A frightened infant is in mortal danger, as is explained in
Yuma, 84b: It is a mitzva to desecrate Shabbos in
order to save a child from panic.
[It also says, ]"Cursed is the man who raises a ferocious dog
that frightens women." Bovo Kama, 83a.
Knesset Criticizes Interior Minister's Permission for
Consular Marriages
by E. Rauchberger and B. Kahn
Sharp criticism was directed in the Knesset plenum last week
against Minister of the Interior Natan Sharansky, in the wake
of his decision to enable foreign consulates in Israel to
register couples for civil marriages.
Lev L'achim's Fight Against Missionaries in Israel
by Moshe Schapiro
Nine missionary "synagogues" in Yerushalayim alone; 60
communities nationwide; 10,000 Israelis in messianic Jewish
groups; over 3,000 active missionaries; according to staff
members of the anti-missionary division of P'eylim / Lev
L'Achim -- these are the grim statistics of the year 2000.
Gedolei HaTorah in America Join Gedolei HaTorah of Eretz
Yisroel's Internet Warning
by Betzalel Kahn
In the wake of the directives issued by Israel's maranan
verabonon, the gedolei Yisroel regarding the
serious prohibition of misusing the Internet, which as they
said, "constitutes a terrible danger for kedushas
Yisroel and the continuation of the generations," the
gedolei HaTorah in the United States have joined their
call, publishing a warning to American chareidi communities
about the great danger of connection to this destructive
Driving Safely
Not too long ago there was no law in Israel. Then one had to
do it only lesheim mitzva. Now that it is a legal
requirement, one can do it shelo lishmo -- for fear of
getting fined.
Helping Your Child With Anger
by Masha Wolf
In our first part, we gave a real-life situation where a
mother helped her child overcome his anger and taught him to
recognize the danger signals in his body. [Note: brackets are
the comments of your editor, not the writer.]
The Life and Achievements of HaRav
Yechiel Schlesinger zt'l, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Kol Torah,
Yerushalayim -- 9th Adar 5760, His Fifty-First Yahrtzeit
By Moshe Musman, based on the writings of Rabbi
Aharon Surasky and Rabbi Sholom Meir Wallach
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