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The death of Hassan, the king of Morocco, close to the onset of Shabbos, resulted in widespread activity in the offices of Prime Minister Barak and President Weizman on Shabbos kodesh parshas Voeschanan. Missionaries Offer Converts Illegal Payments Religious Affairs Minister Yitzchak Cohen demanded of Internal Affairs Minister Shlomo ben Ami, that the Police Department enforce the laws against missionary activity. Offering material inducements to change one's religious is totally against Israeli law, though no one has ever been prosecuted under that law. A Shocking Anti-religious Precedent Prominent businessman Stef Wertheimer has recently forbidden workers to daven on the premises of the four Yiskar factories he owns. These factories are located the Tefen industrial region in the country's north. Yom Iyun -- the Annual Yerushalayim Shemiras Haloshon Rally "The Ribono Shel Olom loves this day," says one of the organizers of the annual Shemiras Haloshon Yom Iyun. With very little publicity outside of word of mouth, with no backing from any organization, group or affiliation, outside of the 42,000 invitations printed by the organizers, this endeavor draws ten thousand women to the climactic evening rally alone. 12 Menachem Av, 5759 Dear Parents: Now that bein hazmanim has officially begun, we appeal to you urgently:
Have pity on your most priceless possession -- your beloved children. Be careful to maintain the following guidelines. Nine Centuries Since the Crusaders Conquered Jerusalem It was just another day in Jerusalem's Old City, with tourists wending their way among Arab shops as they sought out one historic site after another.
But few people realized that July 15 marked a historic anniversary: On that date, 900 years ago, the first Crusaders conquered the city, plunging Jerusalem into a bloodbath. Media Coverage Does not Imply Importance Editors and producers have to come up with material that interests the public, and they can only choose from what they have available, that is, what has happened recently. But all these ways of weighing what goes on a front page have nothing to do with the intrinsic importance of the story. Loving Chezky Loving Chezky has been one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do, as a mother or otherwise. Don't misunderstand me; there's nothing unusual about him. He's a regular ordinary boy. But from the moment he was born, it has been me and Chezky, head to head, struggling wildly to reach each other. Chassidus Ashkenaz Restored: HaRav Yechiel Schlesinger zt'l -- 9th Adar 5759, His Fiftieth Yahrtzeit Additional Luach Information- The earliest time of Kiddush Levonoh -- Elul The time of Kiddush Levonoh everywhere in the world begins when it is Sunday 2:12 A.M., 3 Elul (Aug. 15). Actually in Eretz Yisroel and Europe it is impossible to make a brocho on the moon on motzei Shabbos since its beginning time is after the moon sets. Certainly in the eastern lands it is impossible to make Kiddush Levonoh since it is already day. However, in the U.S.A. and Canada one can make Kiddush Levonoh on motzei Shabbos in New York at 8:45 P.M. and in western U.S.A. and Canada from the beginning of the night.
There is a solar eclipse this month that indicates the astronomical new moon. The astronomical new moon precedes the molad this month by approximately thirteen and a half hours and is on Wednesday, the 29 Av, at 2:08 P.M. according to the Summer Clock. After the molad the moon comes near to its lowest point (perigee) and goes extremely quickly. By motzei Shab
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