Deiah veDibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

16 Teves, 5784 - December 28, 2023 | Mordecai Plaut, director | Vayishlach - 5782 Published Weekly
Stories - Fiction

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Fake Rabbonim on the Internet

A research organization by the name of "Fake Reporter" has found a wide ranging plot in cyber space, apparently sponsored by Iran, to expand the social stresses in Israel and to gather information.

Their research found that this outside factor operated on many platforms and included many fictitious social presences and discussion groups and phony web sites that worked to deepen social division and to spread fake news. They spread fake news about election fraud, comments extremely critical of the chareidi community and other communities, and fake accounts that pretended to be journalists, politicians and well-known rabbonim.

Recently they deepened their efforts and in particular tried to intervene with the families of the hostages and contacted prominent activists.

In the course of their activities, they opened seven phony accounts on social media in the name of famous rabbonim and other influencers. Among others there are fake accounts that pretend to be...




Some Like Life; Some Like Death

Lately, every morning we wake up to another notice released by the IDF for publication, detailing the daily losses in the tough war going on in Gaza. Those horrible words, "released for publication," are heard daily, as more and more families join in those with the terrible losses, new orphans and widows.

This ongoing terrible war, seemingly without end, is begin waged against a murderous terror organization that attacks the soldiers in merciless guerrilla warfare, even though they know that the overall balance of power is not in their favor.

They were raised from a very young age in an educational system that presents the highest goal of a believing Moslem to sacrifice his life in order to murder Jews. Human life has no value in their twisted scale of values.

The whole world has pity on Palestinian suffering. But in truth this suffering is their life's goal...




"You went after me in a desert, an unsown wasteland" (Isaiah)
The story of HaRav Moshe Yehuda Schneider, zt'l, rosh yeshivas Toras Emes in Memel, Frankfurt, and London

This major series of articles about the heroic rosh yeshiva HaRav Moshe Schneider whose talmidim, both Ashkenaz and Sephardic, went on to great achievements, was first published in 1994.

Part III

In the previous parts we learned how HaRav Schneider achieved the seemingly impossible by founding a high standard yeshiva in Memel, until the first World War threw life into a turmoil. Under a cloud of suspicion because of his Russian citizenship in Germany, he became the rav of the expatriate Russian Jewish community, even managing to make tzitzis under the difficult conditions of the war. Eventually, he moved to Frankfurt at the end of the First World War, and founded a high-level Litvishe yeshiva there.

If in heaven they have a special department for those courageous Torah disseminators who established yeshivos in spiritually empty vicinities against mighty odds, Rav Schneider will have an eminent place there.

And if there is a special department for the brave-souled who cried out, "Give me Yavne and her wise men!" at a time of bitter destruction — Rav Schneider will have a distinguished spot there.

And if there is a special department for those who revived Torah study at a time when it was almost lost and forgotten—Rav Schneider will be in the front row there too.

Rav Schneider was truly among the main disseminators of Torah in the last century. An unusual and dynamic individual who transplanted Torah and made it flourish in spiritual wastelands where no one believed it was possible, he did the painstaking groundwork that enabled the barren atmosphere in England and France to give way to the dozens of yeshivos, religious institutions and frum communities that are in existence today.

HaRav Schneider was a man whose entire focus was in the yeshivos which he established, and in his love for Torah, for which he lived. He was not well-known in the various cities where he resided, and, in keeping with his modest personality, his accomplishments for Torah were not fully appreciated in his lifetime. But the love for Torah and mussar which he instilled in his students produced mighty talmidim who changed the face of postwar European Jewry.

He erected his yeshivos in places that defied logic. When his yeshiva was forced to disband or close, he tirelessly set it up again somewhere else. His institutions seem a bit like a house of cards that collapses again and again, but his reservoirs of bitochon and mesiras nefesh stood him in good stead to mobilize his next initiative.

A Devoted Educator





Rain and Kinneret Watch

by Dei'ah Vedibur Staff

Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret - Winter, 5784.

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Outstanding Articles From Our Archives

Opinion & Comment
Ashrecho Vetov Loch! A Good and Fortunate Life

by HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, zt"l (shlita)

Yaakov Ovinu spent the last seventeen years of his life in Egypt. At the end, before he passed from this world, he blessed his sons. Yissochor's blessing was, "Yissochor is a strong-boned donkey. He rests between the borders; he saw that rest was good, and that the land was pleasant. Still, he bent his shoulder to the burden and became an indentured servant" (Bereishis 49:14-15).

Rashi explains why Yaakov Ovinu chose the donkey as the ideal portrayal of his blessing to Yissochor; that Yissochor should be like "a donkey with sturdy bones to bear the yoke of Torah, just as a strong donkey hauls a heavy load." That is, Yissochor was blessed with a personality that could assume the yoke of Torah.

Rashi further explains that Yissochor was blessed to be, "Like a donkey that travels day and night, and does not have a night's sleep in a dwelling." Whether it is day or night, the donkey catches some sleep whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Home and Family
The Top of the Sandwich

by Bayla Gimmel

Much has been said and written about the Sandwich Generation, those women who have been called upon to take care of elderly parents at the same time they are busy bringing up their own children. They are compared to the filling of a sandwich, and it is a simile that we can all appreciate.

Within the next decade, there will be a major demographic change. The first wave of baby boomers will become senior citizens. That means that they will move up in life. Instead of being the filling of the sandwich, they will become the top layer.

I learned a lot about the Sandwich Generation from my mother, who took care of my grandmother until my mother was herself a grandmother in her late seventies. But I learned even more from my grandmother, who was what I consider the perfect "top of the sandwich."


These links were fixed, Tammuz 5781