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Israel will end the current wave of Palestinian terrorism
"within a number of months," Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told
Jewish organizational leaders in Moscow last Monday, a day
after lifting the siege around Palestinian Authority Chairman
Yasser Arafat's Mukata compound in Ramallah under American
pressure. A simulation exercise of possible attacks on the Pi Glilot
fuel depot near Herzliah conducted on Monday revealed that
the emergency forces are not prepared to handle a successful
mass-casualty attack, lo oleinu. Hundreds of gedolei Torah, talmidim past and present
and neighborhood residents gathered on the first day of Chol
Hamoed Succos to welcome a new sefer Torah into
Yeshivas Heichal Hatorah of Har Nof, Yerushalayim.
Mon. 24 Tishrei Motzei Simchas Torah a throng of thousands, which
included gedolei Yisroel, roshei yeshiva, admorim,
dayanim, rabbonim, morei horo'oh, chassidim and laymen
accompanied Kevod Kedushas Ha'Admor MiNadvorna, HaRav Yosef
Leifer zt"l on his last earthly journey. R' Shlomo Yitzchok Shapira Hy"d Thousands of family members, friends and residents of
Jerusalem's Ramot neighborhood participated last Monday night
(chol hamoed) in the heartrending levaya of R'
Shlomo Yitzchok Shapira Hy'd, an avreich from
the Ramot Polin neighborhood, who was killed Monday evening
in Chevron when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire on a
crowd of Jews visiting the city's Avrohom Ovinu neighborhood. HaRav Yisroel Yaakov Aisenstark z'l
Gedolei Torah, roshei yeshivos, rabbonim and hundreds
of bnei Torah participated in the levaya last
Tuesday chol hamoed Succos of HaRav Yisroel Yaakov
Aisenstark, 29, a prominent avreich in Beitar Illit
and chairman of that city's Degel Hatorah branch, who died in
a tragic car accident en route to the levaya of Rav
Shlomo Yitzchok Shapira Hy'd.
The Palestinians and their worldwide friends -- especially
their friends -- try to paint Palestinian murder as a
political struggle motivated by higher motives. Yet if there
is anything that more than 3,000 years of moral thought must
have taught mankind, it is that truly high motives cannot
really drive such despicable activities.
Make Your Daughter's Bas Mitzva a Meaningful One Part I
"Mazel tov!" everyone says when your daughter reaches her
bas mitzva. What makes this simcha so
special? IN-DEPTH FEATURES Portraying The Past And Ensuring The Future: HaRav Yitzchok
Isaac Halevi Rabinowitz, zt'l, Author Of Doros Horishonim
Additional Luach Information
Davening for Rain
In Eretz Yisroel we start to say vesein tal u-motor
levrocho on the night of 7 Cheshvan, that falls this year
on Motzei Shabbos, parshas Noach, Oct. 12. In chutz
le'aretz we do not request rain until Tuesday night, the
night between Dec. 4 and Dec. 5. There are years when this
comes out as late as the eighth night of Chanukah (once in a
hundred years).
1. If one who lives permanently in Eretz Yisroel began to say
in Eretz Yisroel vesein tal u-motor on 7 Cheshvan and
afterwards traveled to chutz le'aretz, if he intends
to return to live permanently in Eretz Yisroel he continues
to say vesein tal u-motor. However, if he has decided
to live permanently in chutz le'aretz he must stop
saying vesein tal u-motor, and only start when
everyone starts in chutz le'aretz.
2. If one who lives permanently in Eretz Yisroel traveled to
chutz le'aretz before 7 Cheshvan, even if he intends
to return to Eretz Yisroel before December 4 (in a year that
does not precede a leap year of 29 days in February),
since he is in chutz le'aretz he does not say
vesein tal u- motor in the brocho of
shomei'a tefilah.
3. If one who lives permanently in chutz le'aretz
visits Eretz Yisroel after 7 Cheshvan, even if he intends to
return before December 4 (see note 2), since he is in Eretz
Yisroel he must say vesein tal u- motor in its regular
place--the brocho of borech aleinu.
(Mishnah Berurah and Birur Halocho Kamma Vetanina,
The Summer Clock ends in Eretz Yisroel on the night between Oct. 6-7, 2002, and is scheduled to resume on the night between Feb. 27-28, 2003.
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