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A Call to Action
Moscow, the Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel, not far from the
Kremlin. Opposite the hotel is "the White House" -- as the
building of the Russian Parliament is nicknamed -- where the
student demonstrators who brought Boris Yeltsin to power
erected their barricades.
Four months ago this past winter, an unusual group of guests
was to be seen around the hotel. Fifty rabbonim, among them
seven chief rabbis of Eastern European countries, with two
hundred communal leaders from all over the C.I.S, as well as
others, packed the hotel's main hall. The occasion was the
fourth Conference of the Union of Jewish Synagogues and
Communities, which meets in order to discuss pressing current
issues that affect the nascent Jewish communities all over
the former Soviet Union.
This time, the main issue was the shortage of rabbonim and
spiritual leaders in many communities. The Conference's host
was Rav Pinchos Goldschmidt, Chief Rabbi of Moscow. Its
central location also facilitated the participation of
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Kristayenko and Moscow Mayor
"On the spot, we founded an umbrella organization of all the
religious communities in Eastern Europe," says Rav
Goldschmidt. Mr. Albert Reichmann of Toronto and Vladimir
Gussinky, President of the Russian Jewish Congress, were
elected as heads of the new organization.
The previous day, a dedication ceremony had been held in the
yard of Moscow's Great Synagogue in Archipova Street, for a
new beis haknesses for members of the Jewish community
of the Caucasus Mountains. In recent years, a spiritual
transformation has been underway in this community, many of
whose members have become true bnei Torah, devoting
themselves to full time Torah study in the yeshiva and
kollel of Moscow's Yeshivas Toras Chaim.
Hundreds of guests attended the festive meal which followed
the dedication ceremony. In the course of the evening, Rav
Shlomo Bakst, rav of Odessa, delivered a message from two of
the leading rabbonim of Eretz Yisroel, HaRav Eliashiv and
HaRav Steinman, to the Jewish communities of the former
Soviet Union.
"According to the instructions of the generation's leading
poseik, the pillar of halocho, moron HaRav
Eliashiv . . . and the great gaon HaRav A. Y. L.
Steinman . . . it has recently become necessary to consider
setting up genealogical records. I have been asked to explain
the serious situation in Eretz Yisroel to the Conference's
participants. Hundreds of thousands of gentiles have arrived
in Israel, where they live among the general community. Their
identity cards declare them to be Jewish and include the word
"Jew" as their nationality. In a few years' time it will have
become impossible to clarify whether or not they are really
Jewish. The time has therefore come, in the opinions of HaRav
Eliashiv and HaRav Steinman, to consider the preparation of
genealogical records for the Jewish people. Since the main
source of the problem is the immigration from the C.I.S, the
rabbonim of these countries are in a position to give a great
deal of assistance. Advance preparations should therefore be
made and plans of action drawn up, so that the rabbonim can
supply the necessary assistance in establishing a bank of
genealogical records, which will save the Jewish Nation from
intermarriage and assimilation."
Throughout the evening, informal contacts were made between
the rabbonim concerning the new initiative and the measures
they could already begin taking that would enable them to
have information ready when the project gets underway in
Eretz Yisroel. The establishment of an information bank, with
details about the origins of as wide a group as possible, was
mentioned as one of the preliminary steps.
The View from Russia I: The Records are
In an interview, Rav Goldschmidt clarified to Yisroel
Friedman just how outdated current Israeli immigration laws
are and the disastrous effects of their continued neglect.
"The campaign over changing the [Israel's] Law of Return is a
campaign over the character of Eretz Yisroel in the coming
decades," the rav of Moscow emphasized.
Q. Do gentiles attempt to use the Jewish community as
a means of smuggling themselves into Israel?
A. They don't need to smuggle themselves in. The
Israeli immigration laws are quite liberal enough for them to
come in openly. If Jews want to emigrate from Russia to
Germany, for example, they must prove that both their parents
are Jewish. American immigration authorities insist upon
receiving documented proof of Jewish identity from
prospective immigrants. If someone's nationality is filled in
on his passport as "Russian," then even if he had a Jewish
grandfather, he won't be able to immigrate to America under
Jewish immigration quotas. Such a weak connection to Judaism
is not enough.
Q. So how does Israeli law come to be so liberal?
A. When the Law of Return was enacted, Israel belonged
to the third world. It was a backward place, positioned
somewhere between Uganda and Bangladesh. The law was suited
to those conditions, when the only people who wanted to come
were those who were drawn by the Jewish content of the state.
Nobody dreamed then that the country would undergo such
development, to the point where it has taken a place among
the world's most developed countries and has become an
attraction to people who could not care less about Judaism
and the Jewish people and are simply seeking better economic
Who wanted to immigrate in those early years? Certainly not
gentiles and not even that many Jews! The law is simply
outdated. And not only from the Jewish aspect. It just
doesn't address the current situation. The members of the
Israeli legislative body defined the State of Israel as "a
Jewish State." If the influx of gentiles is not halted, this
definition will be dubious. At present, rather than defining
who is considered a Jew, the Law of Return defines who has
the right to immigrate to Israel. While it doesn't actively
encourage gentile immigration, it does sanction it.
Q. If you were to be asked to assist in investigating
the Jewish identity of prospective olim, could you do
A. We have been involved in checking questions of
personal identity for the past fifteen years. One important
source of information are the state archives, which contain
over a hundred years' documentation. We can go back to
people's great-great-grandmothers. Unless some kind of
filtration is introduced into the immigration process, which
will enable us to know who is Jewish according to
halocho, the job will have to be done through
genealogical records. We have the means to carry this out, in
a perfectly reliable way. If the immigration continues the
way it is at present, things will get even worse!
The View From Russia II: A Grim
Rav Shlomo Bakst, rav of Odessa, echoed Rav Goldschmidt's
concerns. The six hundred plus children who learn in the
school run by the Jewish community of Odessa, serve as a good
indication of the way in which the current situation is
"In the past," says Rav Bakst, "there used to be pressure
from the parents not to accept any non-Jewish child into the
school because a clear majority of the families were
unquestionably Jewish. Then, the parents' demands were firmly
voiced. Many of the real Jews have since made aliya to
Eretz Yisroel. Despite our painstaking research into Jewish
identity, there are several families with children in the
school where the father is not Jewish. Although according to
halocho the children are completely Jewish,
nonetheless a family of this type, where the father is a
complete gentile, will not pressure us to refuse real
When people speak about "Jews" in Russia today, they really
mean almost always the children of intermarriages. As the
aliya to Eretz Yisroel goes on, those remaining
behind, on the whole, are less and less Jewish. Since the
aliya is not stopping, this ultimately means that
gentiles are arriving in Israel. I personally know many whom
we would not take into the school, and who later found their
way to Israel under paragraph 4.
Q. What is paragraph 4?
A. Its a subsection of the Law of Return which deals
with those who are entitled to immigrate to Eretz Yisroel.
Subsection 4b extends this right to "a Jew according to
halocho," and subsection 4a extends it to "a non
halachic Jew," meaning, a gentile.
Q. Do gentiles try to gain admission to the school as
a means of eventually getting in to Israel?
A. Sure. Such attempts are made all the time, with
people even resorting to forged documents. There is an entire
forgery industry, one section of which is involved with
immigration to Israel. There are even those who undergo a
bris in a hospital to support their claims of Jewish
Q. And how are such impostors discovered?
A. You should know that the investigations are much
easier to make over here and the help of local rabbonim is
therefore very important. It worthwhile knowing that when
people lie, they try to put a distance between themselves and
any possible disproof of their claim. Testimony about these
olim is to be found right here. It is simpler for
those over here to check things out. We are in close contact
with the botei din in Eretz Yisroel concerning cases
where Jewish identity has to be checked.
Q. How do you actually go about this?
A. In the course of seven years of communal work in
Odessa, we have become highly suspicious. We have an entire
team that works on verifying personal documents, using
various methods that it is better not to discuss in public
[but that achieve a high level of accuracy].
Once, we even requested a special consul from the Embassy in
Kiev who brought in machines for checking documents to come
to our school. He made a consular investigation into [the
credentials of] the entire school. He was convinced that he
would discover a certain percentage of gentiles among the
pupils. "You just don't know what's going on in some of the
schools," I was warned. It took the consular staff three days
to run their tests and they were shocked by the results [i.e.
the school's excellent pedigree]. But this doesn't reflect
the situation in other Jewish schools. In some schools, you
can see how serious things are with your own eyes . . . and
these are the ones who will be arriving in Israel.
The Israeli Immigration Services: Just
Implementing Policy, Not Making It
We spoke to an employee of the Jewish Agency, who works in
Russia and who, for obvious reasons, shall remain anonymous.
"We don't make the law," he asserted. "We just implement it.
If you can, exert pressure to get it changed."
For part of our discussion, it was evident that my partner is
genuinely pained by what is happening.
Q. Will Jews from the C.I.S, in your opinion, be among
those putting themselves on the genealogical database, if and
when it is opened?
A. I have no doubt that they will, just as masses of
secular Jews in Israel will also come. Look, this is
basically much more of a problem for the secular community
than for the religious one. The observant community, and
particularly the chareidi community, are closed. They are not
liable to meet these gentiles socially.
It is the secular community that has to give attention to the
problem. It is in their own interest. Many Ukrainian Jews are
in the same position. A very mixed crowd comes to the Agency
Ulpan that we run. Not only are some of them utter
gentiles, without the faintest connection to Judaism
whatsoever but they even arrive wearing crosses and speaking
about J.
More than once, I have heard the Jews complain, "We suffered
so much during the years of Communism for being Jewish and
now they are coming and jumping on the bandwagon." Many Jews
grumble about this. I have been hearing such complaints for
ten years already.
In my opinion, many of the Jews of the C.I.S will be among
the first to register. At the same time, there will be a need
for a massive information campaign that will make a huge
impact on the public. Many of those who do not register right
away, will then do so later on.
At the heart of the matter, this is a very sensitive issue
indeed for every Jew. But there must be an ongoing effort,
which will ultimately bring about tremendous things . . . I
have no doubt about it interesting many people, also among
the olim from the C.I.S.
They Can't Keep Quiet
While this issue is unquestionably of deep concern to a
majority of secular Jews there is, as usual, a small but
vocal group who actually support the continuation of the
current deliberate blurring of national identity among
immigrants from the C.I.S.
A. C. is a journalist whose father, as a young man, left the
path of his parental home in Yerushalayim's old
yishuv. The father's antipathy or hatred towards
chareidim has passed undiluted to his son who, in an article
he wrote for the secular Ha'aretz newspaper on our
topic, made the following remarks:
"If I had the power, I would amend the Law of Return so that
not only quarter Jews or one eighth Jews could make
aliya. I would happily bring complete gentiles to the
country . . . they are the allies of the secular [Jews] in
their struggle over the State's secular image. The more
chareidi society tries to force its way of life onto the
secular Jews, the more important become the gentiles as
soldiers in the battle . . . as someone whose family ancestry
stretches back to Mea Shearim, today I nonetheless have more
in common with those who eat treifos, may they grow in
number, than I have with my cousins with their curled
A.C. at least might be happy to know that even under the law
in its present form, there are many gentiles of unblemished
pedigree without even one-eighth Jewish blood, who are
managing to arrive here. What is harder to understand is that
if his reasoning is followed, the next logical step would
seem to be emigration for him, to throw in his lot together
with those with whom he feels he has so much in common,
leaving his cousins with their curled payos to follow
their ancestral way of life in the land of their ancestors.
Even in an A.C., it transpires that the Jewish spark cannot
be so easily suffocated.
Despite the loud decibel level of such histrionics, it seems
clear that even among irreligious Jews there is a consensus
regarding the urgency of taking some kind of step to address
the alarming trend of current events. This is one issue that
actually unites a clear majority of the country's Jewish
population, religious and secular alike. Whether or not the
different groups are motivated by quite the same thing can be
debated, but the existence of a consensus is a fact.
In Search of a Common Interest
"I think that the Law of Return has become too liberal," says
Knesset member Yuri Stern of the Yisrael Beiteinu (Russian
immigrant) party. "Carefully, discretely and unobtrusively,
we must begin to correct it."
Q. In your opinion, doesn't every Israeli citizen have
the right to know who is and who is not a Jew? This is a
matter of paramount importance to some people. Aren't they
entitled to have access to such information, to save them
from suddenly finding out that their spouse is not Jewish and
their children are not Jews according to halocho?
A. You are obviously thinking of genealogical records.
Look, while this is an accepted thing it should be done
privately, not via the official agencies. There is certainly
room for something like this, so that whoever wants to know
will have somewhere to turn in order to ask and to clarify .
. .
Q. As someone who represents Russian immigrants and
who is in touch with what is happening, do you think that
immigrants would also be among those who register?
A. I think so, but also think that the situation of
mixed families who arrived under the provisions of the Law of
Return, should be normalized.
[Note: This touches upon another, very serious aspect of the
immigration problem namely, the sizable "foreign" population
of open gentiles who did not have to forge any documents in
order to reach Israel within the existing Law of Return (i.e.
dependents and non-Jewish relatives). The State of Israel
brought them here and is now trying to find a solution to the
restrictions upon citizenship and marriage that result from
their awkward status. A number of old "remedies" are being
offered again: simply removing the "nationality" box from the
identity card that every citizen carries -- there would then
be total ignorance about personal identity and status;
opening "conversion factories" to process these immigrants
speedily and have them emerge as "Jews" -- we know that this
wouldn't change a thing and would just be another way of
allowing intermarriage. The Reform movement, ever watchful
for a cause that could further its fight to gain recognition
in Israel, would be ready to espouse the "plight" of yet
further victims of the intransigence of the religious
Knesset member Yoel (Yuli) Edelstein of Yisrael Ba'aliyah has
a different outlook on the problem. He fears that the
establishment of privately sponsored genealogical records
would bring about a split in the Jewish nation. "I would take
a very serious view of things were each community to have its
own records. At the same time though, there does need to be a
reliable and trustworthy information bank. It would have to
be a governmental record, containing all the factual
information, so that whoever wants to check can do so."
Q. What about the problem of the Reform movement,
which insists on carrying out its own conversions? What if
the State of Israel refused to establish such an information
bank that held all the facts?
A. There can be no doubt that these factors would lead
to the setting up of genealogical records [organized by
private groups], because in the absence of government records
that contain the facts, we will be unable to prevent it.
Q. And as for the Law of Return, hasn't the time come
to change it?
A. Clearly there is a problem with the law. However,
short of amending it, there are certain measures that should
be adopted immediately. I'll give you an example: There are
many schemes for encouraging immigration, all of which claim
to operate within the framework of the Law of Return.
Candidates for immigration from the C.I.S have to undergo
various suitability tests, such as psychometric and
psychological tests, as well as evaluation of their social
suitability. These tests contravene the Law of Return. If
someone is eligible under the law, what does it matter
whether he is socially suitable or how high he scores on his
psychometric? Everything is tested with one exception: the
Jewish connection. And the result? Even if the candidate is
the grandchild of a Jew who has since passed away, and even
if the grandchild has no link to Judaism whatsoever and is a
complete gentile, he is a suitable candidate for
aliya. Moreover, the Jewish Agency runs ads that say,
"If your grandfather was Jewish, come." So even before the
law is changed, there are more immediate steps that can be
What the Russian Olim Say
Viktor Polsky made aliya twenty five years ago from
Moscow, after a four year campaign against the KGB. Although
Viktor describes himself as "irreligious," he is one of the
leading proponents of amending the Law of Return and putting
an end to the massive influx of gentiles from the C.I.S.
Several years ago, Polsky served as first secretary in the
Israeli consulate in Belorussia, and as an eyewitness to the
large scale flow of gentiles to Israel he did whatever was
within his power to limit it. "I have many friends who made
aliya from Moscow," says Viktor Polsky, all of whom
are against gentile immigration from Russia. Every Jew who
came from there is bothered by the fact that he ran away from
the gentiles and dreamt of putting an end to being in their
company. Such Jews aren't interested in gentiles chasing
after us. Yet here they are, and they are now doing the same
things here that made us want to run away and leave Russia. I
want my grandchildren to marry Jews, not gentiles. It's a
different tradition, a different culture. It's all foreign to
Polsky emphasized that there is a very simple reason for the
opposition of the Knesset parties which represent Russian
olim to any amendment in the Law of Return: "The
gentile immigrants are a reservoir of potential voters.
Gentile immigrants are obviously going to -- and do -- vote
for a Russian party. They are a reservoir of ethnic votes.
The [Jewish] leftists are also opposed to altering the law,
because they see the non-Jews as a political counterbalance
to the religious."
According to Polsky, a certain shift in opinion is currently
underway in immigrants' parties, though the only signs of it
hitherto are words.
Viktor Polsky notes further that the Law of Return has
fulfilled its purpose. "After fifty years, it should be clear
that every Jew who wanted to come here has had the chance to
do so and is already here. Those who remain are the ones who
don't want to come. Now we need clear and rigorous
immigration laws which will enable us to stand up to the
tremendous pressure that we are facing from the hordes of
people who want to escape from the C.I.S and the famine that
prevails there."
Polsky is fully in favor of the establishment of genealogical
records. "I am all for investigating who is Jewish and who is
not, in order to protect ourselves from tricksters and liars.
I think it should be done and in my opinion, a majority of
the Jewish population will support the idea."
The First Lonely Voice
"The pillar which supports Klal Yisroel is the
preservation of our ancestry, which is pure like refined
silver -- `He made its pillars from silver' (Shir Hashirim
3:10)" -- stresses HaRav Yitzchok Peretz, today rav of
Ra'anana and formerly Minister of the Interior. "The secret
of our survival is the presence of the Shechina.
Without this, we cannot survive. This is why the purity of
our genealogy is of such importance."
When the lone voice of HaRav Peretz, then serving as Minister
of the Interior, rang out in protest against the open
immigration of large numbers of gentiles to Israel, a furious
public storm arose that rocked the entire country and
ultimately forced him to resign from his position. Sitting in
his home in Ra'anana, HaRav Peretz relives the pain of those
days, which has not subsided with the passage of time. "When
I raised the alarm," he says, "I knew that I would pay for it
with my position.
"I received information from my office employees that the
situation was very grave. I decided to go [to Russia] and see
for myself. My remarks reached Israel via the general media.
In their wake, a dreadful controversy erupted. They called me
from my office to say that because of the commotion, I had to
retract. Knesset members, public figures and media people
called me up to make verbal attacks. The Prime Minister
called me up in Russia. He spoke respectfully but forcefully.
`Your comments are harming the aliya and you have to
take them back,' he said. He proposed an honorable withdrawal
whereby I would clarify that `things had been taken out of
"I made it very clear to the Prime Minister that nothing had
been taken out of context and that the influx of gentiles was
endangering the future of the Jewish people. I explained to
him that there were entire family clans that were
immigrating, that didn't have a single Jewish member. A
grandfather had been Jewish and he had married a gentile
woman. All their children, as well as daughters-in-law and
grandchildren, were complete gentiles and in some cases even
practicing Christians.
"When I was at the immigration stations over there, I
questioned the Agency workers and I surveyed the
registration. My findings were of the utmost gravity. Thirty
to forty percent of the immigrants in those days were
"On my return, I was met by a dreadful media onslaught. The
country was gripped with euphoria just then over the
crumbling of the Iron Curtain. I tried to make clear what the
great danger was: that Eretz Yisroel would become a morass of
intermarriage. Here it is far worse than abroad. In chutz
la'aretz, intermarriage involves crossing the lines.
Here, if masses of gentiles mingle with us, no lines have to
be crossed, because no demarcation exists. Their children
learn with ours, they live among us -- they are quite simply
mixed up with us. The danger is compounded several fold.
Q. Did you try to explain this to the government?
A. Of course. I'll never forget the terrible
disappointment I had. I felt as though I was speaking to the
walls. What I said simply passed them by, without leaving the
slightest impression or shock. Despite the frightening
scenario that I depicted, I received a note from one of the
ministers that I still have: "Rabbi Peretz, what are you
getting so excited about? During the thirties, thirty
thousand Subbotniks made aliya and became mingled with
us -- and what happened?" [The Subbotniks were a gentile
sect, the Russian version of Seventh Day Adventists.]
Q. Were you shocked?
A. Until that moment, it had been obvious to me that
the gentile immigration to this country was an unavoidable
fact of life, something we were forced to accept. From that
moment on however, I understood that for them [the secular
leadership], it was actually desirable. I saw that rather
than viewing it as the lesser of two evils [as it at least
enabled Jews to leave Russia], they considered it a positive
thing, for their own reasons -- reasons which are being
stated openly today.
Q. Did you have any support?
A. No. To my chagrin, I had no support at all -- not
even from the Knesset's religious representatives. Some time
later, one of the religious Knesset members came to my
defense. The only one who backed me and gave me great
encouragement was the rosh yeshiva HaRav Shach, may
Hakodosh Boruch Hu lengthen his days and years.
And last but not least, chairman of the Jewish Agency's Aliya
Department, Uri Gordon, who was one of those who fought
against me at the time, said to me when we met a year after
the storm: "Rabbi Peretz, you were right! You spoke about
thirty percent [of the immigrants being gentiles]; today the
situation is worse."
Q. HaRav Peretz what, in your opinion, is the
A. With the backing of a number of political parties,
the Reform movement is also growing stronger. At present,
they are holding a massive fundraising drive in order to
bolster their position and to wage war against Orthodoxy. A
stronger Reform movement means greater intermarriage. There
is a possibility that Israel will recognize Reform
conversions; even today, such conversions are recognized so
long as they are carried out outside the State's boundaries.
Add to this the problem of the adopted [gentile] children,
besides the main problem of the Russian aliya. The
result is that Am Yisroel is in danger of the most
widespread bout of intermarriage in Jewish history -- an
unparalleled danger. This situation demands the only possible
solution -- genealogical records.
Trying to Understand the Times
Q. HaRav Peretz, what is Hashem doing to us? Is it at
all possible to try and understand, to whatever extent we can
grasp, the significance of the process that we see unfolding
A. The answer is contained in an explicit comment of
Rashi on the posuk (Bereishis 37:1), "And Yaakov dwelt
. . . "
"After writing briefly how Eisov settled and who his
offspring were, the Torah explains at length how Yaakov
settled and who his offspring were . . . because they are
important to Hashem, to deal with them at length . . . like a
pearl that fell into the sand. A person will sift through the
sand and sieve it in a sieve until he finds the pearl and
when he does so, he throws all the pebbles away and takes the
Until three or four generations ago, a majority of Klal
Yisroel's geonim, gedolim and kedoshim were in
Russia. Their offspring -- and really, every single Jew is a
descendant of gedolei Yisroel -- were trapped beneath
the Communist boot. They lost their Judaism. Every such Jew
is like a pearl that fell into the sand. Since we have a
promise that no member of Klal Yisroel is ever
irrevocably lost, [what we see is that] Hakodosh Boruch
Hu wants to gather these pearls, that are mixed up with
the sand.
The Jewish nation has been promised that Eretz Yisroel does
not suffer those who do aveiros. Eretz Yisroel is a
strainer, a sieve; "And the land will vomit you out . . . as
it vomited out the nation that was before you" (Vayikro
18:28). The gentiles will certainly be spewed out; they
have no permanent place here. The land will sift them out.
Right now, the sand is arriving along with the pearls that
are mixed up in it. Sooner or later, the land will sift them
out; it will do its job.
There is a posuk in Vayikro (26:32): "And I
will lay the land waste and your enemies dwelling in it will
be desolate." The Ramban comments, "Similarly, that which is
written here is a good tiding for all the exiles, namely,
that our land will not accept our enemies. This is also a
great proof and a promise, for you will not find anywhere a
land that is good and spacious, that was always inhabited and
that has become as wasted as it [Eretz Yisroel] has. For,
ever since we left it, it has not accepted any other nation
whatsoever; and they have all tried to inhabit it but are
powerless to do so." Throughout history, many nations have
tried to settle here and the land does not accept them. Eretz
Yisroel does not accept gentiles. It filters them out.
When the first crisis comes along -- and there will be crises
-- the gentiles will simply get up and leave. Some of them
[already] view the country [simply] as a temporary stop. They
came here because they were hungry. When I was Minister of
Absorption there were many who came, enjoyed all the
immigration benefits that the government gave them and then
ran away. There is no doubt that the land will sieve out this
sand. This is how I see the process when I try to look at it
from a Torah point of view.
It should be stressed that this does not exempt us from
fighting gentile infiltration. From our point of view, we
have to make every effort to sieve the sand and stop
HaRav Peretz's tone now grows softer and warmer. It is
time to speak about the Jews who are among the olim.
The gemora in Makkos (24) says, "Rabbi Yosi bar
Chanina said, `Moshe Rabbenu decreed four things on Yisroel
and the prophets came and annulled them . . . Moshe Rabbenu
said, `And you will be lost among the nations' (Vayikro
26:38). Yeshaya came and said, `And it will be on that
day, a great shofar will be sounded and the lost ones
from the land of Assyria . . . will come . . . ' (Yeshaya
27:13). Rav said, `I am afraid of that posuk [`And
you will be lost . . . '] Rav Poppa asked him, `Maybe it
means like a lost article that is sought out, `I wandered
like a lost sheep' (Tehillim 119:176)."
The rosh yeshiva of Chevron, HaRav Moshe Mordechai
Epstein zt'l, explains the exchange between Rav and
Rav Poppa.
There are two types of lost articles. If a person loses
something while he's walking in the street, he will check his
pockets and if he doesn't find it, he'll give up on it.
However, a shepherd who loses one of his lambs will not give
up the search for it because he knows that the lamb is also
looking for him. In Rav Poppa's posuk, Dovid Hamelech
says, "Ribono Shel Olom, when a Jew strays from the
rest of the flock, don't give up on him. Every Jew is a
sheep. Whether he realizes it or not, he is looking for You
and for the rest of the flock. Continue looking for him,
because he is looking for You . . . "
This is the situation with the Russian aliya. A very
high percentage of the masses arriving are gentiles. Many
others are estranged Jews. We, like Rav in the gemora,
are gripped by fear at the prospect of becoming lost among
the nations, right here in Eretz Yisroel. However, Rav Poppa
asks, perhaps we should view these lost souls as something
that should be looked for, as lambs. Sooner or later, the
Jews among the olim will find their way to Hakodosh
Boruch Hu, because inside them, they have a Jewish soul,
which is like a sheep that looks for its shepherd and its
Knowingly or not, the neshomo seeks its source. These
Jews are not just merely pearls, they are lambs. We need to
extend a hand and they will come. We must draw them closer,
at the same time as we stand determined against gentiles
infiltrating the ranks of Klal Yisroel as part of the
massive wave of aliya.
There was a lot of warmth in HaRav Peretz's voice that night
as we parted. Warmth . . . and hope, great hope for the
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