& Comment
Behind the Miracles
To the Editor:
Having also been a witness to the 1996 Dizengoff Center bomb
("An Unrecognized Miracle from Erev Purim 5756, 7 Adar), as
well as the October 1994 Dizengoff bus bomb and the 1997
Purim Apropos Cafe bomb, the horror of the concussion and of
seeing with one's own eyes suddenly ruined bodies, vehicles
and buildings is a frightful experience.
Rav Avrohom Ochanah of Haifa has stated: "The terrorists are
teaching us that if Jews do not believe in Hashem and His
Torah, and desecrate kedushas Eretz Yisroel with
abominations, then goyim will arise who will be prepared to
sacrifice themselves to the death for the land according to
their faith."
As the Torah foretold: "I will see what will be their latter
end . . . they will be a generation that will reverse itself
(dor tapuchos) . . . children of faithlessness . . .
they will arouse Me to anger with atheism and vanities . . .
I will arouse them to anger with a no-people . . . I will
provoke them with a vile nation" (Devorim 32).
In Bilom's last words about the Acharis Hayomim, he wailed,
"Oy, mi yichye misumo El?" -- Woe, who will survive when
G-d does this? (Bamidbar 24), which the Zohar
interpolates as, "Oy, mi yichye miYishmoel? --
Woe, who will survive the Yishmoelim?
"Four things Hashem regretted having created . . . .the
Yishmoelim . . . " (Sukkah 52).
This "Peace/Piece Process" is doomed to failure. As Soroh
Imeinu warned: "Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the
son of this bondwoman shall not be an heir (to Eretz
Yisroel) with my son, even with Yitzchok" (Bereishis
R. Y. Chayoun's Otzros Acharis Hayomim brings sources
from the sifrei keitz that speak of the Kisei
Dovid, the supporter of Moshiach ben Dovid -- the
Moshiach ben Yosef -- as arising as the defender of the Am
Yisroel at the End of Days against the vexatious Yishmoelim
and against the Erev Rav who will rule over Yisroel before
the geulah. May it appear swiftly!
Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Willy Goldberg
Tel Aviv
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