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Part II
The first part of this article discussed the various
ploys that the secular establishment has used in order to
deflect guilt from itself for not doing anything during the
Years of Rage to save as many Jews as they could. The
Zionist establishment in Eretz Yisroel was preoccupied with
getting a state and felt that the problems of the Diaspora
were not their problems. Their alienation from the Jews who
were not involved with the State is reflected in their
criticism of the victims of the Nazis as having gone like
"sheep to the slaughter." Later they complained that the
rabbonim could have encouraged more of their followers to go
to Eretz Yisroel where they would have been saved. Rabbi
Spiegel presented detailed responses to these points.
Now there is a new criticism of the chareidi rescue
efforts, which Rabbi Spiegel discusses and replies to
The Aim: To Minimize the Guilt of the
But all of these criticisms are nothing compared to the
behavior of Dr. Efraim Zuroff, director of the Israeli
branch of the Weisenthal Center, who is involved in hunting
Nazis and bringing them to justice. For example, Zuroff is
quoted in a headline for an interview on the 15th of Elul
5760: "Chareidim Acted Selfishly in the Holocaust." These
words, which come from a man who presents himself, not only
as a "Nazi hunter," but also as a "historian" make the
stomach turn. It is worthwhile to say a few words about Dr.
According to the article, "Dr. Zuroff, aged 52, a Nazi
hunter with a knitted kipah, was born in the United
States." From this description I assume that he could not
stand to see the Zionists coming out so tarnished from the
subject of rescue failures in the Holocaust, so he felt it
his duty to protect them.
But the way he chose was by spreading a despicable slander
about the chareidim, that whatever they did, they did only
for themselves. They saved only those whom they were
interested in saving. This then lessens the burden of guilt
of the Zionist behavior during the Holocaust, because if the
chareidim were allowed to act "selfishly," and to worry
about themselves, then the secular could too!
In fact Dr. Efraim Zuroff in the interview blatantly
contradicts Dr. Efraim Zuroff in the book. We cite the story
from Rabbi Yosef Friedensen's article in Dos Yiddishe
Vort (Iyar-Sivan 5760 edition):
"Efraim Zuroff wrote a historical book on the chareidi Vaad
Hahatzala. We just have a few complaints about this book.
While we argue with him on some details, we acknowledge that
he did good work, and whoever reads the book can, and
should, be impressed with what he published. He describes
how a small group of American Torah leaders and rabbis,
whose influence over the broad American community was quite
weak, managed to accomplish so much at a time when almost
all other Jewish organizations, who had at their disposal
much more power and money, did not do anything, or very
little. Here and there in the book, one is also impressed by
Zuroff's amazement when he wrote about their work and
The Aim of the Original Vaad Hahatzala
That very Efraim Zuroff, who published a book that was
basically positive about Vaad Hahatzala, in several
newspaper interviews comes out accusing Vaad Hahatzala and
those rabbonim who had done so much, charging: "For the
majority of the war, they acted selfishly, only for chareidi
Jews! In the whole period, those who received priority in
their resources were the rabbis and yeshiva students!"
We did not emphasize the full name at the beginning of the
article for nothing: Vaad Hahatzala Be'ad Hayeshivos
Vehorabonim Negu'ei Hamilchomoh (the Rescue Committee
for Yeshivas and Rabbonim Affected by the War). Vaad
Hahatzala was founded as a result of Maran HaRav Chaim Ozer
Grodzensky's appeal to American rabbis to help the yeshivas
and rabbonim. It is only natural that such a committee would
be dedicated first and foremost to saving those who were its
declared reason for coming into existence.
The interesting thing is that in his interviews with the
media, Dr. Zuroff turns this fact into an accusation, while
in his book, as Friedensen pointed out in his article, he
states this matter-of-factly, without any criticism. "It is
understandable," continues Friedensen, "that when we are
talking about danger to specific people, all organizations
(Jewish and lehavdil non-Jewish) worked especially to
save their own leaders. So did the Zionists, Bundists, and
likewise American rabbis, out of recognition that their
first obligation is to act for the sake of rabbis in danger.
Could there be any criticism of this?"
But that is not all. In his book (in contrast to his
interviews), Zuroff describes in full detail the Vaad
Hahatzala's efforts in raising funds to support the yeshivas
in Shanghai, and its support for groups of yeshiva students
who were exiled deep into Soviet Russia. He describes later
on, envoys for Rav Weissmandel's vaad in Pressburg,
who aimed to help prevent Jews from being sent to different
camps or to help Jews escape and cross the Hungarian border,
when the situation there still seemed better and safer.
The book concludes with a chapter that focuses on the last
year of the war, after Vaad Hahatzala broadened its rescue
activity and when that committee stood at the helm of rescue
work of those Jews who still remained in German camps. On
this point, friction had already arisen between the Vaad
Hahatzala and other Jewish groups, with whom Zuroff
sympathizes more. But even so, a reader of Zuroff's book
could still be impressed, because the Vaad Hahatzala had
achievements -- like freeing the "Kastener train" with 1600
Jews on it and freeing 1200 Jews from Tereisenstat -- the
likes of which no other Jewish organization managed.
The Cause: Hatred of Chareidim and Lomdei
How is it possible for someone who sympathetically describes
Vaad Hahatzala's activities in the book he wrote, to say in
an interview, "Instead of utilizing all the money collected
by the Vaad Hahatzala for assisting the escape of Jews to
safety, the Vaad Hahatzala transferred a portion of the
money it had collected to finance refugees for a long time
after they had been rescued."
There is no basis for the criticism that he makes of the
Vaad Hahatzala, that it acted "selfishly," only for the sake
of chareidim or bnei yeshivos, because as we said,
this was its stated purpose, as its full name implies. It is
also simply logical from the context of its formation, when
thousands of bnei Torah streamed into Vilna, and
Maran HaRav Chaim Ozer Grodzensky's greatest fatherly
concern was to form a body that would work on rescuing them
and bringing them to safety. It does not make sense to
connect this with the broader need to save the masses of
Jews from danger, since such an undertaking was almost
impossible and also unfocused. That group of bnei
Torah was focused in terms of its location and
concentration, in Vilna and its environs, and they were
realistically possible to rescue.
But Zuroff says in an interview with David Lavi, "When Jews
were murdered in Auschwitz and Treblinka, Vaad Hahatzala
sent some of its funds to bnei yeshivos who had
journeyed to Shanghai and Asiatic Russia, so that they could
continue learning Torah uninterrupted. The Agency and the
Joint were already taking care of the refugee's basic needs,
so there was no danger that they would die of starvation. So
why did Vaad Hahatzala have to send them money so they would
not need to work and could learn Torah?"
Zuroff continues with his criticism: "The Vaad Hahatzala
could have said, `Chevra, close your gemoras
and go to work as long as war and danger is hovering over
the heads of millions of Jews, because we need every dollar
in order to continue rescuing people.' Instead, the Vaad
took money from American Jews in order to save Jewish lives,
but sent some of it to finance Jews learning Torah in China
who no longer needed to be saved, when their whole rationale
was that one had to also worry about learning Torah."
To Increase Sales
The amazing achievements of this Vaad Hatzala, that was
unfortunately the only one that worked efficiently and did
so much, as everyone acknowledges, including him in his
book. Yet, Zuroff dares taint their image, as his disdain
for bnei Torah is evident and his real purpose is
absolutely selfish: He wants to use chareidi bashing in the
form of the Vaad Hahatzala to increase sales of his book.
What is the basis of Zuroff's anger about the help that Vaad
Hahatzala extended to the bnei yeshivos in Shanghai
or in remote places in Russia? Here is what he said in an
interview: "During the first 10 months of '44, the Vaad
Hahatzala sent $420,000 to occupied Europe to fund the
rescue of Jews, and at the same time it sent $110,000 to
refugees in Shanghai and $155,000 to refugees in White
Russia. These are refugees who had managed to flee from
Eastern Europe to Lithuania in '39-'40, from Lithuania to
Japan in '40-'41, and in '41 they were deported by the
Japanese to China."
Here he not only admits that besides the money that was sent
to support the bnei yeshivos, $420,000 (almost twice
as much in total) was also sent for the rescue of Jews in
occupied Europe, but also another important detail: "In
those days the chareidim already found excellent channels to
transfer money to occupied Europe. It was indeed impossible
at that time to take Jews out of Auschwitz, but it was
definitely possible to prevent--if more money would arrive--
the arrival of additional Jews to the concentration camps
and annihilation. A quarter of a million dollars is not a
lot today, but in those days this was a huge amount of
money. This money could save many Jews! My complaint is
simple. If they had sent all the collected money for rescue
efforts to Rav Weissmandel and not to the yeshiva students
in China, it would have been possible to save hundreds of
more Jews with this money. Weissmandel could save one Jew
for around 50 dollars, and he called for every penny."
Suddenly, he takes Rav Weissmandel zt'l under his
wing. In all of Rav Weissmandel's letters and in all of his
terrible accusations of disregard for him and for his pleas
for help, never once did he complain about the American Vaad
Hahatzala, which was the only body that did send him money,
although it certainly never met the needs for his work, but
it was done according to the Vaad Hahatzala's limited
Zuroff ignores the fact that all the other Jewish
organizations were flush with money (they had tens of
millions of dollars), but they maintained their adamant
refusal to send Rav Weissmandel the vital financial means
that could have saved many Jews.
Slander for Increasing Sales
Zuroff's feelings about bnei Torah are evident as he
tries to connect it all to the current situation in the
State of Israel and the rift between the chilonim and
the chareidim. He tells the interviewer, "A continuous
ideological thread connects the rescue policies of the
chareidim in the Holocaust and their approach today to
governmental institutions in general and the memory of the
Holocaust in particular. The unwillingness to stand for the
siren on Holocaust Day and the refusal to send their sons to
the army stem from the same isolationist approach that was
formed from the way they see the place of Torah in the
Jewish nation."
His desire for publicity in the media to promote his book
has driven him to change the rescue of bnei Torah
from annihilation into a kind of "unforgivable sin." It is
doubly amazing to read such words from a man wearing a
What was so bad about Vaad Hahatzala worrying about the
rescue of bnei Torah from the claws of the vicious
Nazis, while also caring for the daily maintenance in their
places of escape, when they were really lacking?
Zuroff exaggerates the aid that the Jewish Agency and the
Joint extended to the refugees. These organizations were not
prepared to violate the rigid laws of the Allies, including
a complete prohibition against the transfer of any money to
enemy countries. The Vaad Hahatzala was the only one that
felt that the overwhelming moral imperative to save lives
outweighed the laws and regulations, and sought and found
different ways to bypass those laws, as Zuroff himself
acknowledges. The aid that finally came from the Joint was
meager and far less than what was needed.
Rescue that Turned into Guilt
Everyone recognizes the miraculous work of Vaad Hahatzala
and the American Agudath Yisroel movement. They were the
only ones who did not shrink from taking action, while the
large, powerful, prosperous Jewish groups not only did
nothing to help the Jews in Europe but even tried to block
the Aguda efforts; such as by setting up stands in protest
next to the Agudath Yisroel offices in America and asking to
stop the sending of food packages to the hungry Jews who
were stuck in ghettos, because this broke the embargo on all
communication with Nazi-occupied countries.
Why didn't large organizations with a lot of money take
action to save lives? Here Zuroff suddenly feels that he is
in a certain "bind," and he generously contributes to his
interviewer a real "historical revelation":
"This point (financial) awakened another problem. In the
United States at that time, there were strict laws
regulating money transfer to other countries, and the Joint
was careful not to violate those laws. Vaad Hahatzala did
not have these inhibitions, and it should be said, to their
credit, that they were ready to circumvent any law in order
to save lives. They understood, before the Joint did, that
the situation is such that it was not right to let those
rigid laws prevent emergency rescue work.
"But even in this matter, a typical Jewish quarrel arose.
The Joint complained to Vaad Hahatzala, `You are endangering
us with your methods.' You have to understand that in that
period there was a lot of antisemitism in the United States,
and Jews were worried about being accused of disloyalty to
The interviewer: "Non-chareidi Jews did not go out of their
way to save Jews and they were particular about tax and
money laws -- while their brothers were being transported to
gas chambers?"
Zuroff: "It is correct that the chareidim understood before
the non- chareidim what was going on. But . . . in the end
the chareidim did not manage to raise enough money to
finance the Vaad Hahatzala's activities, and actually most
of the chareidim who were saved by Vaad Hahatzala were
rescued because of money that had been transferred by the
Joint, and most of the Joint's contributors were reform or
When Zuroff "markets" himself as an enemy of chareidim, he
is assured a place of honor in the chiloni public
targeted for his book's distribution. But we suspect that he
will later need more interviews in order to explain why his
book does not supply the sought-after anti- chareidi
merchandise, because as we already wrote, there is almost no
comparison between his book and his interviews.
For many years, anti-chareidi propagandists have been
spreading the false claim that chareidi Judaism and Agudas
Yisroel opposed Jewish aliya to Israel and stood against the
development of the land, and that because of this policy the
rescue of masses of Jews from the Holocaust was prevented
since, if they had gone to Israel, they would have
This slander was even recounted in the Mafdal newspaper. An
editorial said, "If chareidi Judaism, which opposed the
Zionist movement and aliya to Israel, had not displayed
apathy for the process of redemption, and misunderstanding
of the historical process of the establishment of a Jewish
state, many Jewish lives could have been saved. Chareidi
Jewry opposed the building of the Land, did not understand
what was taking place, and thus determined the fate of
thousands who could have been saved by making aliya
to Israel during the times when it would have been
possible to enter Israel without much effort
(Hatsofe, 13 Iyar 5744).
The Aguda Desire to go to Eretz Yisroel
The bitter truth is that besides the British, who closed
Israel's gates through their "White Paper" policy of
admitting only a limited number of Jews every year, the
policy of the whole Zionist movement was to prevent chareidi
Jews and Agudists from entering Israel. For one thing, it
actually preferred to work within the limits of the White
Paper in cooperation with the British government, including
the British High Commissioner in Israel, thus controlling
who gets in and limiting the aliya, instead of
allowing in a larger, mass aliya that certainly would
have brought in many not to its taste and that, according to
their understanding, would not help to ensure the
fulfillment of its Zionist goals.
Agudas Yisroel, had a clear policy of promoting settlement
in Israel and it called upon the Jewish people to
materialize, "Es ahavoso le'Eretz Hakodesh bemida
mugdelet al yedei hismasrus atsmis ve'avodoh ma'asis
(the love for the Holy Land in greater measure through
self- sacrifice and dedication to practical work)." One
could learn more about this from the official announcement
of the Vaad Hapoel Ha'olami of Agudas Yisroel, of the 8th of
Cheshvan 5691 (1930), signed by its three leaders, in
Vienna, Warsaw, and Frankfort: by Rabbi Dr. Pinchas Cohen,
Rav Yitzchok Meir Levine, and Morenu Rav Yaakov
The message was published in the Ha'aretz newspaper
on the 22 of Cheshvan 5691, when previously, on the 14th of
Cheshvan that year, that newspaper published an interview
its journalist held with Agudas Yisroel's leader in Eretz
Yisroel, Rabbi Moshe Blau, who said regarding this issue
that Agudas Yisroel was deeply hurt by the changes in
British policy in matters of aliya and buying land. "These
[policies] are in complete contradiction with the spirit of
the Mandate and they bring about a halt of Jewish aliya and
of the sale of land to Jews in Eretz Hakodesh, and
they turn the Balfour Declaration into a farce."
The official statement of the Vaad Hapoel Ha'olami of Agudas
Yisroel, which was published, as we said, in the Israeli
newspaper Ha'aretz (November 13, 1930), says:
1. Worldwide chareidi Jewry, which is organized by Agudas
Yisroel, has a negative feeling to the Zionist movement and
its organization, with its cultural ideas which deny the
internal nature of the Jewish people. [Agudas Yisroel] saw
the Balfour Declaration right from the start as a
possibility to fulfill, in a very broad way, the obligations
of the nation that was sanctified by Torah statutes, namely,
the settling of Eretz Hakodesh and its fruitful
2. Agudas Yisroel is, therefore, deeply hurt and
disappointed by the new, basic terms that were published
that are in direct opposition to the spirit of the Mandate
regarding immigration and property policies. In fact [this
approach] leads to a prohibition of aliya and settlement of
Jews in the Holy Land, the Land of their forefathers, turns
the general principles of the Balfour Declaration into
nothing, and because of this draws a sharp protest [from
Agudas Yisroel].
3. Agudas Yisroel bases its relationship with Eretz
Hakodesh on eternal foundations, independent of changing
governmental policy. Under all conditions it will continue
the positive work of spiritually and physically building the
Holy Land in every possible way. It invites the Jewish
people not to become disappointed and, like the forefathers,
to actualize its love for Eretz Hakodesh in an even
more through self-sacrifice and dedication to practical
4. Together with this, Agudas Yisroel insists -- overriding
all political values -- with all firmness on the principle
of complete freedom of public life in Eretz Yisroel
according to Torah and law. In this spirit, it demands again
equal rights and official recognition of the chareidi
communities of Eretz Israel, who recognize the authority of
Torah over them.
5. Organized Judaism, faithful to its heritage of thousands
of years, is prepared at all times and in any way that
preserves the basic interests of the Jews, to work together
with the Arab nation, which should not be held responsible
for the incitement to murder and robbery of a few amoral
politicians. It is waiting for all the Jewish factions to be
prepared for this.
6. Agudas Yisroel turns again, at this grave moment, to our
brothers from Bnei Yisrael who are united in the Jewish
Agency, with a demand, for sake of the honor of Hashem and
His Torah, to remove the work [in the areas of] culture and
education that causes divisiveness among brothers from among
the tasks undertaken by the Jewish Agency, [and] to place
its economic work under the guidelines of Torah, and to put
an end to public Shabbos desecration by national groups.
Only then will the Jewish efforts in Israel bear eternal
fruit and be a brochoh for the Land and a true
brochoh for all the coming generations.
(signed and dated) -- Vienna, Warsaw, Frankfurt, 8th of
Cheshvan 5691,
The Vaad Hapoel of the World Organization of Agudas
Rabbi Dr. Pinchas Cohen, Yitzchok Meir Levine, Yaakov
Keeping Chareidim Out
Amazing details about the Zionist leaders' efforts to
prevent chareidi Jews from making aliya are included
in a research paper by Moshe Musak, a member of the
Institute for Modern Jewry of the Hebrew University, as
quoted in the book Pirkei Mechkar Betoldot Hatzionut
("Research Papers in the History of Zionism") published by
the Zionist Library of the World Zionist Organization,
Jerusalem 5736.
Musak entitles his paper: "Herbert Samuel and the Shaping of
the First Patterns of Aliya Policies." On page 992 he
describes the aliya situation in the year 5680 (1920). "The
stream of immigrants was hardly linked to the legal and
bureaucratic patterns that Samuel had created for aliya
visas." Many visas were given by the British consuls without
paying much attention to the official criteria for granting
visas. Samuel, who had his own doubts, asked London whether
the size and makeup of the family accompanying an immigrant
should be limited. The British Foreign Ministry decided to
accept the broadest interpretation of British Law possible
and not to set any limits in this matter.
Samuel had reservations about these instructions and wrote
"This policy stands in contradiction to the policy that you
approved regarding limitation of aliya in accordance with
the country's economic capacity to absorb [immigrants], and
with arrangements that were made with the Zionist
Organization regarding limited quotas of immigrants and the
responsibility (of the Zionist Organization) for the people
that it recommends."
Indeed, Musak points out, the officials of the British
Foreign Ministry actually did see in Samuel's request an
attempt to protect the interests of the Zionists -- that is,
to limit non-Zionist immigration to Israel -- and that is
why they did not accept his opinion.
On page 300, in the chapter "Attempts of the Zionist
Organization to Minimize the Dimensions of the Immigration,"
Musak says (at the beginning of the chapter on Leonard
Stein, the political secretary of the Zionist Organization
in London) that Stein asked the official British agencies
and offices in London to reduce the immigration quota that
had been approved for the first year of 16,500 and to set it
at only 1000 people!
On page 301, "In order to restore its control of things, the
Zionist Organization developed, albeit late, a complicated
system of supervision of its branches, with the goal of
bringing about a reduction in aliya. This method included an
allocation of a limited number of certificates to each
branch and requiring official recommendation forms that were
distributed only through the office of the Zionist
leadership in London."
On page 302 Musak recounts that in November 1920 a circular
was sent to the branches, explaining that it had been
decided to shrink the quota from 16,500 to 1000 immigrants
and that all the immigrants had to be single. A month later
the Zionist Organization sent an additional circular that
demanded, among other things, agents in the branches to
encourage only the aliya of "young, brave people, full of
idealism and of the pioneering type, who are not afraid of
hard, physical labor."
Towards the end of his essay, Musak brings a quotation from
a letter that Samuel wrote about Chaim Weitzman on January
20, 1922, as if sharing a secret with him. He writes the
"Had I not made strict quotas in the last months thereby
arousing against me a large measure of criticism from the
Zionist world, the Zionist Organization would have had to go
in that direction itself and would have thus aroused the
criticism against it. I hope that you appreciate my loyal
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
Yisrael Granstein, a Holocaust survivor from Poland,
emigrated to Israel after World War II. Toward the end of
1947 he and a few others who had emigrated in the same group
enlisted in the Haganah, the precursor to the Israel Defense
The person who recruited them was Ariel Sharon (whose first
wife, Margalit, knew this group of Holocaust survivors). In
April 1948 the 18-strong group of soldiers participated in
battles to liberate Jerusalem; the 18 were divided into two
battalions in the elite Palmach strike force.
A member of the group, Michael Klein, was killed in one of
the battles, in the Nebe Samuel area north of the city. A
Holocaust survivor, Klein had immigrated to Israel alone
(one other family member subsequently made it to the
country, Granstein recalls).
Later on, the group of 18 was involved in fierce fighting in
the Latrun area. The fighting took its toll on the group:
"Out of 18 members, seven or eight were wounded during the
Independence War, and there was one death," Granstein
Ha'aretz correspondent Yair Sheleg writes that these
statistics deflate popular perceptions that Holocaust
survivors had a relatively easy time during the War of
Independence compared to the other soldiers.
Hebrew University Professor Emanuel Sivan, a renowned
scholar of Arab history and culture who a decade ago
completed a study about the 1948 generation, has concluded
that out of 104,000 Jews who enlisted in the war, 23,800
were immigrants who arrived in Israel between 1940-1947 (and
most had fled Europe during the Second World War).
Another 21,755 were immigrants who came during 1948, Sivan
showed, and the vast majority of men in this group who were
immediately conscripted were Holocaust survivors.
In other words, close to half the Jewish soldiers who fought
for Israel's independence were newcomers. In contrast, just
22,100 soldiers had been born in the pre-state Yishuv, in
Mandate Palestine.
The newcomers' casualty rates were also exceptionally high.
Some 5,682 Jews died during the war, of whom 1462 (35
percent) were immigrants who arrived in the country no
earlier than the start of the Second World War.
Of the total losses, 4,434 were arms-bearing soldiers, the
rest were civilians. Most of the newcomers killed were
Holocaust survivors.
In contrast, 1,239 (29 percent) of the casualties in the War
of Independence were men who were born in the yishuv
(the pre-state Jewish community). The remaining casualties
were persons who arrived in the country before the start of
the Second World War.
According to Sheleg, these statistics refute a popularly
held native Israeli myth, according to which the majority of
fighters and casualties in Israel's Independence War were
the tanned and handsome, but rough-edged, products of
yishuv upbringing.
This contribution of Holocaust survivors in the Independence
War is being documented in a new project headed by Zvi Gil,
a member of the umbrella group "the Center of Organizations
of Holocaust Survivors in Israel," in conjunction with
Kibbutz Tel Yitzhak's Holocaust Research Center.
"I never thought that this [50 percent] is the
representative figure for Holocaust survivors who fought in
the war," Gil says. "I too believed in the popular myth,
which held that the [Holocaust] survivors were just a small
proportion of the fighters."
Dr. Hannah Yablonka, of the history department at Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev, has in recent years researched the
experiences of Holocaust survivors in Israel.
She has developed a theory concerning the mistaken view of
survivors' involvement in the war. The root of the problem,
she argues, involves a distinction between two groups of
"Between the end of the world war and 1948," she explains,
"80,000 survivors came to the country; and most were
absorbed into the ranks of the Palmach [underground strike
force] and the Haganah. And so during the War of
Independence people had already gotten used to viewing them
as `veteran' members of the Yishuv.
"The only people who were directly regarded as survivors
were those who were drafted into the Gahal unit [which
recruited displaced persons from Europe]; these recruits
came during the year 1948 itself. The number of these Gahal
soldiers who became casualties was, in fact, relatively low,
since they arrived at late stages of the war.
Granstein suspects that the contribution of survivors has
been downplayed for ideological reasons: "The establishment
kept quiet, because people didn't want to believe that those
wretched youngsters, who had come alone from the Holocaust,
were worth something."
Yablonka doesn't stress the survivors' own silence as a
factor which accounts for Independence War misperceptions.
"Recent studies prove that the survivors didn't conceal
their Holocaust past. They talked about it quite often. Thus
I believe that the reason they didn't fight to upgrade their
status in society is that for them complaints about
discrimination were a luxury, when viewed in light of the
life they had known in the Holocaust."
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