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Introduction: Majestic Encounters
Over the years, HaRav Shach zt'l, held numerous
private meetings with ylct'a HaRav Eliashiv. One
series of meetings was held around the time of Degel
Hatorah's founding. Some of them were held in HaRav Shach's
home, some in HaRav Eliashiv's home and some in the Yad Sarah
offices in Yerushalayim, at which Rabbi Uri Lapoliansky was
present and acted as host. Drawing on notes he made at the
time, Rabbi Lapoliansky told Rabbi N.Z. Grossman of Yated
about some of the topics that were discussed during those
thirteen meetings.
"The atmosphere in the room evoked an ancient glory, as the
two exchanged `siach sarphei kodesh' " (kedushoh of
Musaf). "I stood to the side, watching in awe as the
Rosh Yeshiva conversed with HaRav Eliashiv, as the two of
them discussed communal affairs together." This is how Rabbi
Uri Lapoliansky, who today serves as deputy mayor of
Yerushalayim for Degel Hatorah, recalls the series of
thirteen meetings at which he was present.
The first meetings were held in HaRav Eliashiv's home but,
when walking became difficult for HaRav Shach, he had to be
carried in a chair up the narrow flight of steep stairs in
order to reach the gaon's home. He was displeased at
the idea of others carrying him. It was decided that we would
look for somewhere accessible yet private, with no stairs,
where the gedolei hador, ztvk'l and ylct'a,
could meet quietly and hold discussions. Rabbi Lapoliansky
suggested designating one of the rooms in the Yad Sarah
offices in Rechov Haneviim in Yerushalayim, for which he
received warm blessings from HaRav Shach, who expressed his
thanks to the host following every meeting.
A Life of Public Service
Rabbi Lapoliansky recalls the advice he was given by HaRav
Shach when he first began serving as a representative for
Degel Hatorah on the Jerusalem Municipal Council.
"First," the Rosh Yeshiva said, "the main task of a communal
representative is to devote himself wholly to others, to
helping Yidden; to work for the communal benefit,
while not forgetting the needs of individuals. Klal
Yisroel's needs are great; you are not just discovering
this now. You have been working in this field for years" [a
reference to Rabbi Lapoliansky's work in founding and
developing Yad Sarah].
Here, HaRav Shach added that he recalled from his youth, that
there had been no mechalelei Shabbos whatsoever in his
hometown. There was one individual who began to stray from
the path but [even] he did not dare desecrate Shabbos. This
was something unique in those times, when [everywhere else]
large numbers were abandoning Torah altogether.
"Do you know why it was?" [he asked,] "[It was] because we
had a rov who devoted a considerable portion of his time to
sharing the burden of his community's troubles. He had
assistants and activists who were involved in people's
welfare on a daily basis, caring for needy families and for
each and every individual who required assistance. Despite
the fact that haskoloh was leaving desolation in its
wake everywhere, it did not gain entry into our town. The
conclusion one has to draw is that where there is bein
odom lechavero, there is also bein odom laMokom
.(Where caring relationships exist among people, there
are also relationships between the people and Hashem.)
"The general community can see that Torah is a system of
benefiting others and doing kindness and thus, even the
simplest among them acknowledge the Torah's light. Of course,
I'm not referring to simple social services, such as the
gentile nations and the irreligious authorities provide but
to welfare that is guided by rabbonim, goodness that is
extended in accordance with the Torah's dictates. When people
help each other with pure intentions, it leads to a
diminishing in chilul Shabbos as well."
Another piece of advice which HaRav Shach gave Rabbi
Lapoliansky as he embarked on the new stage in his career of
public service, had been voiced by him to other communal
activists and representatives as well. "You should be aware,"
he said, "that hitherto, none of your achievements as a
private individual disturbed anyone. However, as a political
figure and a representative of Degel Hatorah, you will find
yourself beset by numerous opponents. [You must ] be prepared
for this.
"There is one solution, which I heard from an elderly Russian
general whom I once met. The secret of success in battle and
war is wholly dependent on the degree to which one maintains
focus on one's objective. One must fix one's sight on an
objective and actively and persistently pursue it. You won't
always progress at the same rate and there will be times when
you don't progress at all. Sometimes [instead of moving
forward] one has to move to the right or to the left.
Sometimes, one even has to take a few backward steps -- but
one's sights must always remain fixed on one's objective,
never giving up. You must know that any retreat or delay is
only temporary. That way, one is assured of attaining the
Conduct of a Ben Torah
Rabbi Lapoliansky was present at all the meetings and
sometimes, HaRav Eliashiv would discuss with him those parts
of their conversations that he was able to divulge. Rabbi
Lapoliansky made notes of the topics that were discussed,
which he has kept. He asks us to note that not everything in
his records can be related publicly and even the parts which
can, are not a meticulous record of every word uttered, like
protocols. They represent his immediate impressions of what
was said and this should be borne in mind when reading the
paragraphs which follow.
Our conversation began with advice concerning the role of a
Degel Hatorah representative, which led Rabbi Lapoliansky to
recall that one of the topics discussed at one of the
meetings was a certain political maneuver which could have
been carried out. The move under consideration was cunning
and ingenious, and would have reaped important results and,
in all likelihood, would not have been detected by anyone.
HaRav Eliashiv said, "Degel Hatorah represents bnei
Torah, who do not grab and who will not do anything that
is even slightly tainted, even if all the money in the world
is at stake."
HaRav Shach agreed with him and said, "We follow the Torah's
path, even if it seems that we will lose by doing so because
in fact, whoever follows the Torah's path doesn't lose. We
don't snatch things by force!"
Later, HaRav Eliashiv compared the situation to an explicit
halochoh: while it is in order for ordinary people to
buy on credit, it is considered a chilul Hashem if a
talmid chochom puts food into his mouth before paying
for it. Any improper or not respectable practice, even if
acceptable in politics, is unbecoming for the representatives
of the Torah world!
A Joint Protest
One of the meetings took place while the Rabin-Meretz
coalition, which the gedolim felt posed a particular
spiritual threat, was setting up a government. HaRav Shach
led the campaign against that government and protested
against those chareidi politicians who assisted it and
cooperated with it.
He suggested issuing an open letter of protest. However,
HaRav Eliashiv said that he felt that a protest would not
help since the parties concerned were not interested in
listening. HaRav Shach responded that there was still an
obligation to protest. It was not possible to simply remain
silent; gedolei Yisroel have an obligation to express
their views publicly.
At the end of the meeting , HaRav Shach suggested that the
two of them think the matter over and meet again in another
few days.
At the next meeting, HaRav Eliashiv said that he still
thought that the parties concerned would not listen anyway
but he would join HaRav Shach in whatever the Rosh Yeshiva
decided to do. HaRav Shach said that since at that stage, the
matter involved the entire chareidi community, the Gerrer
Rebbe, the Pnei Menachem zt'l, ought to be consulted.
Rabbi Yechezkel Eschayek, HaRav Shach's personal assistant,
and Rabbi Lapoliansky began trying to locate the Rebbe
but HaRav Shach said that he wanted to go to the
Rebbe because whenever he needed someone, it was his
practice to go to them, rather than calling them to him.
In order to discourage curious onlookers from clustering
around HaRav Shach's familiar car as it made its way through
the center of Yerushalayim to the Rebbe's home, it was
suggested that HaRav Shach travel in Rabbi Lapoliansky's car.
As they were about to leave, word arrived that the
Rebbe had heard that he was wanted and had already set
out for Yad Sarah. The car was sent to collect him and met
him striding vigorously from his home.
Rabbi Lapoliansky recalls that immediately upon arriving,
before he had entered the meeting room, the Rebbe
addressed his son ylct'a and said, "Put your
gartel on right away! We are about to meet gedolei
After this meeting, it was indeed decided to issue a
Worthy of Close Study
Rabbi Lapoliansky remembers that in the meetings that were
held during that period, the fundamental approach to the
question of which side of the political spectrum it was
preferable to support, was discussed. He shared his
impressions of the conversation and its implications.
HaRav Shach said that there is no doubt that the Left want to
uproot Torah and Yiddishkeit. Even those among them
who disclaim such ambitions are far from having any idea of
what Judaism is about. They are interested in neither the
Jewish people, nor in Eretz Yisroel. However, the
nationalistic approach, which is liable to lead them to take
a hard line politically and to antagonize the nations, is
also cause for concern. The fact that there is constant
American pressure on Israel, though, will force them to
behave realistically.
HaRav Eliashiv added that sadly, one aspect of the collapse
of the Left is their unmitigated joy over losing parts of
Eretz Yisroel. Though the Right also understand that we must
consent to return territories in order to safeguard lives,
they behave like bargainers and do not declare their
intention of doing so right at the outset of the
Various lines of reasoning were put forward on both sides of
the question, with each godol analyzing the issue from
his own viewpoint. Agreement was reached regarding the issue
that was then current.
Rabbi Lapoliansky recalls the wondrous scene, when HaRav
Shach's letter was finally brought to HaRav Eliashiv for him
to sign. The latter examined the text thoroughly, reading
each line and each word, over and over again, analyzing and
clarifying it, as though it was a sugya of
gemora. It was apparent that he viewed HaRav Shach's
letter as something worthy of study.
He also recalls that when he would come to the beis
hamedrash Ohel Soroh to tell HaRav Eliashiv that HaRav
Shach was on his way to Yerushalayim, the former would always
say that he must first go home to change his ordinary,
everyday coat for a more distinguished one.
As the Day Wanes
Rabbi Lapoliansky is pained as he remembers the last
meetings, when HaRav Shach would complain that he was growing
weaker by the day. Even before this, he would always ask
HaRav Eliashiv to bless him that he should be able to devote
himself to learning and teaching and that all the communal
affairs for which he was responsible would not affect his
Torah. HaRav Eliashiv would give it as his opinion, that
everything that the Rosh Yeshiva did was Torah!
Latterly however, HaRav Shach would groan, "I can't see well.
I can hardly hear and walk. I don't feel that I'm bringing
any benefit to the world. What am I living for? [Just] to eat
and drink? I can hardly daven or learn!" Here he
addressed HaRav Eliashiv and said that in this situation, he
had two requests to make of him.
"First, I have a personal question in halochoh. I am
supported by the yeshiva, though I don't have the strength to
deliver shiurim or to guide talmidim. How am I
allowed to benefit from the yeshiva's funds? I have been
wrestling with this question for a long time. I have spoken
to several people and they have offered me a room where I can
live for a monthly rent!"
HaRav Shach began going into details of what he had found out
about the cost and how he had made an exact calculation that
he could afford it from his pension! "I checked everything
and I asked to pay like anybody else," he said.
HaRav Eliashiv replied straightaway that he should not
consider it. His very presence in the yeshiva contributed to
the yeshiva, both to the bochurim and to the staff and
even to the yeshiva's upkeep, due to the fact that he stood
at the yeshiva's head. He therefore had full rights to
benefit from the yeshiva's funds and property.
HaRav Shach then said in a choked voice, "I will soon be
standing in front of the Heavenly Court and they will ask me,
`Did you conduct your business affairs in good faith?' I
don't want to there to be the slightest possibility of my
having misused anyone else's property, or the yeshiva's
funds. I am perfectly able to rent a room."
HaRav Eliashiv repeated that he should not leave the yeshiva,
which badly needed him and to which he contributed simply by
being there.
HaRav Shach again asked, approximately the following
question: "I want to know if Reb Yosef Sholom is giving me a
halachic ruling, or if he is just saying what appears to him.
Is this a ruling?"
HaRav Eliashiv replied, "It's a ruling!"
"My impression was," says Rabbi Lapoliansky, "that he said it
in a forceful tone, in order to put the Rosh Yeshiva's mind
at ease." He then goes on to describe his impressions of the
conversation, based on the notes which he made at the
Take the Burden
This ended discussion of HaRav Shach's personal question and
he continued, saying that the state of his health no longer
allowed him to carry the burden of communal affairs and of
dealing with the public. He wanted to ask HaRav Eliashiv to
assume responsibility. The latter asked if he was referring
to a specific issue that had arisen, which the rosh yeshiva
wanted him to consider and give an opinion about. HaRav Shach
said that he was making a general request, that HaRav
Eliashiv should become involved in communal affairs.
HaRav Eliashiv said, "But boruch Hashem, we have the
Rosh Yeshiva."
And then HaRav Shach started to cry, "But I can't see and I'm
weak. I feel that I can no longer of benefit. I'm asking Reb
Yosef Sholom to take the burden."
There was silence in the room. Then, HaRav Shach addressed
HaRav Eliashiv again and said, "At least let Reb Yosef Sholom
bless me!"
HaRav Eliashiv responded, that the entire Torah world blessed
him with good health and a long life, "to rule his
HaRav Shach said, "But add a blessing that I should be of
And HaRav Eliashiv acceded: "The Rosh Yeshiva is certainly a
benefit and will still be in the future, be'ezras
It was apparent that HaRav Shach was not happy that HaRav
Eliashiv had not given him a direct answer to his request and
at the end of the meeting, he mentioned that he would speak
about it again the next time.
At their next meeting, HaRav Shach repeated his request and
HaRav Eliashiv said that whenever necessary, if a question
was brought to him, he would answer. HaRav Shach pressed his
hand warmly and said, once again in tears, "I give no
benefit; bless me so that I should be of benefit."
Not a Man of Words
Another interesting incident which Rabbi Lapoliansky recalls,
took place just before the rally in Yad Eliyahu in Adar 5750,
while the country waited expectantly to hear HaRav Shach's
views about the government's disbanding and formation. Rabbi
Lapoliansky was called to HaRav Shach, who asked him to
arrange for HaRav Eliashiv to speak at the rally as well. "I
am not a man of words" was HaRav Eliashiv's response.
When Rabbi Lapoliansky delivered this reply, HaRav Shach said
in amazement, "Reb Yosef Sholom has been delivering shiur
every day for forty-five years, and he can't give an
Rabbi Lapoliansky tried to explain that a keynote address at
a mass rally was not the same thing as a daily blatt
shiur but HaRav Shach interrupted him and said, "He can!
He can! He can!"
Should he return to HaRav Eliashiv and tell him that HaRav
Shach stood his ground and maintained his request, asked
Rabbi Lapoliansky? The Rosh Yeshiva thought for a few minutes
and said, "No. I've thought about it and I understand
Rabbi Lapoliansky returned to HaRav Eliashiv, who listened to
his report of the conversation with a smile on his face.
Here is the story's conclusion, as related by Rabbi
Lapoliansky, "I heard that afterwards, when he arrived at the
rally, HaRav Eliashiv had a page with several points written
down, in case HaRav Shach might ask him to speak while the
rally was in progress."
(From Hi Sichosi, HaRav Shach's Last Sichos, by Rabbi
Meir Hershkovitz)
It was apparent many times that none of the suffering which
HaRav Shach underwent throughout his life affected his
spirit. He would divert his attention from his troubles and
continue toiling in Torah. In his last years however, when
physical weakness and waning eyesight affected his learning,
he became discouraged.
Once (during the winter of 5754 [1993-4]), when talking of
all the privations that he suffered during his youth with
regard to food and drink, sleep, washing, clothes and
footwear he said to us, "I had nothing but I was happy. While
I was in Vilna (in 5740 [1940]), my daughter died. From then
on, whenever he met me, HaRav Chaim Ozer ztvk'l, would
say to me, `Rebbi Shach (that was what Reb Chaim Ozer called
me), "Lulei soroscho sha'ashu'oi, . . . '" [if not for
Your Torah that was my diversion, I would have perished in my
affliction (Tehillim 119:92).]
When his sight failed him and he could hardly read, he pinned
his hopes on undergoing an operation that would restore his
ability to read. When the doctor informed him that it would
be impossible to perform the operation, he despaired. On
several occasions he remarked, "Without the gemora,
why do I need to be alive?"
From 5752, when his weakness increased, he began to speak
less. He would express himself in the words of the posuk
(Koheles 5:1), "For Hashem is in the Heavens and you are
in the world, therefore your words should be few." As the
years passed, he spoke less and less.
On the night of yom revi'i, parshas Vayeishev 5757, he
said to me, "I can't learn and I can't daven,"
(obviously, he was measuring by his own high standards). He
suddenly burst into tears for a moment and said, "Hot
rachmonus, bet rachamim oif mir, Ba'al Rachamim, Have
mercy, beg for mercy for me!"
On the subject of suffering , I heard him tell someone who
was suffering (in 5758), "Don't part with the suffering that
you have already endured, even in exchange for enormous sums.
Pray though, that you shouldn't have any further
by A. Turk
In 5752, HaRav Shemaryohu Greineman zt'l, passed away
after a long illness, during the last few years of which he
had been in a vegetative state R'l. When HaRav Shach
went to comfort the Greineman family, he was asked, what was
the purpose in the kind of life that their father had led in
his last years? HaRav Shach replied that it is known that
Heaven's glory emanates from every animal or bird. To an even
greater extent, this is true of a human being, whose very
existence declares Heaven's glory, even in the midst of the
most terrible illness. Sometimes, Heaven can be more
glorified [in that way] than by a healthy person.
Moshe Rabbeinu too, wanted to enter Eretz Yisroel as a bird,
or as an animal, even if people would have trodden on him
like a doorstep. For the presence of [any kind of] life
bespeaks Heaven's glory, so long as he would have been a
means of promoting Heaven's glory.
On seeing the profundity of Divine judgment, how a talmid
chochom appears when subject to judgment, Heaven is
glorified. In the very worst situation, there is even more
glory to Heaven and it is worthwhile for the deceased. He can
now see what the gain was, now that he is in the World of
Truth. It is a merit to be in such a state. Only great men
are occasionally given this merit, to be the means of
producing this sort of Heaven's glory.
In the Ovinu Malkeinu prayer, we ask, "Write us in the
book of merits." This is hard to understand. How can one pray
for such a thing? If one did mitzvos and good deeds, one has
merits and if not, how can one ask HaKodosh Boruch Hu
to write what is not true?
The explanation is, that a person can be going quickly on his
way to daven, which of course is not an aveiroh
but a mitzvoh. However, another person also on his way to
daven, might be asked by a child to help him cross the
road, then a poor man may ask him for tzedokoh, then
he might encounter some other good deed and only daven
after all this. The first one did no aveiroh but the
second one did many mitzvos. We pray that Hashem should put
many mitzvos in our way, so that we should be able to do more
mitzvos, even without having intended to.
Similarly, we pray that we should be a means of revealing
Heaven's glory, even without doing anything. Heaven's glory
should be revealed in our very lives and the merit will be
HaRav Shach was told that the Steipler zt'l, had been
asked what the purpose was in such a life and had answered,
"If we were to ask Reb Shmerl whether he wants to learn or to
do mitzvos, he would certainly say yes. Therefore, he is like
a person who intended to do a mitzvoh but was prevented, who
is considered as though he had done it -- and receives
reward." HaRav Shach greatly enjoyed this answer.
In the following letter dated 5732 (1971), Rabbenu Hagodol
zt'l apologizes for not replying to letters on Torah
topics due to his overloaded schedule:
To my dear friend and beloved, who has a great future HaRav
HaGaon ------ Sheyichye
Sholom and much blessing to you and the entire family:
I have not received a letter from you for some time and
rightfully so since you have not received a reply from me.
Believe me, my dear friend, that I would very much like to
answer you because it is a pleasure for me to receive a
letter with your chiddushim, but what can I do? Not
only has my health not been so good lately, but I am also
very, very busy -- aside from the yeshiva -- [in a matter]
where I am greatly needed and which I cannot refuse. And if I
have any free time, it is the only chance I have to study
topics not covered in the yeshiva, and I also write down a
very few chiddushim that occur to me, and all of this
takes time, so you will certainly forgive me for my failure
to reply to several of the letters you sent.
How is the family? How is the child sheyichye
I remain with great blessings and wishes of much success in
whatever is necessary.
From I who love, value and respect you,
Elozor Menachem Man Shach
(This letter was generously provided by his grandson, Rav
Osher Bergman. All rights reserved.)
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