Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

26 Iyar 5759 - May 12, 1999 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly







UTJ Holds Rallies Around the Country

by Y. Ariel

Spurred on by the charge of gedolei Yisroel to work, and worried about intense campaign waged by anti-chareidi parties, workers for UTJ intensified their efforts all around the country.

Hundreds at a Chizuk Rally in Ofakim

On motzei Shabbos parshas Emor, a rousing, large chizuk rally was held in Ofakim. It was attended by prominent roshei yeshiva and rabbonim of the Negev as well as by two of the members of UTJ's slate, Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz and Rabbi Yechiel Turgeman.

Rosh yeshiva of the Ofakim yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Kamil rose to speak. With fervent words, he described how the Tanna, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai said to Rabbi Akiva, "If you don't teach me Torah, I will hand you over to the Romans." How could Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai have said such a thing? HaRav Kamil asked. "R' Chaim used to say that Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai meant that if he wasn't taught Torah, he was liable to degenerate to a state in which he would become an informer.

"We are in the midst of a great battle of kiddush Hashem," HaRav Kamil continued. "Boruch Hashem, the Torah world is thriving. But what will be with our brothers? How can we bring about a state in which there are no more informers? [Their low spiritual state] obligates us to act. Everyone is obligated to do his maximum for the sake of kevod Shomayim and in order to raise the glory of Torah."

The next speaker was the rosh yeshiva of Tushia- Tifrach, HaRav Aviezer Piltz, who delivered a stirring speech about the obligation of everyone to participate in the enormous battle facing us.

"Today there are many bnei Torah, and many ba'alei teshuvah, and there is much his'orerus," HaRav Piltz said. "However, the state of `meitzitz min hacharakim' is still lacking. What does HaKodosh Boruch Hu want of us? He wants our his'orerus. Today, there is an enormous upsurge of evil and spiteful hatred, and HaKodosh Boruch Hu has left us with the great challenge of counteracting this situation.

"We recall Maran HaRav Shach's outcry over Shabbos desecration in the streets of Tel Aviv and over the fact that children don't even know Krias Shema. He cried about what was taking place outside of our camp.

"This meeting is not a meeting of activists. [Before taking political action] one must feel pained over the fact that there are so many children who don't even know what Krias Shema is, and over things in our own camp which stem from the atmosphere of the street. Once every few years, we have the opportunity to cry out,`Hashem Hu haElokim,' and when a person cares, he acts. But on the other hand, when he acts, he also feels."

The next speaker, HaRav Yaakov Horowitz, the rosh yeshiva of the Ofakim yeshiva, spoke about the unique aspect of these elections. "This time," he said, "they are trying to tempt, on the one hand, and to strangle with the other, as in the matters of the drafting of yeshiva students, the supervision of chareidi chinuch, financial threats, and the like, while their aim is to smother Torah and mitzvah observance. People say: What can we achieve with 4 or even 6 representatives? But that's not the point. Not only is Shabbos in Tel Aviv an important issue, but so is Shabbos here, in Ofakim and in Yerushalayim. Everyone can do something.

"The secular parties are interested in destroying everything and in making our financial support conditional on the supervision of our chinuch. This threat must rob every one of us of his sleep. HaKodosh Boruch Hu wants mesiras nefesh from us; wants us to cry out: I am rallying to the call of maranan verabonon."

Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz came to the Negev on motzei Shabbos in order to participate in the rally. "We are currently in an era of gilui," he said. "Things which were in hester for many years since Zionism began, and later on after the founding of the State, are now being revealed.

"Quite recently a joker filed an appeal to the Supreme Court, in which he claimed that since the State subsidizes the educational system, the chareidi system must be forced to give citizenship classes. But we know what kind of `citizenship' they study: one which teaches that the man in the street has to keep a knife and a gun in his pocket. They think that they can teach our remarkable educational system derech eretz.

"On my visits throughout the country, I saw that the majority of the people are with us, and that we must go out and shout, mi laHashem eileinu. Israeli society wants to continue and to be believing Jews. Therefore we must strengthen the Torah world. We must strengthen Shabbos and strengthen those who still haven't done full teshuvah," he concluded.

The final speaker was Rabbi Yechiel Turgeman who, in a rousing speech, said: "Kabolas haTorah took place when the Nation was `like one man with one heart.' Divisiveness results in the destruction of the world. . . . One more Jew who votes for UTJ is one more Jew who votes for HaKodosh Boruch Hu. I have no doubt that if everyone will do his part, we will succeed in making a kiddush Hashem."

Rally in Ashdod

A large rally was held last week in the Belzer shul in Ashdod. It was opened by Rabbi Yechezkel Govner. Rabbi Chaim Pesach Horowitz, dayan and moreh tzedek of the Belzer community of Ashdod, stressed the importance of increasing the chareidi representation and of developing Torah life in Ashdod.

HaRav Shmuel Dovid Gross, rav of the Gerrer community of Ashdod, conveyed the request of gedolei Yisroel that Shabbos kodesh, the source of blessing, must be fortified.

Rosh yeshiva of Grodno, HaRav Tzvi Dov Karelenstein, aroused the audience with stirring words about the obligation to protest the grave spiritual situation in Eretz Yisroel.

Rabbi Yaakov Litzman of the UTJ slate devoted his remarks to the kedusha of Shabbos and the obligation of the representatives in the Knesset to fight against all attempts to breach the walls of the sanctify of the Shabbos. Rabbi Shmuel Halpert warned against the dangers of the Reform.

Rabbi Yisroel Eichler, also a candidate on the UTJ slate, warned against the schemes to deny the chareidi community its rights by transferring the center gravity of the law and of the government from the Knesset to the judicial system. He also warned against the media and the people from abroad who are close to the Reform.

Rabbi Eichler mentioned that only last week, the government authorized the transfer of another 3 billion shekel to reduce the debts of the kibbutzim (15 billion of which will remain after that reduction) while the media directs its cries of "extortion" against the chareidim.

The final speaker, Rabbi Moshe Almaliach spoke about the importance of unity among all sectors of the community.

Rabbi Osher Levi and Rabbi Ephraim Weber, members of the city council, as well as other public figures also participated in the rally.

Kiryat Gat

An impressive UTJ election rally was held last week in Kiryat Gat. It was attended by all the chareidi circles in the city, and moderated by Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld.

Rabbi Shmuel Halpert warned against the raging incitement which the leaders of the State are ignoring. He also mentioned a recent survey which indicates that 71% of the residents of the State are aware of the fact that UTJ leads the country's battles on behalf of Yiddishkeit.

Rabbi Yaakov Litzman, one of the main candidates on the UTJ slate, promised that after the elections, he would try to expand the Kiryat Gat community by increasing the housing for chareidim there.

Rabbi Yisroel Eichler, also of the UTJ slate, spoke about the current battle between the chareidim and the Leftist haters of religion.

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