chairman of our communal
institutions, fought for religious needs, stood his ground
and fought with his hard and fast spirit against every
attempt to taint traditional, autonomous Judaism. He was
greatly loved and was involved with people, all of whom saw
him as a great and compassionate father guarding over his
children and he essentially represented the community in the
whole world and before the government authorities with honor
and respect. Even in Eretz Yisroel he gave people the feeling
they had somebody to rely on regarding all sorts of serious
and not-so-serious problems in Europe, such as conversion.
On more than one occasion, people said he was reminiscent of
the true rabbinical figures from the time of the Chasam Sofer
and his great talmidim. Actually, his greatness
created quite a problem for us, for it was a real challenge
to find someone to replace him, someone who could fill the
great void he left behind.
In Chutz la'Aretz the moro d'asro is
everything! He is the baal habayis and everything is
done according to his word. All community life hangs on his
decisions in matters large and small. He is the final
posek on every question, big or small, and every
matter, big or small, is brought to him. In addition to all
this, he lends an ear to give advice and share his wisdom, a
paternal figure guarding over orphans and widows.
Here among the goyim we produce or import almost
everything on our own. We have independent shechitoh
with the moro d'asro's hechsher. There is a calendar
with local times, special botei kevuros for
kehilloh members and many other things that require a
supreme authority elevated above the people to lead with a
sure and steady hand, knowing how to navigate among the
various figures from without and within and how to instill
peace and love among all.
And have you found someone to replace him?
Rabbi Kornfeld: Since his petiroh the names of
many rabbonim have been proposed. It was not easy to search
for a new rov who would be accepted by all. Naturally every
group tries to pull in a certain direction like the stones
that said, "Olai yani'ach tzaddik es rosho," until
besiyata deShmaya we found what we had been hoping
for, someone who besiyata deShmaya will successfully
replace him, and now the big installation ceremony was
HaRav Alter Eliyohu Rubinstein was elected with a very big
majority of kehilloh members. Ninety-three percent
voted for him in internal elections. When the previous rov
was selected 50 years ago there were no organized internal
elections, just a raising of hands in keeping with the spirit
of the times, and he, too, won with an overwhelming
The Rov does not need me to speak for his stature in Torah.
He is widely known for his book, Migdanos Eliyohu and
as an outstanding talmid chochom who is known among
gedolei halochoh and poskei hador. I would also
like to note we are already very pleased with our choice and
from every standpoint he already appears to be assuming the
yoke of local affairs upon himself and is quickly blending in
with communal life. Indeed, from the very first days he
visited the kehilloh's leading institutions, the
talmudei Torah, etc.
But to me what was more important was to see his personal
visits at a retirement home, where he spoke warmly and
sincerely, taking an interest in the solitary old men. He
even made consolation calls to community members sitting
shiva Rachmono litzlan, and, based on the community's
impression it appears he will be a great success in his post
and will serve, with the blessings of gedolei hador,
as a rov who carries the community members on his shoulders,
taking part in their rejoicing and sorrow, his door open to
give his advice to whomever seeks it, a leader of stature who
also serves as a compassionate father and a patron for
orphans and widows.
What is the Belgian rabbinate's status vis-a-vis
government authorities?
Rabbi Kornfeld: In order to understand the rabbinate's
status vis-a-vis the authorities, let me begin with a short
Napoleon, who ruled over France and Belgium, had a special
relationship with the Jews, to the point where he even wanted
to set up a Sanhedrin headed by HaRav Dovid Zitzheim, author
of Yad Dovid. Toward this end, he set up a special
organization and body called the Consistoire, a liaison
between the government and religious bodies.
This organization serves as an umbrella organization for all
of the communities, and all religious needs are arranged
through it. The government does not deal with every Jewish
town and village, and with every city and province; instead
everything is channeled through this official organization,
which is under the Belgian Ministry of Justice and
This body stands between the citizen and the authorities and,
through it, all of his needs are taken care of. It has a
chairman and four deputies from various communities and I,
myself, serve there as a representative of the chareidi
kehilloh in Antwerp. The rabbonim of the
kehilloh were rabbonim recognized by this body and
received a government allotment as community rabbis.
In which religious matters does this organization
Rabbi Kornfeld: You wouldn't believe it, but there are dozens
of things that are unknown in Eretz Yisroel.
Here we live among the goyim and are subject to old,
obsolete laws, some of which appear ridiculous in our
progressive age. For example, did you know that in order to
pick arovos for Hoshanoh Rabboh one needs a government
permit? It would be very unpleasant to get caught picking
arovos without a license, and our organization
arranges the special license for the public.
Another classic example: the law says a person cannot be
buried until 24 hours have passed since his petiroh,
whereas we have a commandment against linas hameis.
Shortly before chagim and yomim tovim there are
deceased people who would be forced to wait several days,
Rachmono litzlan, and therefore someone has to arrange
the special licenses, which is one of the reasons why the
Consistoire exists and why we are in it.
Sounds interesting. Here [in Eretz Yisroel] in golus among
the Jews, sometimes we fail to appreciate what golus among
the goyim is like.
Rabbi Kornfeld: Here's another example almost unknown
in Eretz Yisroel: Here someone who is unemployed and receives
unemployment benefits must report and sign at the government
ministries almost every day. The chareidi Jew must arrange an
exemption from having to sign on Shabbos and Yom Tov.
Or, according to the law every business must select a day of
rest on which it remains closed. Of course the Jews choose
Shabbos and sometimes, in largely chareidi areas, those who
want to open on motzei Shabbos on arvei chagim
etc., must secure a special license to prevent incursions on
their chosen day of rest.
In general, government representation is also necessary for
marriage and divorce, constructing religious facilities such
as shuls and mikvehs, permits for rabbonim to
visit Jewish prisoners, food for Jewish hospital patients.
And another very current example, that just came to mind,
that we handle through our organization: at the airport we
set up botei knesses for Jewish travelers with a local
rov who maintains them, and someone has to handle the upkeep
and frequently obtain various permits. We also secured a
special exemption from high taxes on matzoh imported
for Pesach and recently there has been another major issue
the organization has been heavily involved in-- compensation
payments for Jewish victims of the War and everything that
There are many issues the organization handles innumerable
times. Just this week we filed a legal claim against a Moslem
who opened a butcher shop and wrote the word "Kosher" on the
For every hachnosas sefer Torah one must organize
licenses and even for the big installation event just held,
official permits had to be obtained. Here it's not like in
Eretz Hakodesh where everyone spends Shabbos or chagim
in the middle of reshus harobim with nobody asking any
questions or making any objections. Here everything is legal
and official and thoroughly organized in advance.
Do you encounter antisemitism in Belgium?
Rabbi Kornfeld: On this issue there is an umbrella
organization called Forum to bring together all of the
various organizations in Antwerp and the rest of Belgium and
they address this painful issue and maintain contact with the
government. Here in Belgium, antisemitism is not the
concealed hatred seen in many other parts of the world. There
are many Muslims here and antisemitism takes on political
dimensions. So the attitude to it, and the attitude of all of
the decent citizens who see in them potential international
terrorism, is somewhat different.
There are 40,000 Jews in Belgium. In contrast, there are half
a million Turkish Muslims and all sorts of other refugees
from Arab countries whose increasing power was stanched only
recently by another political group in the last elections
that focused on opposing them and opposing terror and what
they stand for. And more than we battle against them, many
citizens who fear Muslim terror come out against them.
Do events in Eretz Yisroel have an effect on the level of
Muslim antisemitism?
Rabbi Kornfeld: Definitely. We are connected to the
residents of Eretz Yisroel in a very spirited battle, whether
we like it or not. For example, during the operation in Jenin
the situation was very tense here. We had to bolster
protective measures and stay more alert.
There are neighborhoods where a high concentration of
chareidim live in very close proximity to Muslims, and when
there is tension in the Middle East it is immediately felt on
the street. There have already been incidents of serious
violence in the Belz neighborhood, for instance, which is
located in a part of the city with a Muslim majority.
There is a Jewish company called Shmirah that we used for the
installation ceremony and on other occasions, but it focuses
more on guarding and protection and its members do not carry
guns with live ammunition. If the need arises during an
event, they summon the police right away. The police also
conduct their patrols in chareidi neighborhoods, based on
changing needs and in light of the military and security
developments in the Middle East--and we feel the tension
You said there are a lot of secular Jews in Belgium. Is
anyone doing outreach work?
Rabbi Kornfeld: Here everything is different. Like in every
part of the world there are certain groups that try to bring
every Jew closer to religion but here there are no
established organizations like Arachim.
Most of the secular Jews came to the installation of the new
rov and felt a part of the Jewish people and the
kehilloh even though they do not keep Torah and
mitzvos. Here, secular Jews speak Yiddish as well. Here
everything is perceived as it appears from the perspective of
the goyim and in their eyes these Jews are a part of
the covenant.
Unlike Eretz Yisroel nobody here has complaints about
religious coercion. Every individual acts as he pleases,
whether like a Jew or a secular Jew or a goy. There is
no tension between secular and religious Jews. Everyone does
as he pleases, therefore even within the young generation
there is no hatred toward religion and the religious.
Sad to say, 30 years ago there was no mixing between Jews and
goyim and incidents of assimilation were very few,
whereas now among the secular Jews the assimilation rate has
accelerated, Rachmono litzlan. Assimilation is on the
increase and from year to year they leave Judaism through
civil marriages with Belgians, more and more secular Jews
from the other traditional and modern kehilloh.
Is it true that all of chareidi Belgium is really like one
big family?
Rabbi Kornfeld: Now you've hit the mark. Here when
someone holds a simchah, say a kiddush on
Shabbos, unless it rains, hundreds of people will come to
wish him mazel tov! On a normal Shabbos, long
processions file along from one simchah to the next
and thousands of people pack the streets on their way to
these simchas, without exaggeration.
Pain and sorrow in one home, like happiness and joy in
another, quickly turn into everyone's sorrow or everyone's
joy. The Jews are connected to one another through a wide
array of chessed and mitzvah organizations, lending a
hand in times of hardship, and we are used to seeing
everything orchestrated besiyata deShmaya by the local
rov, the moro d'asro, who runs matters with a strong
and loving hand.
Do you export a young generation to Eretz Yisroel?
Rabbi Kornfeld: Of course. Some members of the
kehilloh move to Eretz Yisroel to settle, like every
Jew's dream and prayer, vehavi'einu leTzion Ircho
berinoh, and when they reach the appropriate age many,
many yeshiva students travel to Eretz Hakodesh to
learn in the holy yeshivas. You can see for yourself, in the
Torah world and in the major halls of Torah in Eretz Yisroel,
how hundreds and hundreds of yeshiva students from Belgium
and from all of Europe are scattered in the renowned yeshivas
such as Mir, Ponovezh, Slobodka, Sfas Emes, Belz and
We're nearing the end and we nearly forgot--can you say a
few words about the installation of the new rov?
Rabbi Pinchos Kornfeld: The installation was a very
moving event. Representatives arrived from around the world
and blessings and best wishes were sent by gedolei
hador including Maran HaRav Eliashiv, shlita, and
thousands of people took part.
The event was divided into segments. During the first
segment, the new rov was received by talmidim from all
of the talmudei Torah. Then the rabbinate writ was
read aloud and Kel Molei Rachamim was recited by some
of the world's greatest chazonim in Beis Knesses
Hagodol in remembrance of past rabbonim and leaders of the
kehilloh. And in the last segment, blessings written
by gedolei hador from all over the world were read out
loud while listeners sat at dinner tables in the huge Zichron
Moshe Events Hall on Stenback St. and droshos were
delivered by rabbonim and the new rov also delivered a
One especially moving moment was when the new tallis
was given to the Rov by the kehilloh. The Rov recited
a brochoh on it and then added the
Shehechiyonu. All this took place with a large crowd
on hand at the ancient shul belonging to Kehillas Austin Shul
where the installation ceremony was held on a decorated stage
with a crown suspended overhead.
By Betzalel Kahn and Arnon Yaffeh
A sixteen-year-old yeshiva student was listed in serious
condition after a group of 15 Arab youths attacked him and
three other students from Yeshivas Eitz Chaim in an Antwerp
suburb last Thursday. A spokesman for the Forum of Jewish
Organizations in Belgium told reporters the youth had been
stabbed in the back and one of his lungs had been punctured,
but his life was no longer in danger. On Friday the heads of
Belgium's Jewish organizations held an emergency meeting
following the assault. They demanded the Mayor of Antwerp
apply pressure to counter such acts and he promised that
local police would increase patrols in the city's Jewish
The Belgian Absorption Minister said that the attack was a
response to the rise of "the extreme right in Belgium." Her
suggestion drew angry denials from the Jewish community.
Other government officials privately also tried to interpret
the attack as a political response to the fact that some Jews
voted from the extreme rightist Vlaams Blok party that is
against Moslem immigration. The Parisian newspaper Le
Monde also wrote that the attack was due to Jewish
support of rightist parties.
However eyewitnesses said that the attack was carried out by
a group of ten Arab youths armed with knives and metal
The organization of mosques in Antwerp condemned the attacks,
saying that they had upset the harmonious coexistence that
had prevailed in the city. They said that they reject such
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