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HOME & FAMILY My Mother's Handsby Anni Rephun Fruchter There was a time when my mother's hands were soft and white with carefully trimmed and buffed nails. On her left hand gleamed her plain wedding band. It was her only jewelry, even though my father was a successful businessman in Kalsruhe, Germany.
Not On Bread Alone The children slept. She curled up on the one comfortable arm- chair that they owned and waited for her husband to come home.
The Most, the Biggest and the Best If a bench could talk, then the red one in the park would probably have lifetime tenure at some prestigious seminary. The amount of conversations that this bench has been quietely absorbing over the years surely makes it highly knowledgeable. Situated strategically under a shady tree, it's non-resistable to anyone visiting the park. Moms with their children, babysitters with their charges, seminary students with their finals all make a beeline for this one.
UREI BETUV YERUSHALAYIM Resettling after golus in America takes time, patience and heavenly assistance to find one's place in life's steady flow again.
Lifted Up My Eyes in the Kitchen Look through Varda's eyes and join her in thanking Hashem "for making life a constant kitchen..." Bas Melech was created last year in the wake of the sudden deaths of two young women in Kiryat Mattersdorf, MALKA Devora Ellis o'h and Esther MALKA Agassi o'h. Its purpose was to upgrade the quality of tzniyus in the hope that it would cause a ripple effect throughout the country and perhaps have an impact beyond.
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