Security Escort for Visitors at Mount of Olives
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
As of Friday, 8 Sivan 5764, the Security Department of the
Ministry of Construction and Housing has been operating a new
telephone hotline to reserve a security vehicle to escort
people visiting their loved ones' graves on Har Hazeisim and
to escort funeral processions when needed.
The service is government-provided and is free to anyone who
makes a request. It is available 24 hours a day, Sunday thru
Thursday, except for 9:30 am to 10:30 am. On Fridays and
before holidays, escorts are available until one hour before
candle-lighting time and on motzei Shabbos starting one hour
after Shabbos.
Security personnel will escort visitors from one of the
following meeting places: Givati Parking Lot (near Dung
Gate), Beit Orot, or the parking lot area of the Ministry of
Construction and Housing at the government complex in East
Jerusalem behind the National Police Headquarters
Visitors who would like to reserve a security escort at the
Mount of Olives are welcome to call the reservation hotline
24 hours a day at the Security Department of the Ministry of
Construction and Housing at 02-6271598. Please call several
days in advance.