On the sixteenth of Av, throngs of Torah faithful Jews of
Bnei Brak and Jerusalem -- amongst them many dayanim, roshei
yeshivos and roshei kollelim -- followed HaRav Shaul Rubin
zt'l to his final resting place in the Har Hazeisim
cemetery in Jerusalem.
Author of Tzionei HaDerech on Shas and
tefillah, HaRav Rubin taught Torah and mussar
both in Israel and abroad, particularly in France, where
he was rov and spiritual mentor in a large number of
yeshivos. His passing, after a year-long illness, leaves a
vacuum, in Israel where he was a rosh kollel and an
inspiring speaker, and also in France, where his hundreds of
disciples and talmidim fell into mourning when the sad
news arrived.
He was born in Jerusalem in 5697 (1937) to HaRav Shmuel
Aharon Rubin zt'l, grandson of the av beis din
of Kartshin, HaRav Shmuel Aharon Rubin zt'l, one of
the leading gedolim of Galicia. He benefited from
expert chinuch, and shined out brightly in terms of
refined character, Torah scholarship, and constant
watchfulness for the details of halacha. His exceptional
gifts were apparent at a young age, and in the finest
yeshivos in Israel he cultivated them further.
He was a perceptive and caring soul, who radiated warmth and
spoke with love and concern to young and old. He learned
Torah tenaciously and deeply, and it stood by him all his
In Slobodka Yeshiva in Bnei Brak, his dedicated Torah
learning was an example for all. He learned with a passion
in order to understand clearly, and succeeded in developing
an orderly warehouse of Torah knowledge that sufficed the
needs of hundreds of talmidim over his many years of
After marrying the Rebbetzin Shifra, may she live and be
well, he joined the Volozhin Kollel in Bnei Brak, and
afterwards learned in Kollel Chazon Ish and also the
Rodomsky Kollel there. Later he was appointed rosh kollel
of the Torah Center in Afula, where he taught
avreichim until he was called to be rosh kollel
of Tal Torah in the Tel Ganim neighborhood of Ramat Gan.
After that he was named rosh kollel of the Tal Torah
kollel in Bnei Brak.
One of his greatest accomplishments is his work amongst the
Jews of France. Rav and spiritual mentor in many yeshivos
throughout France, he was an overflowing source of guidance
and inspiration for hundreds of bochurim and
avreichim, who learned from him a wealth of knowledge
about how to serve Hashem. By means of his refined,
exemplary character he touched them and lifted them higher.
He also spoke their language, opening their hearts and
challenging their minds, and all who had contact with him
sought to cling to him.
Many works of halacha and mussar were translated into
French by a foundation that he set up and sponsored. These
important publications caused a great positive revolution in
France, helping to bring back many to their precious Jewish
His Tzionei HaDerech on Shas and tefillah
are graced with glowing approbations from the Rov of
Tchebin zt'l, the Steipler Rov zt'l Maran HaRav
Menachem M. Shach shlita. His seforim are found
on the tables of gedolei Torah, who have praised them
for their masterful and pleasing explanations. Encouraged by
the Tchebiner Rov, he also worked tirelessly to publish the
works of his illustrious grandfather, the Gaon of Kartshin.
Over the years, with help from many branches of the Gaon's
family, he eventually published all of these priceless
His life was one of deep, uninterrupted Torah study and
service of Hashem, tireless toil in a quiet, unobtrusive
manner. He clung to the trait of humility, which was his
watchpost in every endeavor. Every morning before daylight
he would arise to learn Torah, and then daven vosikin
in Lederman shul in Bnei Brak. He prayed in the same
place for the past forty years. His tefillah was like
a servant beseeching his master, with a broken heart, with
great care for every word, as if each one were a valuable
coin. He also was known for strict abstinence from physical
pleasures, scrupulous care for every detail of halacha, and
kabbalos that added to his kedusha.
Two years ago he became very ill and underwent a successful
operation that allowed him to return to his Torah duties and
a normal life in every respect. A few months ago, however,
the terrible illness returned and he became weaker and
weaker. His sublime soul shined out even more brightly in
these final months, as he prepared to leave this world for
the World of Truth. All his life his efforts in prayer were
an inspiration for all who saw him, but in these months he
went far beyond the powers that remained in him. There were
even more hours of deep personal introspection, taking
careful accounting of where he might be able to improve upon
his fear of Heaven and fulfillment of mitzvos.
Minutes before he left this world he asked for a glass of
water. With intense concentration and love for Hashem, he
slowly and sweetly said the brochoh beforehand,
pronouncing every word with complete and consuming devotion.
He died as the yahrtzeit of his father passed.
At the Lederman shul he was eulogized by his son-in-
law, R. Zelig Zelaznik, and also by his son, R. Yissochor
Dov Rubin, author of the likut, Talelei Oros. Later a
eulogy was delivered by his brother-in-law, R. Yonah
Braverman followed by one from another son, R. Avraham
Yeshaya. All spoke of his greatness in Torah, his tireless
work to spread and promote Torah, his righteousness, his
disregard for worldly pleasures and his care for the details
of halacha.
While the funeral was in progress in the Holy Land, his
disciples in France gathered together to stir themselves to
tshuva with eulogies about their departed mentor.
He is survived by the Rebbetzin Shifra, principal of the
Beis Yaakov Seminary in Ramat Aharon, as well as sons,
daughters and many grandchildren -- all planted in Hashem's
House, continuing on in the niftar's ways.