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The history of the "City of Torah and Chassidus," Bnei Brak,
is surely closely linked to the history of the entire Torah
settlement of Eretz Yisroel. It cannot be separated
from the annals and deeds of the initial builders of the
renewing settlement, who were enamored of Eretz
Yisroel, and whose hearts were constantly directed toward
Tzion, the resting place of the Shechina Hakedosha.
Nonetheless, there was something different in the fascinating
story of the city of Bnei Brak, now the metropolis of
chareidi Jewry, situated in the heart of what was then
referred to as the "new yishuv" -- between Tel Aviv,
the "first Hebrew city," and Petach Tikvah, a city founded
with the blood and sweat of pioneers from the old
yishuv in Yerushalayim.
Those Petach Tikvah pioneers, who left Yerushalayim's Old
City, had only recently emerged from the "immersion in fire"
which settling Eretz Yisroel under the conditions of
those times entailed, when Bnei Brak was founded. They were
Jews -- some of whom had been born in Yerushalayim and were
descendants, sons or grandsons of Jews of lofty spiritual
stature who had come to Eretz Yisroel to sanctify
themselves within it.
Even those who weren't born in Yerushalayim already had a
quite a long history of absorption pangs. Their pioneering
acts of founding new neighborhoods of Yerushalayim, outside
the Old City's walls, building villages and urban
settlements, was accomplished after they had become familiar
with Eretz Yisroel character, its climate, its
conditions and its people. Thus, when they set out to found a
new settlement, they didn't detach themselves from their
former homes. On the contrary, Yerushalayim remained the sum
and substance of all their joyous events.
Unlike them, however, the founders of Bnei Brak and their
leader, a great man of vision and deed, Rabbi Yitzchok
("Itche") Gerstenkorn, were completely pioneers. When they
settled Bnei Brak, they had left their entire past behind
them, fulfilling what was said: "Go you from your country,
and from your birthplace, to the land which I will show you,"
without any possibility of remorse.
For them, aliya and the building of their homes
occurred at the same time. They entered the wilderness and
confronted the sand dunes together with their families. They
fastened tent-pegs and laid foundations, while exposed to the
winds, sweltering sun, frosty nights, coyotes, the onslaughts
of mosquitoes, and the dangers of thieves and robbers. They
survived without enough water, without sewers, without
lighting, without vital food products. Without anything.
Shavuos 5684
The first group of settlers arrived straight from the great
Jewish metropolis of Warsaw. They sold their homes and
belongings, liquidated their businesses, and set sail on a
ship which docked in Yaffo, where they celebrated their first
Shavuos. It was compounded by great joy as well as by old-
timers' caustic remarks, one of which was heard by Reb Itche
Gerstenkorn. "Now they'll dance as much as they wish," the
old-timer had said. "Let's see how they'll dance next
But they ignored these remarks, and set out to settle the
land immediately after Shavuos.
But where should they settle? No Absorption Department met
them. No organization had made even the most basic
arrangements for them. But they were not deterred. The
vibrant spirit of the man of vision, Reb Itche, urged,
prodded and spurred them not to stop nor to be discouraged.
R' Yitzchok didn't suspect the old-timers of malicious
intent. He understood that they spoke from experience. But he
resolutely decided that there could be no retreat. "Here I
will sit, because I desire her."
Nonetheless, how does one begin? There wasn't even a tent in
that wasteland called Bnei Brak. But a group of families with
their children waited, and needed a roof over their heads.
On the 8th of Sivan, the day after isru chag Shavuos,
Reb Yitzchok Gerstenkorn went to Tel Aviv, where he bought
construction materials and hired workers. He set out with
them to the place which would one day became the city of
Torah and chassidus and began building shacks.
Rabbi Gerstenkorn, initiator of the entire endeavor, had
three years of extensive activity, both in the shaping of the
idea to found the chareidi settlement in Eretz Yisroel
as well as in all the practical aspects of acquiring land and
raising money for the lofty purposes, including two advance
visits to Eretz Yisroel.
The Pangs of Settling Eretz Yisroel
At the same time (as related in detail in the book,
Bechevlei Yotzer by Rabbi Aharon Soraski) three of the
settlers decided to work alongside the hired laborers and
apply themselves to the very same tasks being performed by
the hired hands. They were: Reb Chaim Perl, Reb Chaim
Shemengrad, and Reb Sholom Tik.
Later on the three of them suffered the aftereffects of the
backbreaking labor. The skin of one peeled as a result of the
heat of the burning sun. The other was bitten by a scorpion
and writhed in pain an entire day. The third suffered heat
stroke. But after four days, the shack which they built stood
The three, who had been wealthy merchants in their native
countries, had come to Eretz Yisroel without their
families, since in the brief time available to them they
hadn't managed to liquidate their businesses. But they also
didn't want to forego the experience of being the first
pioneering group to carve the history of Bnei Brak.
Those three were joined by an entire family, the first to
settle in Bnei Brak: Reb Moshe Weitz, his wife Soro, and
their two children, Avrohom and Benzion. On erev
Shabbos the family left Yaffo to settle in the already
built shack, which still lacked windows and doors.
When the appointed time arrived, Soro Weitz lit Shabbos
candles, the first Shabbos candles to be lit in the renewed
city after two thousand years of desolation. Because there
were no windows, the howling wind spurted through the shack
and threatened to extinguish the flames of the candles. The
men had to cover the doors and windows with their Shabbos
coats in order to prevent the howling wind from blowing out
the candles. This was the first battle, and the Shabbos
candles won, and sanctified the city at that time, and for
After Shabbos, led by Reb Itche Gerstenkorn, the other
settlers and their families arrived in Bnei Brak and occupied
the shacks. In this first group were: R' Arye Mordechai
Rabinowitz, a descendent of the Yehudi Hakodosh and the rav
of the Karov community of Poland, who came to Eretz
Yisroel with the first group and served as the first
moro de'asra of the new settlement, R' Tzvi Ephraim
Lehman and his family, R' Zelig Shapira and his family, R'
Yisroel Halbfish and his family, R' Moshe Granwitz and his
family, R' Yosef Ehrlich and his family, and three additional
men: Reb Moshe Guttman, R' Chaim Malin and Reb Yechiel
Makover, whose families remained behind in Poland in the
It would take many volumes to describe the obstacles which
these pioneers had to overcome until they established even
the most minimal means for basing their lives. They overcame
the transportation problem with donkeys, atop which they
would ride to Tel Aviv to buy their basic provisions. The
also used those donkeys to overcome the problem of the water.
Atop donkeys, they would set out for the neighboring Arab
village, from which water was drawn from the well in exchange
for a container of kerosene for the operation of the pump.
The water was brought to the settlement and transferred to
barrels and clay jugs. It took a long time until the first
drilling to the depths of the earth took place for a local
well. But once this was accomplished, there was abundant
water for everyone.
And They Became Builders of the City
The first settlers underwent a total upheaval in their lives,
not only due to their shifts in location, but also due to the
changes in their entire lifestyles. In the past, all of them
had been successful merchants. They had lived in relative
affluence and in comfortable homes with all of the
Here everything was different. They adjusted themselves to a
life of harsh labor. "They became the builders of the city"
in the fullest sense of the phrase, and with their very
hands, they hewed sand mounds, paved paths and a central
road, and did not grow tired under the beating sun. The ideal
of settling Eretz Yisroel burned fire in their bones,
and this enabled them to overcome all of the difficulties.
Their souls were revived by the fact that they merited what
their predecessors had not. What particularly revived their
weary souls in the mornings and toward evening, when they
would gather in the beis medrash situated in a special
shack which was built immediately upon the arrival of the
very first settlers, for tefilla betzibbur three times
a day, for the daf yomi shiur, and a gemora
shiur and an additional one in Mishnayos and the
Shulchan Oruch.
All these endeavors were accompanied by joy. After all, it
was no insignificant thing to leave Poland and to build a new
settlement on the sacred soil of Eretz Yisroel, the
palace of the King, with one's own hands.
On the 11th of Tammuz, 5684 (1924), the settlement of Bnei
Brak donned official garb in honor of the celebration of the
official laying of the cornerstone. The ceremony took place
in the presence of rabbonim, public figures, guests from
various places throughout the country, and the few residents
of the city. However, after the celebration, at which an
uplifted mood prevailed, gray, difficult days arrived: the
days of preparation, of laying the groundwork, which
accompanied all of the concerns for the ongoing livelihoods
of the residents, for the formation of vital infrastructures,
and in the main, the repayment of the debts for the purchase
of the land. This burden was borne by Rabbi Yitzchok
Gerstenkorn, the initiator as well as the life force behind
this special pioneering endeavor.
A Model of a City Built Al Taharas
It's a mistake to think that he was naive and didn't consider
in advance all that awaited him in this endeavor. His
shouldering this special pioneering effort was not the result
of his having been swept up by the stormy fervor which
paralyzes one's perception of reality and blurs the true view
of circumstances.
The contrary was true. Reb Itche was a clever, realistic
person, determined as flint and strong of nature. He was
fully aware of the difficulties and saw the obstacles which
had to be overcome before transforming the dream into a
tangible reality. This fact emerges from his plans and from
his foresight, for at every stage, he was two stages
Just as at the outset he thought about the 1000 dunams of
land which had to be acquired, about investors to be
recruited, and the first shacks to be built, so did he devote
advance planning to the infrastructure, education, sources of
livelihood and finances. He also knew that he could not
expect help from any organizations, parties or public funds,
but had to initiate and organize everything himself.
One may ask: If such was the case, how did he undertake so
difficult a task? The answer is: He was spurred by his fiery
faith and by unlimited ahavas Eretz Yisroel, as well
as by the inner feeling that the ground was burning
underneath the feet of the Jews of Poland, and that his
founding of Bnei Brak was also a rescue endeavor from the
aspect of "for sustenance He has sent me."
75 years have passed since the dawning of this daring
adventure. Today, Bnei Brak is a city of Torah and
chassidus, with between 120,000 and 130,000 residents,
ken yirbu. For years it has been a model of a city
founded al taharas hakodesh, and it is an
incontestable fact that it occupies a place of honor on the
map of the settlements of Eretz Yisroel.
It is studded with radiant gems in the form of the
yeshivos hakedoshos. It is carpeted with its
chassidic courts, consummated by gedolei Yisroel,
maranan verabonon, the roshei yeshiva and the
admorim who chose it as their place of residence. It
is replete with great talmidei chachomim, and filled
with hosts of bnei Torah who nourish it day and night
through their Torah study. It is bustling with synagogues,
botei medrash and talmudei Torah. Alongside all
this, it is a city which sustains its inhabitants, and is no
less developed than other cities which were built with public
When observing all this, it is impossible not to be astounded
by the intensity of the initial vision and its source, which
transcends all understanding. The Chazon Ish, who settled in
Bnei Brak nine years after its founding, accompanied the
steps of R' Yitzchok Gerstenkorn with strong bonds of
friendship. In a letter, he writes: "All history consists of
many intertwined branches whose beginnings are linked to
their ends and whose ends are linked to their beginnings.
However, the vision of one who sees the initial growth, while
it is still an isolated factor, before its future has
unfolded, is different."
These remarks aptly depict the vision and the man, R'
Yitzchok Gerstenkorn, who stood beside the cradle of Bnei
Brak and accompanied it until it grew into a metropolis. At
the outset, he had the perception to see its future.
Fortunate is the person who is able to hope and to believe
and to be so convinced of the correctness of his ways and the
steps he has taken.
In historical retrospect, we clearly see the precise plan of
hashgocho Elyona. Today, it is evident to all that He
prepared an asylum for us by means of the renewal of the
Jewish settlement in Eretz Yisroel, and sent
illustrious figures -- stalwart men of stature -- to build
this refuge. Without a doubt, Reb Itche Gerstenkorn is among
those unique men. He was the shlucha deRachmono for
this great enterprise, as were other great figures, each with
his own mission, task and place.
It is written: "Hashem thought to destroy the wall of the
daughter of Tzion; He extended a line" (Eicho 2:8).
One of the gedolim explains: The moment HaKodosh
Boruch Hu entertained the thought of destroying the wall
of the daughter of Tzion, He "extended the line" for its
renewed building. Only in that manner can we understand how
an avreich from Warsaw, R' Yitzchok Gerstenkorn, was
inspired to assume responsibility for the building of a
chareidi city al taharas hakodesh in Eretz
The Source of the Idea
The spiritual source from which Reb Yitzchok Gerstenkorn
nurtured his idea was chassidic Poland, in the
shtiebel of the Sakranwitz chassidim, located
on the famous Nabalki Street of Warsaw. The tzaddik,
the chassidic leader of this dynasty, was the
admor of Sakranwitz, the saintly R' Shmev'li Kalish,
son of the "silent tzaddik," R' Mendeli of Vorke, and
a grandson of the founding father of the Vorke dynasty, R'
Yitzchok, one of the great admorim of Poland of over a
hundred and fifty years ago.
Reb Pesachya Gerstenkorn, Reb Yitzchok's father, was one of
the prominent chassidim of Sakranwitz, a talmid
chochom and a great baal chessed. He raised all
four of his sons, including Reb Yitzchok, to study Torah
diligently and to lead true Torah lives. He even accompanied
his son during the incipient stages of the founding of Bnei
Brak. Reb Pesachya, however, did not merit to see the
fulfillment of the endeavor, because he passed away in his
When we examine the forthcoming chapters of Bnei Brak's
history, parts of which appear in a book written by Rav
Gerstenkorn, My Memories of Bnei Brak, it is
immediately evident that with all of the initial difficulties
of recruiting settlers and organizing the building, the most
difficult part was, "who will rise up" -- that is, who will
offer financial support. This was much more difficult than
"who will go up." Indeed this is the most difficult aspect of
the building of every important enterprise.
A Tireless Effort to Recruit Funds
For many years, Reb Yitzchok Gerstenkorn trudged from donor
to donor in Europe, the United States and South Africa in
order to secure support for the institutions of Bnei Brak and
cover the deficits which the city had incurred. It was also
necessary to assist the factory owners who, due to the
problems of the period and their location, found it difficult
to stand on their own feet. Among them were those who had
liquidated enterprises in Poland and had brought all of their
assets to Bnei Brak in order to open factories there. Many,
in the end, remained penniless.
One of them was Reb Tzvi Meir, a Gerrer chossid, who
upon the advice of the admor, had gone to Eretz
Yisroel with his family to settle in Bnei Brak during its
first years. He was the father of R' Yitzchok Meir, who later
served as mayor of Bnei Brak, and has published his memories
of the city.
Days and years passed, and the cycle of efforts to lay the
groundwork of the city continued, with ups and downs. But it
seems as if from that point on, the main aim was to insure
the unique character of the city, so that it would remain as
its founders had hoped, a city of Torah and mitzvos, capable
of withstanding all the raging winds of the period. It was
fervently hoped that Bnei Brak would not become like other
settlements where, after the passing of their founders whose
intentions had been pure, fostered a new generation "which
did not know Yosef," and which rejected all that proceeded
it. Examples of such are many.
Reb Yitzchok Gerstenkorn spent considerable time devising
ways to attract the great Torah centers to this city so that
they would imprint their character on it. On one of his trips
to America, he met the gaavad of Ponovezh, R' Yosef
Sholom Kahaneman, who had come there on behalf of his own
yeshiva. Reb Itche proposed that the Ponovezher Rav establish
his yeshiva in Bnei Brak. But HaRav Kahaneman was deeply
attached to his own large community in Europe, and was unable
to abandon it.
After the events of 5689 (1929) and the massacre of the Jews
of Hevron, among them twenty-four students of the yeshiva,
Reb Yitzchok Gerstenkorn proposed that R' Moshe Mordechai
Epstein serve as Chief Rabbi of Bnei Brak, and transfer the
yeshiva there. But R' Moshe Mordechai Epstein decided to move
the yeshiva to Yerushalayim.
It is interesting that Rav Gerstenkorn's two requests were
fulfilled many years later, when both these illustrious
yeshivos, Ponovezh and Slobodke, were established in Bnei
Brak. Slobodke in Bnei Brak was the second wing of the
original yeshiva, headed by R' Yitzchok Eizek Sher, that had
remained in Europe when much of the yeshiva moved to
The Chazon Ish
At the particular stage under discussion, these plans still
hadn't materialized, and the great spiritual yeshua
for Bnei Brak came by surprise, from a totally unexpected
direction. Toward the end of 5693 (1933), the godol
hador, the Chazon Ish, moved to Eretz Yisroel. At
the time of his aliya, he still had not decided
precisely where to live, and for a certain period even
thought of Tel Aviv, where he indeed lived during his first
few weeks in Eretz Yisroel, renting a flat on HaYam
The moment he arrived in Eretz Yisroel, he turned to
his studies. Shortly afterward, one of the founders of the
Beis Yosef yeshiva in Bnei Brak, R' M. Shetchigel, approached
him. Rav Shetchigel was one of the few in Eretz
Yisroel who knew about the greatness of the Chazon Ish
already in Lithuania. When he learned about his arrival, he
rushed to see him. He proposed that the Chazon Ish move to
Bnei Brak, and the Chazon Ish consented.
After the petirah of the Chazon Ish, R' Shlomo Cohen,
who had been one of his close acquaintance for decades, said,
"On isru chag of Pesach of the year 5693 (1933), the
Chazon Ish secretly told me that he planned to move to
Eretz Yisroel. He asked me to go to R' Chaim Ozer, and
ask that he write a letter to Rav Moshe Blau, requesting a
visa. I was startled by the news. However, I went to R' Chaim
Ozer immediately, and received the requested letter.
"Rav Blau's reply arrived a while later. In it, he said that
he could send the visa immediately, on condition that the
Chazon Ish agree to occupy the position of the ravad
of the Eida HaChareidis of Yerushalayim. If he did not agree
to that, he could receive the visa only within a few months.
The Chazon Ish told me to reply that he was willing to wait.
However, R' Moshe Blau made a special effort, and obtained
the visa within a short time. As soon as he received it, the
Chazon Ish prepared for his aliya" (Digleinu, Kislev
It may be assumed that his main reason for his refusal of the
position of ravad was that he was very far from that
idea, and that his heart was set on the new yishuv,
preferring to act where he was needed.
Why did he choose Bnei Brak over Yerushalayim? He answered:
"Yerushalayim doesn't lack talmidei chachomim and
askonim. But when I came to the new settlement, I
found a wasteland. If I succeed in planting the seeds of
Torah there, it will be good. If not, I am prepared to go
down with the members of the new yishuv to the abyss,
chas vesholom." ( Rav Moshe Shoenfeld, ibid.,
Marcheshvan 5715.)
That was how Divine intervention brought about the rare
combination of the great Chazon Ish and a receptacle for his
influence, the new chareidi settlement of Bnei Brak, whose
founder so yearned to find the suitable person to transform
it. The mighty spiritual change came in the wake of the
dramatic turning point in its history, when the giant of the
generation settled there. Along with this, his own daily
activity underwent a great change. In Lithuania, he led a
very unassuming life, and rarely took part in public affairs.
However, when he arrived in Bnei Brak, the Chazon Ish opened
himself to every sacred endeavor, and to all public and
private affairs.
So That Bnei Brak Won't be Like Other
Reb Yitzchok Gerstenkorn describes this point in one of his
books: For fifty-two years, the Chazon Ish lived in Europe,
nearly incognito. Only in the circles of lomdim and in
the yeshivos gedolos was it known that a great man of
Torah lived in Vilna -- not a rav, not a dayan but an
unassuming giant of Torah who had written the Chazon
Ish. Most people didn't know him.
When he came to Eretz Yisroel his life changed
completely. From all corners of the country, roshei
yeshiva, businessmen, industrialists, merchants and
laymen came to him for advice. Some came to ask for
brochos for the ailing and to pour out their hearts
and discuss family problems. People loved him. They regarded
him as saintly. A single word from his mouth alleviated many
cares. He spoke soothingly, with an encouraging smile for
everyone who turned to him.
Writing in Chevlei Yotzer, Rabbi Aharon Soraski says:
"The Chazon Ish did not want Bnei Brak to be like the other
cities in Eretz Yisroel. He wanted to it be a model
city, the joy of the universe, where every aspect of life was
characteristically Jewish and exuded kedusha. He
devoted his best efforts to safeguard it from all foreign
elements. He was also very wary of every crack in the wall of
its faith. As a result, he acted out of character, from the
moment he arrived in the city.
"The Chazon Ish inculcated everyone with the feeling that
life in Bnei Brak had to be different and loftier than life
in every other place. He also invested untold energy in order
to realize this goal. In his many efforts to expand the city
of Torah, he offered various types of assistance to all of
its Torah and chessed institutions. There is barely a
public institution in Bnei Brak which didn't benefit from his
help. He spurred various activists to establish yeshivos and
educational institutions in Bnei Brak, and influenced many
public enterprises to establish themselves there, helping
them develop.
"Due to his concern, the amount of money needed to build an
entire floor in the Beis Yosef of Novardok yeshiva was
recruited. At his initiative, the Tiferes Tzion yeshiva was
built, as was the Chachmei Lublin yeshiva. Due to the pains
he took, the Volozhin yeshiva was transferred from Tel Aviv
to Bnei Brak, and the great Kollel Avreichim in Zichron Meir
(which today bears his name) was founded. At his
encouragement, the illustrious Ponovezh and Slobodke yeshivos
were established there. With his inspiration, Torah
shiurim for young workers and ba'alei batim,
merchants and tradesmen were instituted, mikvehs were
renovated, many needy families received help, chessed
funds were formed, and the Shomrei Shabbos cemetery, the only
cemetery of its kind in the world, was built.
"He infused a spirit of life into the city, and encouraged
Holocaust survivors, who were attracted to Bnei Brak by his
presence there and who had came to Eretz Yisroel in
order to restore and revive the destroyed communities and
yeshivos of our nation. In that manner, Bnei Brak became the
city of Torah and chessed, a city replete with
chachomim and scribes, a metropolis of Torah in the
new yishuv in Eretz Yisroel."
How apt is the quote cited in the name of the gaavad
of Ponovezh, who told Reb Yitzchok Gerstenkorn: "How wise you
were to make the Chazon Ish the patron and proprietor of your
city. If only I had a share of your merit."
Concern for the Guarantee of the Character of
its Government
The foregoing quote is a concentrated summary of the great
efforts of the Chazon Ish in transforming Bnei Brak into what
it is today. Even though 45 years have passed since his
petirah, every spiritual and Torah enterprise in Bnei
Brak bears the mighty, blessed imprint of his influence. He
laid foundations, but also did not refrain from playing a
personal role in strengthening Torah study. An example of
such is cited in an article in Digleinu, written by R'
Shraga Steinberg, zt'l, the rosh yeshiva of
Tiferes Tzion in Bnei Brak: "Twice a year, the Chazon Ish
would come to the yeshiva in order to test the young
students. Once he asked me if the students would benefit if
he [also] came in the middle of the year (Digleinu,
Cheshvan 5715)."
At the very same time, he was deeply concerned for the
character of the city's government and made all-out efforts
to guarantee that the municipality be administered by Torah-
loyal officials. When the first elections for the local
council were held in 5700, he did his utmost to recruit as
many chareidi voters as possible. Because the right to vote
was given only to those who lived in the city and had paid
taxes for three months, the Chazon Ish made sure that even
the students studying in the various yeshivos in the city
participated in the elections. In order to effect this, he
gave them the money necessary to pay taxes for three months,
by means of his loyal confidante, Rav Zelig Shapiro. This
endeavor was subsidized by R' Yaakov Halperin, the founder of
the Zichron Meir neighborhood and one of the Chazon Ish's
staunchest admirers.
Regarding this, Rav Moshe Shoenfeld writes: "When the voting
right depended on the payment of a half-lira tax, an
avreich from Bnei Brak apologized to Rabbenu, and said
that he didn't have the half-lira. Rabbenu told him: `You can
sell your tefillin and in exchange purchase a voting
right. You will put on tefillin even if you must
borrow them from someone and in the end you will buy new
ones. But you will be unable to rectify the loss of your
vote, and the vote for the chareidi representatives will be
lost" (ibid., Cheshvan 5717).
In 5711 (1951), after Bnei Brak legally became a city,
elections for the city council were held for the first time.
Once more, Rabbenu displayed much interest in the events.
This time, since there was a chareidi slate, he made certain
that his own personal representative would be on it. That man
was Rav Shimon Soroka, one of the heads of Tzieri Agudas
Yisroel, who was chosen as a member of the municipality, and
held that position until his petirah in 5747.
Throughout most of his tenure, he held senior positions, such
as that of deputy and vice mayor of the city, and for a
number of years he even presided as its mayor. There is no
doubt that due to the intervention of Rabbenu to insure the
character of the municipal government, it has always been
headed by chareidi representatives, except for Moshe Begno,
z'l, a Mafdal member who was chosen as mayor after the
petirah of the first mayor, Rav Yitzchok
Afterwards, the position was occupied by Rabbi Reuven
Aharanowitz, Rabbi Shimon Soroka, and yibodel
lechayim, Rabbi Yitzchok Meir, Rabbi Shmuel Weinberg,
Rabbi Moshe Irenstein, Rabbi Yerachmiel Boyer and the current
mayor, Rabbi Mordechai Karelitz.
The City With Everything
75 years later, Bnei Brak has fulfilled itself and achieved
the aims and hopes of its founders. In Bnei Brak there is a
place for everything which is chareidi, while all that is
chareidi finds its place in Bnei Brak.
For those who cherish the memory of the Chazon Ish, Bnei Brak
is the city of the Chazon Ish. For those who are drawn after
the illustrious, heartwarming image of the Rav of Ponovezh,
Bnei Brak is Ponovezh and its Yarchei Kalloh. For the
disciples and followers of Maran, the Kehillos Yaakov, and
yibodel lechayim arukim, Maran, rosh bnei kol
hagolah HaRav Eliezer Menachem Shach, shlita, Bnei
Brak expresses their deep affinity for their rav and
For the thousands of chassidim who are attached with
bonds of love to their admorim and the
chassidic courts, Bnei Brak is a worldwide center of
chassidus. For all it is the city of Torah. For all -- from
every circle and from every type of yeshiva -- it was, and
is, and will always be the great and illustrious city of
Bnei Brak is a city in which Torah Jews have found ground on
which to grow and to raise future generations on Torah,
yirah, mussar and chassidus, a city which
contains everything.
Bnei Brak is an eternal, ultimate example for those who said
that in the 20th century it is impossible to build without
casting off the yoke of Torah chas vesholom. The city
is the best proof that it is possible to build an entire city
which contains everything al taharas hakodesh.
Bnei Brak is the city whose chol is kodesh and
whose kodesh is kodesh kodoshim. Its symbols
are Shabbos kodesh and the yomim tovim, during
which it becomes totally detached from the mundane. It closes
its streets, and seals them from the bustling chol
outside it, while mei'ein olam haboh resounds from
within, even in the literal sense of the concept.
R' Itche Gerstenkorn did not build a new city.
In his announcement in the Hebrew newspapers, prior to the
celebration of the cornerstone laying, he wrote: "On the 11th
of Tammuz 5684 (1924), at three in the afternoon, the
cornerstone will be laid for the new buildings in the ancient
city of Bnei Brak.
"The settlement in Bnei Brak is currently renewing itself by
Polish immigrants."
He was precise to the end. When he wrote, "in the ancient
city of Bnei Brak," he was echoing the words of the
novi: "I will cause all of the cities to be inhabited
and the wastelands to be built. And the land that was
desolate will be tilled, whereas it was a desolation in the
sight of all that passed by. And they will say: `This land
that was desolate has become like the garden of Eden, and the
waste and desolate and ruined cities are fortified and
inhabited'" (Yechezkel 36:33-36).
End of Part I
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