This week will be decisive for Jerusalem's future. There are
times when municipal elections have more importance than
general elections because they determine the city's overall
character, an equitable distribution of resources and the
quality of life for its residents, both in terms of
gashmiyus and ruchniyus. Although this is true
of all places in the country, it is particularly applicable
in Jerusalem.
We have had bitter experience with depending on the kindness
of others. We learned the hard way that all those who turn a
smiling face toward us on the eve of elections can turn their
backs on us as soon as the elections are over.
In the holy city of Jerusalem there is a large concentration
of yirei'im ushleimim whose only wish is to preserve
equality, not wanting to partake of others' or to rely on
their kindnesses. This sector wants only what rightly belongs
to it and should not have to wage battles over the things
every other sector in the State of Israel receives almost
Likewise the chareidi sector ought to receive all of its
needs in education, culture, housing and other areas just as
they are allotted to every other sector in the State of
Israel without having to fight for them, based simply on the
fact that its members are citizens, taxpayers and
Jerusalem residents now have a golden opportunity to select a
mayor who has proven experience assisting the city's entire
population--every man created in G-d's image. His election
could guarantee all of the city's residents, from every
sector, decent treatment, real equality and an equitable
distribution of resources. The chareidi sector, too, would
receive all it deserves without having to beg and plead. So
simple and easy. It merely requires devoting every last
effort to the task of securing for Jerusalem the mayor it
The call by gedolei Yisroel, led by Maran HaRav Y. S.
Eliashiv, shlita, should help spur one and all to go
out and dedicate their full energy. In the words of HaRav
Eliashiv, "Since many matters of strengthening religion hinge
on these elections, every individual is obligated to vote for
and work to promote the United Torah Jewry list and mayoral
candidate Rav Uri Lupoliansky." And as gedolei Yisroel
wrote in their public announcement, "Many fundamental Torah
matters can be achieved and strengthened if there is strong
representation for yir'ei Hashem and the upholders of
His Name."
Chazak, chazak venischazeik!