On Friday 2 Nisan, the aron of HaRav Eliezer Kahanov
zt"l was brought to Eretz Yisroel. He was the rosh
yeshiva of Torah Vodaas in New York, and one of America's
most prominent halachic authorities. He was buried in
HaRav Kahanov arrived in the United States when he was seven,
and studied in Torah Vodaas under his father HaRav Uri Meir,
one of the roshei yeshiva of Torah Vodaas and the rov of
Williamsburg, as well as under HaRav Shlomo Heiman, the
niftar's rav muvhak.
When he was young, his roshei yeshiva appointed him to the
position of ram in the yeshiva. He remained in Torah
Vodaas for sixty years, and during recent years delivered
shiurim to members of the kollel studying horo'oh
and guided them in practical halocho.
He was an unusual shakdan and remained in Torah's tents
his entire life, personifying the zoken veyoshev
beyeshiva. He had a phenomenal memory and possessed
extensive Torah knowledge, which was at his fingertips. He
delivered shiurim on a broad range of subjects with
amazing clarity, while quoting many sources in a flowing
HaRav Kahanov was very close to the gedolei haTorah in
the United States, among them HaRav Aharon Kotler and HaRav
Moshe Feinstein. At their request, he waged Torah Jewry's
battles against the Reform and other heretical movements.
Immediately after these efforts, he would return to his Torah
studies, fulfilling the verse, "Mi yilchom milchamto,
veyoshuv leshe'orim."
He was very prolific and left behind many Torah works, among
them Mishmeres Kohanim on Kiddushin, Toras Hashevi'is
uPri Ho'oretz, and a collection of shutim called
Zichron Betzalel which appeared in three volumes and is
highly esteemed by the Torah world.
He visited Eretz Yisroel many times, where he imbibed the
teachings of the Griz of Brisk, the gaavad of Tchebin,
HaRav Tzvi Pesach Frank and the Griz Minzeberg. Many of the
halachic discussions he conducted with them are included in
his seforim.
Maran HaRav Elozor Menachem Man Shach zt'l was very
fond of him.
He is survived by his son, HaRav Eliyahu Kahanov, rosh kollel
Imrei Kohen of Flatbush, and daughters who are married to
HaRav Yechezkel Tarblov, HaRav Eliezer Pesach Milstein, HaRav
Yisroel Yehuda Rottenberg and HaRav Shimon Braverman.