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The following is a translation of the editorial of the Hebrew edition of Yated Ne'eman on Tuesday. The abject murder which occurred Monday night in Hebron lowers the cruelty-level of Palestinian terror to an additional depth of corruption and savage depravity. Another Meah Shearim Miracle Residents of Meah Shearim were saved last Wednesday from a huge explosion from a bomb planted in a parked car that was dismantled before it could explode. This is the fourth such incident in the last two months. Interest Rate Cut By 0.3 Percent
The Bank of Israel reduced its key lending rate for April by 0.3 percent to 7.2 percent yesterday. Some analysts had expected only a 0.2 percent reduction as in recent months. Most Individual Palestinians Got Poorer Since '93
Research shows that the average PA resident enjoyed greater prosperity prior to the establishment of the PA, when they were under Israeli administration. The leadership and those close to them live well, but the average Palestinian is much worse off. NYC Mayoral Candidates Present Themselves at Agudath Israel
Forum The four major candidates for New York City Democratic Party's nomination for mayor presented themselves and their visions to a gathering of an estimated 150 Orthodox Jewish activists last week in lower Manhattan. Oval Office Snubs Reform, Conservative Movements President Bush held his first White House meeting with leaders of Jewish communal organizations a few weeks ago, but the heads of the Reform and Conservative movements were left off the guest list.
Ice And Fire: A Different Sort of Holocaust Story It wasn't the most exciting or terrifying tale of the war years I had ever heard, or the saddest or the most shocking. But somehow it was the most moving one. The Federation of Synagogues and Netzach Israel Form A New
Alliance Set up a year ago to attract Sephardi Jews from the Hendon and Golders Green area, Beth Midrash Netzach Israel has now formally joined the umbrella of the Federation of Synagogues as a constituent synagogue. Sano to Market New Pesach Consumer Products in
Israel At a special news conference held for the chareidi sector, the Sano conglomerate presented its wide range of kosher for Pesach products. This year it is marketing a line of innovative products. There is a 30 percent rise in the sale of cleaning products every erev Pesach. The "Sano Clear " line of products, including dishwashing sponges and wipes pre-moistened with detergent, was presented. All material on this site is copyrighted and its use is
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