Deiah veDibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

13 Adar, 5785 - March 13, 2025 | Mordecai Plaut, director | Vayishlach - 5782 Published Weekly
Stories - Fiction

HaRav Chaim Kluft shlita: What to Learn from Purim Today

When the amoroim used to study Megillas Esther, each one would begin with an introduction to the megilla to explain its fundamental premise.

The first explanation in the gemora of Megilla says HaRav Chaim Kluft revolves upon the posuk, "In place of the natzutz shall a cypress grow, and instead of the nettle shall the myrtle emerge." He said that natzutz refers to Haman, who claimed himself as worthy of worship. He will be exchanged for a cypress, referring to Mordechai who represented the prime of all fragrances. And instead of the nettle thorn, a myrtle, hadas, will flourish, which refers to Esther, also known as Hadas. In place of the wicked Vashti, daughter of the son of Nevuchadnetzar who laid flame to the Beis Hamikdash, shell reign Esther who is also called Hadassah."

What do these references represent? These are not random comparisons but titles for Mordechai and Haman. What do Chazal seek to teach us from them?

HaRav Saadia Gaon's commentary on the Megilla explains the development of the flow of the Megilla to the decree of "destroying, killing."

Let us surmise that if a person is told that he will die within the year, he is not unduly anxious, but here, when Mordechai tells Esther to go immediately to Achashverosh and to fast on Pesach, she is not fazed. "What's the rush? Let us wait until his wrath dissipates itself. It would mean my going to the king uncostumarily."




The First Moves of the New IDF Commander

he new IDF commander, Ayal Zamir, began his new career on his left foot, or perhaps, it is more correct to say, "with his right foot," because he acted against his left foot. The almost first thing he did was to announce about the IDF spokesman of up till that day, Read Admiral Daniel Hagari, that he had no intention of promoting him a notch higher to general but to leave him at his present level but in a different position. Commander Zamir offered him a different top army post but Hagari declined the offer, announcing that if he does not get the advancement as general, he quits.

This was his left-foot beginning. Can one conceive of dismissing an army spokesman from his job?

One should remember that Hagari became the 'pet' of the Left after he criticized his political bosses several times. In a standard country, top army officials do not publicly voice criticism of political ranks to which they are expected to be subordinate and even if they have what to say, they only do it behind closed doors.

Had this prime army figure been a man of the Right voicing censure against a Leftist government, he would have been sent flying to the resounding voice of the exultant media, but Hagari was on the 'correct' side and publicly expressed condemnation against the government. He twice publicly spoke against his senior of rank, Security Minister Yisrael Katz, and even though he later apologized, his remarks were not unintentional but well planned.




HaRav Yisroel of Salant, zt'l - 25 Shevat 5785 - One Hundred and Forty-Two Years After His Passing -- What Was Innovative About HaRav Yisroel Salanter's Approach?

What was new and unique about HaRav Yisroel Salanter's approach? Ethical works had been authored generations earlier. Men who had perfected themselves and feared Hashem existed in every era. What did R' Yisroel propound? Did he put more stress on mitzvos bein adam lechavero, or did he merely wish to place these mitzvos on an equal footing with mitzvos bein adam laMakom? What can we learn from his letters and from the stories of his conduct that abound?

Part 3

Last week we ended with the following question: Most of the time, we walk in darkness, and all of our efforts are aimed at filling our stomachs and satisfying our base, despicable desires. Additionally, we are steeped in sin. Our few meritorious acts are broken like earthen vessels, (i.e. of little value,) as we neither see nor know the proper, straight path! Therefore, Hashem derives no satisfaction from our lives. Even should we wish to receive reward for our meritorious acts... who knows what our position is?

Perhaps our transgressions outweigh all of our good deeds... It is only miraculously and by the mercy of Heaven that we continue to exist. Perhaps one day the miracle of renewal won't occur. Consider: Every moment that a person isn't studying Torah, he is deserving of death. There isn't a moment when death isn't standing before us. What, then, is the remedy for our innate desire to live?"




Rain and Kinneret Watch

by Dei'ah Vedibur Staff

Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret - Winter, 5785.

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Outstanding Articles From Our Archives

Opinion & Comment
The Golden Calf at High Noon

by Rabbi Shmuel Globus

Since the sin of the Golden Calf was committed halfway through the day, they were given the mitzvah of the Half- Shekel. (Yerushalmi Shekolim, 2:3)

We are always in the middle, halfway through. Halfway through the day, Bnei Yisroel committed their greatest sin. They were then commanded to donate a half-shekel to the Mishkan, to rectify this massive mistake. What is the significance of half?

To answer this question, we first need to know what the half-shekel was used for. Unlike the freely given donations of Parshas Terumo which were used for everything needed for construction of the Mishkan, the half-shekel of Parshas Ki Siso had a specific purpose. It was used only for the adonim, the silver bases of the Mishkan.

These bases, which numbered 100 in all, supported the keroshim (beams) which formed the walls of the Mishkan. Each one of these keroshim had two pegs at the bottom, which fit into the slots of the adonim. In this way, the adonim kept the keroshim upright and in place, thus earning their name of bases. They were the basis, the foundation on which the Mishkan stood.

The Mishkan, with all it various parts, represents the various parts of a Jew. Like the Mishkan, a Jew's physical and spiritual being is also constructed of various parts. Just as the Mishkan has a heart, the aron hakodesh, so a Jew has a heart. Just as the Mishkan has adonim, a basic foundation, so a Jew has a basic foundation.

Son of man, describe the House to Bnei Yisroel, that they may be ashamed of their sins (Yechezkel 43:10)

In this verse, Hashem told the prophet to explain the structure of the Temple to Bnei Yisroel. This was intended to bring them to regret their sins. Why should a description of the Temple cause Bnei Yisroel to be ashamed of their sins? The Meforshim give a clear answer: the Temple is their very selves.

Home and Family
Just Get Me to the Shul on Time - or - A Different Purim

by Malka Adler

Most Purim costumes, whether homesewn or bought, have some background biography in family lore. Faulty fabrics, fittings, misfits and children's caprices. Endless searching in stores for the appropriate costumes at acceptable prices. But of all the scenarios I've encountered, my daughter Chasi had the most unusual one.

It was five years ago and she was living in Odessa, Ukraine, for the year, where my son-in-law, an Israeli, is the chief rabbi [Ed. plus principal, orphanage head, senior citizens' program director and every/anything else related to Jewish relief and religion]. At present, he comes to Israel every few weeks while my daughter remains in Jerusalem with the children. For Yom Tov, they usually travel to the Ukraine.

At that time in 1994, people were completely in the dark about Yiddishkeit. A spiritual vacuum successfully created by the Communist regime's total iron curtain. With tremendous siyata dishmaya through glasnost, my son-in- law, R' Shlomo Bakst, has succeeded in establishing high schools, elementary schools, nurseries and an orphanage, through the auspices of Yeshivas Ohr Somayach.

It is 1994 and Purim is looming on the horizon. My daughter was doing her utmost to create the proper festive atmosphere, complete with costumes for the offspring and a seuda for some oldtime shul members. This was no easy feat with only two hours of water running through the city's controlled water system, limited electricity and frequent blackouts. All of the children were outfitted with previous years' creations. Only the oldest, Lakey, was in need of something her size.


These links were fixed, Tammuz 5781