of bircas hamozone. Rav Knopfler gives
shiurim on various topics throughout the year that are
enthusiastically received as unique learning experiences.
Rav Avrohom Katz, principal of the new seminary in Gateshead,
also gave shiurim. Rav Katz is known for his skillful
explanations and broad knowledge of mikro and
On the last day of the gathering, a well-attended discussion
took place on, "The Approach of the Large Yeshivos,
Chassidus, and Torah im Derech Eretz." Rav Eliyahu Meir
Klugman, a resident of Yerushalayim who has authored many
seforim, riveted the audience with his speech.
The large turnout, despite the relatively small number of
chareidim in Holland, attested to the success of the
Agudas Israel of Holland organized the event with the
financial help of numerous other organizations. Yarchei
Kallah has become Holland's central Torah event of the