"How fortunate are you students of Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim
who are extending the zman. You protect this city as
well as all residents of Eretz Hakodesh and all of Klal
Yisroel in the merit of your Torah study. You cannot
fathom the extent of your chesed on behalf of Klal
Yisroel. The world is maintained in the merit of your
These words of chizuk were delivered by HaRav Michel
Yehuda Lefkowitz at the opening shiur of Yeshivas
Bein Hazmanim Zichron Yehoshua, being held in Kollel Chazon
Ish in Bnei Brak.
In his remarks, HaRav Lefkowitz cited the Yerushalmi
at the end of Brochos: "If you see a generation that
has become lax in divrei Torah, rise up and
strengthen yourself greatly, and you will earn reward
corresponding to that of all of them." He explained: "There
is a great difference between one who studies within the
framework of yeshiva sedorim and one who studies
outside the yeshiva's sedorim during bein
hazmanim, the period in which the external obligation no
longer exists. A person who studies during this period --
one of laxity in divrei Torah -- receives the reward
of all. You, the bnei yeshiva who are poring over
your Torah, merit to safeguard all Creation, because the
entire world is maintained on the merit of the Torah.
Fortunate are you who study, and fortunate are those who
uphold the yeshiva, for on your merit Creation is
The gemora in Bovo Basra interprets the verse,
"I am a wall and my bosoms like towers" to mean that the
Torah creates a fortress around the Jewish Nation, and its
utterance is like a tower protecting the city against
robbers. Every avreich and ben yeshiva who
learns Torah prevents calamities in Klal Yisroel, and
this group protects the city, the residents of Eretz
Hakodesh and Klal Yisroel."
HaRav Lefkowitz concluded his address by stressing the
obligation to strengthen oneself on issues of emunah
before Pesach, the festival of emunah, as well as the
obligation to sanctify Shem Shomayim in everything we
do. The entire purpose of Creation is to sanctify Shem
Shomayim, as is written: "Everything that was created in
My Name, for my honor I have created it and even made
In his remarks, HaRav Lefkowitz praised philanthropist HaRav
Tachan, who supports the Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim, where
hundreds of yeshiva students fervently study and continue
the spirit of the zman.
The Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim Zichron Yehoshua operates
throughout bein hazmanim between five and eight in
the evening in Bnei Brak. Every evening, shiurim are
delivered by noted roshei yeshiva. The closing shiur,
to take place on Thursday, 27 Nisan, will be delivered by
HaRav Boruch Weissbecker, the rosh yeshiva of Beis
Mattisyahu in Bnei Brak.