Letter of Agudas Israel of America to the President about the
UN Conference
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
The following letter was sent by the American Agudath
Israel in appreciation of the strong stand taken by the U.S.
against the terrible attempts at Durban, South Africa, to
single out Israel for criticism and to ignore many other acts
of racism around the world.
September 4, 2001
The President
The White House
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President:
On behalf of Agudath Israel of America, a national Orthodox
Jewish organization, I write to express both our admiration
and our appreciation for the strong stance you have taken in
regard to United States participation at the U.N.'s World
Conference Against Racism, currently taking place in
The decision to withdraw our country's delegation was a bold
and courageous step, and deserves the congratulations and
praise of our entire nation. It is tragic -- and sadly ironic -
- that a forum intended to discuss the eradication of racism
could itself become so infused with hatred and bigotry.
The proposed language of the final conference declaration, as
well as the atmosphere and rhetoric of the entire proceedings,
revealed the venomous anti-Israel and antisemitic designs of
those who saw the event simply as a vehicle to castigate the
Jewish State and the Jewish people.
The United States, and the entire world, can only be deeply
disheartened by the fact that what could have been an
opportunity to address some of the international community's
most pressing problems was deliberately turned into nothing
more than a sham, a deception which essentially doomed the
proceedings to irrelevance.
Mr. President, some have argued that an American presence at
the conference would have conveyed some symbolic message as to
the evils of racism.
But the truth is that your decision to bring the United States
delegation home sent an even louder, an even clearer, message
to the nations of the world.
When it became obvious that the conference had been hijacked
by hate, it surrendered its role and its mission -- and any
promise of fruitful dialogue and resolution. American
leadership was indeed needed -- to show that our nation would
have no part in this charade of "combating racism" while
legitimizing animus and slander against a single nation and
We again thank you for that leadership and, through your
actions in Durban, for upholding this nation's most cherished
Sincerely yours,
Rabbi Shmuel Bloom Executive Vice President
Abba Cohen Director and Counsel, Washington Office
cc: The Honorable Colin Powell