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We wish all our readers and all Klal Yisroel a chag somei'ach. The next scheduled issue is that of parshas Bereishis.
Since Rosh Hashonoh the security services and the army have
arrested dozens of wanted Palestinians. Over Rosh Hashonoh
they reportedly arrested 20 and in the next two days at least
the same amount again. It is back to school for everyone. Following are reports
about the major chareidi school systems as the year begins,
kein yirbu. One Pesach night, a dozen masked Arabs, called just "youths"
by the media, sped through Lyons in three cars, towards the
shul in the La Douchierre neighborhood. One of the
cars smashed through the gates and the shattering glass woke
the neighbors. The Arabs tried to set the shul alight
and fled. Boruch Hashem only the gate burned. The
police are still searching for the perpetrators.
World Summit A Success As South African Jews Prevent
Problems The World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), which
took place in Johannesburg from 26 August to 4 September,
has been pronounced a success by Jewish lobby groups. Unlike
at last year's World Conference Against Racism in Durban, in
which virulent anti-Israel and frequently anti-Jewish
rhetoric predominated, the Middle East controversy was no
more than a sideline in Johannesburg. No More Worries Over Shiny Apples When Rav Shlomo Shmulevitz, head of the Department for
Mitzvos Ha'aretz at the Jerusalem Rabbinate set out to
eradicate non-kosher fruit waxes (shellac), few believed he
would ever achieve much success in his lofty goal. Now,
following a seven-year campaign backed by the Institute for
Torah-based Agriculture, the battle has finally been won
besiyata deShmaya. The Meoros Revolution
A new perpetuation project -- Ner Tomid -- is taking off. A
new edition of the Shas to be published in tens of
thousands of copies in which names of deceased relatives will
appear on the daf of the day they passed away. There
will only be one daf for each day of the year, first
come first served. Miracles, Hard Work Mark Opening of Shuvu Schools "Often at the very last moment, all the pieces of the puzzle
fit together"
Thanks to the wealth which Hashem has showered upon us in
recent generations, many of us enjoy temporary succahs
that are nicer and more comfortable than the permanent
housing of generations past. This is altogether appropriate.
The charge to leave our permanent dwellings for temporary
accommodations on Succos is not to make us suffer in
primitive conditions, but to learn from the experience. PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE
Z'man Simchoseinu -- the season of joy. A time to laugh --
and a time to refrain from laughing.
Reflections and guidelines IN-DEPTH FEATURES Portraying The Past And Ensuring The Future: HaRav
Yitzchok Isaac Halevi Rabinowitz, zt'l, Author Of Doros
Horishonim From The Vilna Gaon's Beis Hamedrash: Some Lesser Known
Stories About Two Of The Gaon's Most Famous Talmidim
For the Rosh Yeshiva, Bais Yaakov was a Complete
Shulchan Oruch in its Own Right
Hoshana Rabba falls on Friday, 21 Tishrei (Sep. 27).
At Shacharis we add the pesukei dezimrah of Shabbos
except for nishmas, all of the hoshana prayers,
and afterwards we beat the hoshanos on the floor.
In Eretz Yisroel, Shmini Atzeres and Simchas
Torah fall on Shabbos, 22 Tishrei (Sep. 28). In Chutz
Le'aretz, Shmini Atzeres falls on Shabbos, and
Simchas Torah falls on Sunday, 23 Tishrei (Sep. 28-
In Shemoneh Esrei we add Morid HaGeshem from
Mussaf of Simchas Torah.
The achronim write that even after Sukkos we
should not step on the sechach since it is
tashmishei mitzvah like tzitzis and a
lulav (Mishnah Berurah 638:24).
Before Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan we do not say Yom
Kippur Koton because it is then the month of Tishrei.
On the Shabbos that we read about the ma'aseh
Bereishis we start saying Borchi Nafshi
(Tehillim 104) every Shabbos until Shabbos HaGodol.