Dear Parents:
Now that bein hazmanim has officially begun, we appeal to you urgently:
Have pity on your most priceless possession -- your beloved children. Be careful to maintain the following guidelines:
1] Encourage your boys to set aside a time for Torah study every day of the vacation;
2] Make certain that your children are not lured by the enticements of the street, and not attracted by various advertisements which offer recreation, trips and questionable forms of entertainment, which are liable to be dangerous from a physical standpoint and are without a doubt dangerous from a spiritual standpoint;
3] Take an active interest in all the activities of your children throughout the vacation. Always ascertain where they are going and with whom;
4] Determine the kashrus level of the places you will be eating (as you do all year round), and make certain that they are under reliable kashrus supervision. One may not rely on ads or on rumors that places are kosher during particular periods and seasons. The reliability of the kashrus of these places must be thoroughly verified.
In a special warning four years ago, the gedolei hador declared: "Parents must make every effort the entire year, and especially during the summer vacation, to provide their children with both material and spiritual enjoyment within the their homes. They must also make certain that their children spend their time either with them, or with their teachers and mechanchim."
May we merit true Jewish nachas from our children, and may the summer be a pleasurable one for all.