Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

3 Sivan 5763 - June 3, 2003 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network


Israel Begins Gestures to Palestinians
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Israel began implementing a number of the steps designed to ease conditions for Palestinians and "build confidence," including ending the closure of the territories and allowing more Palestinians to enter Israel with work permits.

Netanyahu: Interest rate will Fall, Shekel will Weaken
by Yated Ne'eman Staff and M Plaut

According to Finance Minister Netanyahu, with the passage of the government's economic plan last week the Bank of Israel sees that there is room to cut interest rates. The lower rates should cause the shekel to fall against the dollar. Netanyahu said the rise of the shekel against the dollar was because the market perceives that the Israeli economy is on the verge of recovery, but it is bad for exports.

Open Letter from Maran HaRav Y.S. Eliashiv, shlita

Since many matters of strengthening religion hinge on these elections, every individual is obligated to vote for and work to promote the United Torah Jewry list and mayoral candidate Rav Uri Lupoliansky.

A Man for All Yerushalmis - R' Uri Lupoliansky

This week will be decisive for Jerusalem's future. There are times when municipal elections have more importance than general elections because they determine the city's overall character, an equitable distribution of resources and the quality of life for its residents, both in terms of gashmiyus and ruchniyus. Although this is true of all places in the country, it is particularly applicable in Jerusalem.

Agudath Israel of America 81st Anniversary Dinner
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Agudath Israel of America's 81st Anniversary Dinner, held Sunday May 25-23 Iyar at the New York Hilton, marked the conclusion of a year-long series of special events in honor of Agudath Israel of America's 80th year and featured the debut of the hard-cover volume and original film, Daring to Dream: Profiles in the Growth of the American Torah Community.

Rav Shmuel Toledano, z"l
by M. Samsonowitz

Rav Shmuel Toledano, of Tangiers and Israel, passed away last week at the age of 94.

Rav Toledano was born in Venezuela to a family descended from Rav Daniel Toledano, a leading Castillian rav who lived in Spain before the expulsion. At a young age, his genius, intense power of concentration and musical talents were pronounced. He was orphaned from his mother when he was very young.

Traffic Accidents Leading Cause of Death Worldwide
by S. Fried

Of the 5 million unnatural deaths in the year 2000, 1.26 million resulted from traffic accidents according to a special report by the World Health Organization.

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