and Family
Solar Power Zaps
by Dr. Reuven Bruner, Ph.D.
If you don't protect your exposed skin with sunscreen over
the winter then you still have not gotten the message. The
sun doesn't take a winter sabbatical. It zaps your skin with
damaging ultraviolet rays at any temperature. Ultraviolet
radiation damages skin by causing mutations and damaging
collagen. The results -- large, flat freckles, wrinkles, red
splotches, spider veins and pre-cancerous and cancerous
lesions. These don't sound or look nearly as attractive as a
tan. Approximately one million new skin cancers arise every
year here and in America. Almost all could have been
prevented with sun-screen and coverage. Do not subtract from
the healthy benefits of walking and jogging by increasing
your risk for skin cancer. Start now to protect your skin
every day and make it a year-long habit.
So remember: be alive as long as YOU live and do it the
BRUNER METHOD WAY! Tel: (02) 652-7684; Mobile: 052 865- 821;
Fax: (02) 652-7227; Email: dr_bruner@hotmail.com