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The Jews of Libya were never a large community, numbering
no more than 38,000 at its largest, which was just before
almost 90 percent left for Eretz Yisroel preceding Libya's
independence in January, 1952. Yet it is an ancient community
and there is evidence of Jewish settlement there dating to
the time of the Second Beis Hamikdash.
This series of articles documents many of the special
customs of the community. It also tells the story of its last
half-century in Libya and the early years in Eretz Yisroel,
when it was smothered by the Zionist movement.
Readers who can add to the information here are invited to
send their comments and additions. Email:
yatedmp@netvision.net.il; Fax: 972 2 538 7855; Telephone: 972
2 532 2514.
In Eretz Yisroel
The Zionists did revive the Hebrew language and they did open
a Jewish school, but they did not influence our
Yiddishkeit at all. They could not break through our
strong, fortified spiritual fences.
Our dress remained tzniusdik and long, as always. Our
tefillos were tefillos. Everyone kept mitzvos.
Even the Ivrit writings were all on holy topics,
without any secular views. Before we left to Eretz
Yisroel, we warned each other of the spiritual danger of
the powerful Zionists. To our great sorrow, we did not
succeed in overcoming them once we got there.
It was only when we reached Israel that we realized the
tremendous ruchniyus evil that the Zionists did to
For example, thousands of olim were placed in the
transit camp in Beit Lid. There was no chareidi school there
at all. A man from the Jewish Agency asked the Libyan Jews
which school they would like to enroll their children in,
mamlachti (State secular) or mamad (State
religious). When he said mamad, which stands for
mamlachti dati the state-religious school, he made a
gesture at his forehead insinuating that the letters stood
for mechusor da'as, mentally ill. And so, thousands of
families enrolled in the secular mamlachti schools.
One of the Aguda activists later asked me sadly, "Tell me,
where are your roots? Why are all of you going to
mamlachti schools? What an embarrassment."
I was living in Shikun Hei. I immediate traveled to Beit Lid
and stood in line as if I wanted to enroll my son. Only then
did I see the deceit perpetrated on my innocent brothers, how
a twist of a finger caused them to abandon their religion. I
publicly protested until the official was fired. Even then, I
didn't leave. I stood and made sure that my brothers would
not enroll in secular schools.
Painfully, a terrible breach was created when we came to
Eretz Yisroel. We couldn't do much because we did not
know all of the Jewish Agency's tactics. Don't forget that
new immigrants in a strange land lack confidence and are
inclined to accept whatever the people in charge tell them.
We were also blinded by the euphoria of coming to Eretz
Yisroel and the desire to fit in. Many Libyan Jews
blindly obeyed the men of the Jewish Agency and did not
realize the great spiritual danger involved. Without
realizing it, they were drawn away from Yiddishkeit
little by little. Many Libyan Jews are tinokos
shenishbu. We lost many precious children.
The Jadu Exile
Our longing for Eretz Yisroel deepened as many trials
and tribulations plagued us. Until today, when I remember the
Jadu Exile my skin crawls, and I thank Hashem that I came out
Spring, 1942, in the middle of the Second World War. The
British retreated, and Italian and German troops reentered
Libya. Because we had enthusiastically welcomed the British
when they conquered Libya previously, my family and many
other Jewish families were deported to Jadu, 260 kilometers
away from Tripoli. Every two weeks, the oppressors posted a
list of families who should prepare for departure in the
shuls. We were taken in freight trucks on a five- day
journey. At night we slept under the stars. Altogether, 2600
families were taken away.
We were brought to the Jadu camp on motzei Pesach. The
camp contained long bunkers which had been used for the army,
and was surrounded by a barbed wire fence. Italian and Arab
soldiers guarded the camp and anyone who came near the fence
was shot. We received 120 grams of bread daily. The rest of
the necessities were distributed on Sundays for the whole
week -- five grams of rice per day, three grams of oil, three
grams tomato sauce, five grams sugar, and five grams of
I was eighteen years old at the time. We were forced to work
for twelve hours straight, without a break, hoeing and
transporting dirt. It is self understood that with the meager
food we received and the backbreaking work, we could expect a
slow, torturous death (like the work camps in Europe).
We organized a delegation of Jews to go to the commander and
request larger rations. The rosho laughed at us and
said, "We didn't bring you here to support you. We just
didn't want to waste bullets on you. Now get back to
It was only after much persuasion and crying that the cruel
commander allowed neighboring Arabs to sell us vegetables,
dates and barley.
We obviously did not have any money with us, so how did we
buy the food? The sale was in exchange for labor. After an
exhausting day's work, we did work for the Arab villagers
like sewing clothes. The camp management gave us two
kilograms of wood per person to cook with per week. They gave
us large trunks of olive wood, the wood rations for a few
families, and we were forced to chop the wood up by ourselves
-- more backbreaking work.
Every once in a while, high military officials came to
inspect the camp. The camp commanders warned us that we must
tell them that we are happy. In general, the Italians were
not cruel antisemites. In general, they were pleasant and
sensitive to people. Of course, there were always exceptions.
The two Italians who were appointed over us, a major and
marshal, were sworn antisemites, the likes of which I had
never met.
Once, before a colonel's visit from the army, we received our
usual warning. It was Tisha B'Av and we were commanded to
take a shower and change our clothes in honor of the
important visitor. The visitor went from block to block and
was genuinely concerned about our welfare. We all answered
falsely. One broken woman, Mrs. Liza Sofer, Mr. Chaim Sofer's
wife, poured out her heart and told him about the tortures
and blows we suffered. The official listened attentively and
his face mirrored our pain. He commanded that the two
commanders be replaced.
We thought conditions would improve, but we were bitterly
disappointed. Halocho hi she'Eisov sonei leYaakov. The
replacement continued to torture us without pity.
On Rosh Hashonoh, when he saw us davening, he
commanded that we transport a large pile of stones out of the
camp for no reason. In the fourteen months we were in the
camp, 562 Jews died. Most of them lost their lives to hunger
and exhaustion. Poor living conditions bred lice carrying the
fatal typhus disease, which also killed many.
We mourned bitterly. An Arab merchant told us that there was
an old Jewish cemetery nearby, so we were able to give them a
Jewish burial.
The Jews who remained in Tripoli had pity on us. With
tremendous mesiras nefesh, they somehow managed to
smuggle in sacks of barley, dates, fruits and vegetables, and
salted fish. Before Pesach they sent us matzoh and
wine. This extra food kept us alive.
A Real Miracle
About twenty days before the British victory, we experienced
a black day. I was standing on the hill of the hospital in
the camp, and I saw many Jewish camp inmates gathered near
the flagpole. I asked the commander what was happening, and
he nonchalantly told me that we were in for a black day. He
had been commanded to shoot all of us.
I asked him about the 480 sick people in the hospital and he
said that all the sick people would be put in the cellar and
burned. I started to tremble. Shooting, burning! We had to
say vidui!
I left the hill and saw a policeman pulling Rabbi Yosef Gezin
zt'l, who was the av beis din, by his clothes.
The policeman had pulled Rabbi Yosef, who was wrapped in his
tallis, out of the block and was dragging him to the
center of the camp, yelling, "This is the time of killing,
not the time of praying!"
Masses of Jews stood there crying. The policemen stood on the
roof tops with satanic looks on their faces. They were
prepared to shoot all of us, men, women and children. We said
vidui and Shema and expected death any
It is difficult for me to discuss these moments; I would
rather not remember them. One thing I can tell you, that we
clearly felt Chazal's dictum, "Even if a sharp sword is on a
person's neck, don't despair of mercy."
From eight until eleven, we stood under the sky, hungry,
thirsty and waiting for death. The reshoim were just
waiting for a go ahead phone call from the military
At 11:00 sharp, the phone rang. The commander commanded that
all the soldiers and watch guards leave the camp immediately.
It was a nes!
The camp officials were very disappointed with the turn of
events. They commanded us to sweep the camp. Rav Gezin was
commanded to sweep the floor with his beard. Believe me, we
swept those floors and rubbed our eyes to make sure we were
really alive. Tears of joy wet the ground, and we said the
brochoh of she'oso lonu nes be'oso mokom with
great kavonoh.
We stayed in the camp until the British victory, a total
fourteen months. Two days after the British victory, the
British army brought ambulances and transported the sick to
hospitals in the city. They gave us food and candies and
brought us back to Tripoli.
The Jews of Libya suffered another terrible blow the same
year of 1942, when three innocent Jews were executed. Hoping
to curry favor with the Muslim Arabs, the fascist government
decided to falsely accuse three Jews of robbing Italy during
the British rule. Three precious Jews -- Yona Berbi, his
brother Shalom Berbi, and the bochur Avrohom Bedosa
Hy'd -- were known as outstanding, serious
bochurim who were obviously completely innocent. In a
quick show trial, they were condemned and hung on the
gallows. All the Jews of Libya cried bitterly for these
precious souls.
We were confused and pained over the loss of trust in the
Italian government, a trust that had been built up over
thirty years. We sensed the outright discrimination and felt
despised and trampled on. A feeling of helplessness overcame
us. We didn't know what was in store.
"With the British conquest of Libya in 1943, and the Nazi and
Italian fascist defeat, we felt relieved," Reb Shaul related.
"We thought that we could finally live in peace, without
threats and decrees, but we were mistaken. It soon became
clear that "it is a well-known fact that Eisov sonei
Arab Neighbors
For years, we had lived in peace with our Arab neighbors.
They even watched over us and guarded us during difficult
times. When the Italian army retreated and the British army
had not yet entered, we fled with all our possessions to our
Arab neighbors. They gave us a room and guarded us during the
transition period between one army and the other, when wild
people were taking advantage of the anarchy. We stayed with
the Arabs until a new government was established. This long-
standing friendship continued during British rule as well.
The situation changed when news arrived of Jewish-Arab
conflict in Israel a few years later. The reports incited the
Libyan Arabs. Of course, the reports were exaggerated. There
were experienced inciters who spread baseless stories of
Jewish cruelty to Arabs in Israel. Agitation spread among
Libyan Arabs.
The hatred that was dormant in their hearts flared up into
full expression. In spring of 5705, November 5, 1945, this
hatred burst like a volcano, and terrible bloody pogroms
began in Tripoli.
Inciters used to travel by train to all the cities in Libya
in order to incite the Arabs to hate the Jews. They did not
have any difficulty attracting a bloodthirsty crowd. The
inciters pulled out expensive necklaces and gold jewelry and
told them that these treasures were stolen from rich Jews.
The desire for money inflamed many Arabs.
The inciters then asked, "Why are you waiting? Why don't you
start plundering the Jews?" They called out enthusiastically,
"Everyone to Jihad!" And thousands of Arabs called
back in a hate-filled voice, "A war on the infidels!"
When the Jewish merchants, including my father, heard what
was happening, they got very scared. They immediately left
their businesses and gathered in a local shul to plan
a course of action. They decided to gather all the Jews of
the neighborhood into a few large houses with strong doors,
our house included. A delegation of communal leaders also
went to the government to apprise them of the upcoming
danger. The commander of the city and the police promised to
protect us, but the promises were in vain.
As soon as dark fell, masses of wild Arabs armed with sticks
and stones burst onto our streets, yelling, "A Jihad
on the infidels."
At that moment, I was in shul giving a shiur
and did not know what was happening outside. The
kehilla secretary suddenly burst into shul and
told me to let the talmidim go, lock the shul
and go home. His face was white and he could barely talk. The
only thing he said to me was, "Hashem yishmor
I ran home as fast as I could. My father locked the door
behind me and we all stood frightened and tense. A few
minutes later, a stream of large stones were thrown at the
house. We all started to cry and scream hysterically, "Help!
Save us!"
As the oldest son of the family, I tried to control myself
and calm the others down. I told them that there was probably
some kind of demonstration against the government outside,
not against the Jews specifically. In reality, I was also
terribly frightened.
I opened the window a bit and peeked out. What did I see?
Heavens! The entire street was full of Arab hooligans holding
sticks and stones, and heavy metal bars.
The Arabs approached the house and tried to break the door.
Our screams and cries grew louder and there was terrible
confusion. We felt like a sheep chased by seventy wolves. We
knew that if we would fall into the rabble's hands, they
would chop us to pieces. We had nothing to protect ourselves
with. The house was full of families with their wives,
children and elderly. We davened and begged for a
Our bloodcurdling screams reached the police, it seems. To
our surprise, we suddenly heard the voice of the Arab police
officer yelling at the rabble and chasing them off the
street. We opened the door and asked for police protection.
The Arab official calmed us down. He showed us his drawn
weapon and promised to protect us; we didn't need to be
The policeman stood at our door for a few minutes, but then
fierce cries were heard from another Jewish house and the
policeman ran there. The rabble seized the moment and fell on
our door. The door broke easily.
I recognized many of the rioters; they were our friends in
the past. I begged them to remember our friendship and not
harm us, but they did not pay attention to me at all. They
just asked for the jewelry my father sold.
My father gave them a box of jewelry, and in a minute, they
emptied the box. The rioters who got booty left, but the rest
demanded, "More!" I told them that all the jewelry was taken
and received a blow on my head. My father, who ran to help
me, was stabbed in the back with a butcher knife.
I recognized the Arab who stabbed my father and called him by
name. He got confused and quickly fled with the rest of them.
They were afraid the police would punish them.
My father was in critical condition. He desperately needed
medical care, but we couldn't leave the house. Father lay
wallowing in his blood until 12:00 when an English official
finally came and took him to the hospital. We remained in the
house, worrying until the morning light.
From our house, the rioters burst into the local Jewish
tavern and guzzled all the whiskey there (which is forbidden
by Muslim religion). In their drunkenness, they became even
more rowdy and marched to the shul.
Our precious shul was hit the hardest. The Arabs
desecrated the sifrei Torah, tore the seforim,
smashed the chairs and benches, broke the windows, plundered
the decorations on the sifrei Torah and then burned
our precious kisvei kodesh.
The inflamed rabble then went to Jewish stores and emptied
them completely. They ran to the "Jewelers' Market," "Spice
Market," "Fine Knits Market," and "Carpenters' Market." They
dragged away whatever they could carry, and destroyed or
burned everything else. Nothing remained intact. The Arabs
even plundered the empty Jewish homes. They stole whatever
they could and ruined the rest.
In the morning, when the storm calmed down and streets were
quiet and empty, we went out depressed and scared. We went to
the destroyed shul. Two policemen stood at the
entrance and did not allow us to go in, afraid the building
might collapse.
We went in anyway, and burst into heart-rending cries when we
saw the desecrated shul. We bent to the ground and
gathered the yerios of the sifrei Torah that
were lying in disgrace, and the scorched kisvei kodesh
that were scattered among the pieces of broken tables and
Afterwards, we all gathered in front of the police station
and demanded protection for our lives; we saw what was
already done to our possessions.
The British commander came out and said coldly that he could
not help us, because he had not received instructions from
the police headquarters in Tripoli on how to deal with the
rioters! Angry at his irresponsible answer, we asked the
commander if the police was required to wait for instructions
from Tripoli when lives were at stake. He did not answer. He
just nodded his head with a wicked smile hovering on his
lips. He turned his back and instructed some policemen to
disperse us with force.
The British apathy encouraged the Arabs who were standing
around us and heard the conversation. We had been left
unprotected to the cruel Arabs' whims and could only hope for
salvation from our Father in Shomayim.
That evening, we gathered in the large houses and said
Tehillim. The government did declare a curfew, which
calmed us a bit, but we were flabbergasted when the curfew
was only enforced for us. The policemen chased any Jew off
the street while large groups of Arab rioters walked freely.
In front of the policemen's eyes, the Arabs taunted any Jew
passing by. They passed their hands over their throats and
said, "We'll slaughter you tonight!"
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