Part II
10) Do you lose your lists? Try writing things down on the
calendar, which should be hung on a wall, near the phone. If
it gets too full, you can delete the already accomplished
errands with either white-out or small white stickers. I have
an additional piece of paper taped to the bottom of my
calendar, where I write down things that need to be done but
don't really have a deadline. Then when the kids are playing
nicely or when they go to the park together and I suddenly
find myself with a free half hour, I look at the list,
(usually telling myself, "Oh, yeah! I forgot that!")
and get to work.
11) A good way to always have water to add to your
nagelvasser cup by your bed (in case it gets knocked
over or used up in the middle of the night) is to keep a
closed bottle of water in the corner of the room. I use an
old Coke bottle which fits right into one of my boots, which
I have behind my door.
12) Try putting a large rubber band around the outer edge of
your garbage bag once it's in the garbage can. The rubber
band helps keep the bag from slipping into the can, and can
stay on the can for the next use.
13) To get small change for carfare/ kids' school needs or
whatever, try that tzedoka collector who comes to the
door. He might just appreciate a bill instead of all that
heavy change he's collected -- even more than your own small
money donation. When I hand a lady a twenty shekel note and
ask for whatever small change she has, you should see the
smile she gives me.
14) Did one of the kids lose your place in that great new
book you were reading? A really good place marker is a rubber
band. It doesn't fall out, so you never lose your place. It's
also great for reading in the park or copying a recipe.
15) When delivering bar mitzva invitations to my neighbors, I
noticed that some of the mailboxes were broken. For those who
weren't home, I decided not to slip the invitation under the
door for fear of tiny fingers never allowing it to reach the
parents. So I TAPED the invitations with scotch tape to the
outside of the door, up high.
16) Have you ever been awakened from a delicious Shabbos nap
by someone knocking on the front door? Well, with a small
nail near the top of the outside of my front door, I hang a
sleeping sign (I used bristol- made before Shabbos) or I put
a cord through the sign which can be slung over the door
altogether. Works well during the week, too! But don't forget
to remove it or turn it over when you wake up. Have a nice
[Keep a pair of spare eyeglasses very handy -- so you can
look for the regular ones when they've been misplaced.
I am sitting by my computer and I'm cold. I filled a hot
water bottle halfway and put it on my knees. What a
difference! Also good as a bed warmer, also for kids.
A clothes-pin on the `spout' of your milk bag will prevent
fridge spills.]