Swastikas and slogans slurring religious Jews were scrawled
on the walls of a synagogue in Kiryat Motzkin last week. The
Chief Rabbi of the city, HaRav Dovid Meir Druckman, said that
this occurrence is the direct result of incessant incitement
against religious and chareidi Jews.
Members of the Kiryat Motzkin main synagogue arriving there
to daven on Monday morning 27 Kislev were shocked to
discover that two swastikas had been sprayed on the synagogue
walls. This is the second time that anonymous vandals have
defaced the synagogue in this way. Additional graffiti was
scrawled on the walls of the adjacent Menachem LeTzion
synagogue. Members of the synagogue complained to the police,
who took a long time to appear on the scene.
Rabbi Druckman said that he cannot understand why official
bodies have disregarded this incident. He says that this is a
very serious crime and that the anonymous vandals must be