and Family
Call to Patronize Dead Sea International Beach
by Betzalel Kahn
The Vaad HaRabbonim LeMa'an Shemiras HaShabbos has
asked those needing the services of the Dead Sea
mineral baths to patronize the new International Beach
This beach, which offers sulfur pools, sauna rooms and
kosher lemehadrin food, was purchased several years ago by a
chareidi businessman who invested millions of dollars fixing it up.
The entire area is closed on
Shabbos. Last year it was approved by the Mishmeres
Hakodesh Vehachinuch headed by HaRav Nissim Karelitz
and HaRav Shmuel Wosner. It has also received the
approval of the BaDaTz of the Eida HaChareidis.
The chareidi owners and managers of the International
Beach have guaranteed to uphold appropriate standards
of tsnius and kashrus so that the Torah
community can enjoy its facilities without