Syria and Lebanon as a Package
The negotiations with Syria have begun, but no one knows how
they will end. Least informed are the millions of people who
will be affected by the outcome. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud
Barak is extremely concerned about informational leaks and
chose to keep almost all information about his plans secret
from everyone but a few very trusted advisors.
History Repeats Itself: Promoting
Personality Cults
by Rabbi Nosson Zeev Grossman
The positive attitude the press, the television, and the
radio show toward Ehud Barak is widely known, especially to
Barak himself. The Prime Minister is well aware that the
media backs him fully, that they have adopted a biased,
partial approach to him, and that this was an important
factor in his being elected last May instead of the incumbent
Binyamin Netanyahu.
False Identity
by Y. Lorberbaum
A fascinating phenomenon has erupted amongst nonobservant
Israeli families who are either living abroad temporarily or
have emigrated. While they were living in Eretz
Yisroel, they felt no desire or need to look into
Yiddishkeit or to adapt a lifestyle connected to
mitzvah and Torah observance. But when they get to chutz
la'aretz, without any external pressure and strictly of
their own free will, these families soon begin to come close
to Judaism!
"Each With His Camp and Each With
His Banner"
by L. Jungerman
"He blessed each with the blessing suited him."
Ramchal explains that serving Hashem includes many varied
aspects, missions and tasks. The all-inclusive one is:
"Whatever is called in My name, I created it for My glory,
formed it and also made it."
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