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This Google Custom Search looks only in this website. Shemiras Shabbos Saves One from Messianic Pains
We have been privileged to have the 'pillar of fire' advancing before the camp, i. e. HaRav Dov Lando, who is showing us, during these troubled times, the path we must follow and to what extent we must strengthen ourselves.
He urged us to fortify ourselves in our relations to one another, and also to be more vigilant about the laws of Shabbos which present many pitfalls even in transgressions mide'Orayaso. We must study the prevalent laws regularly, and consult Torah sages regarding their details so that many can benefit therefrom.
I would like to add to our dear brethren that it is undeniably clear that by strengthening ourselves in these laws of Shabbos and studying them in detail, we will bring salvation from all the troubles which surround us during this period.
As Chazal said in Maseches Shabbos (118b): Rabbi Shimon ben Pazi said in the name of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi in the name of Bar Kapora: Whoever partakes of three meals on Shabbos is spared from three types of suffering: the trials [preceding the coming] of Moshiach, the suffering of Gehennom and those of the war of Gog and Magog.
Once again, the "enlightened" world stands against us, noting with nonchalance the antics of modern day pirates, allowing them to threaten the entire seascape.
It begins with ships advancing towards Israel, but that's not all. The Houthis from Yemen have settled close to international waterways, threatening to refuse passage to ships headed for Israel. Meanwhile, they have struck at other ships which have nothing to do with Israel. This doesn't interest anyone.
But if the destination is Israel, the modern world, educated and humane, sits up and takes note, allowing the Iranian comrades-in-arms to continue raising a ruckus, totally ignoring any international code, pretending that there is no power that can stop the armed gangs from controlling free passage in free waters.
Israel does not share a border with Yemen, this country being distanced by over two thousand kilometers. There is no suggestion of creating 'two countries for two nationalities'. The Houthis, like Hamas, Hizbullah and other worldwide terrorist organizations, are the long arm of the Ayatollah government in Iran.
This major series of articles about the heroic rosh yeshiva HaRav Moshe Schneider whose talmidim, both Ashkenaz and Sephardic, went on to great achievements, was first published in 1994.
Part I
If in heaven they have a special department for those courageous Torah disseminators who established yeshivos in spiritually empty vicinities against mighty odds, Rav Schneider will have an eminent place there.
And if there is a special department for the brave-souled who cried out, "Give me Yavne and her wise men!" at a time of bitter destruction — Rav Schneider will have a distinguished spot there.
And if there is a special department for those who revived Torah study at a time when it was almost lost and forgotten—Rav Schneider will be in the front row there too.
Rav Schneider was truly among the main disseminators of Torah in the last century. An unusual and dynamic individual who transplanted Torah and made it flourish in spiritual wastelands where no one believed it was possible, he did the painstaking groundwork that enabled the barren atmosphere in England and France to give way to the dozens of yeshivos, religious institutions and frum communities that are in existence today.
HaRav Schneider was a man whose entire focus was in the yeshivos which he established, and in his love for Torah, for which he lived. He was not well-known in the various cities where he resided, and, in keeping with his modest personality, his accomplishments for Torah were not fully appreciated in his lifetime. But the love for Torah and mussar which he instilled in his students produced mighty talmidim who changed the face of postwar European Jewry.
He erected his yeshivos in places that defied logic. When his yeshiva was forced to disband or close, he tirelessly set it up again somewhere else. His institutions seem a bit like a house of cards that collapses again and again, but his reservoirs of bitochon and mesiras nefesh stood him in good stead to mobilize his next initiative.
Growing Up In Lithuania
Rain and Kinneret Watch by Dei'ah Vedibur
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret -
Winter, 5784.
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Outstanding Articles From Our Archives
Home and Family
a story by Tzipie Wolner
I leaned forward. "Will he be frum?"
Yael shrugged. "Doesn't really matter."
"Fine, but when you're miserable, don't you dare come to me with your complaints. I won't be interested." I was fuming.
Yael caught onto my fury until she herself was piping hot. She yelled that she would not come to my house and that all I did was tell her how to live her life and she had enough of that. And on and on and on it went.
By the end of the night, she left in a huff and I shut the door behind her with a thud.
All those hours and days and years of nonstop encouragement, of listening and helping work her issues through. All the hours that I stole from my husband and children so that I could comfort her and hold her hand. All the heartache that I experienced when times were tough to her . . . I let those tears come out and didn't even want them to stop. Finally, I wiped my eyes and stood up. I stood limply by the couch, and I whispered, "I failed."
I sat down there all night and cried my heart out.
by Rav Aryeh Gefen
In this article, we will survey the development of the Torah world in Eretz Yisroel and the United States, from the period of spiritual desolation and great state of neglect through the transformation to today's Torah halls and citadels-the holy yeshivas.
As a preface, we would like to make a comparison between the Torah world and its development in Eretz Yisroel and the US. It should be clear to all that the various locations are fundamentally different and the central figures working in each location operate according to the dictates of the local needs and practices.
Both Eretz Yisroel and the US were scenes of spiritual desolation some 60 years ago, but for what could be described as opposite reasons: in Eretz Yisroel there was terrible, grinding poverty which stunted spiritual growth, and in America there was great wealth which also stunted spiritual growth. Nonetheless, in Eretz Yisroel there was a stronger tradition of gedolei Torah and true Torah life, while Torah had never really taken root in the US.
When HaRav Yitzchok Hutner zt"l (whose 25th yahrtzeit was 20 Kislev) arrived in the US, he asked HaRav Shlomo Heiman zt"l the rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Torah Vodaas, about the spiritual state of US Jewry. "Boruch Hashem there is already Torah lishmoh here in the US, but what is still lacking is Torah shelo lishmoh."
"Then I promise to try and bring shelo lishmoh learning here," replied HaRav Hutner.
During this period, the only people who learned Torah did so out of a pure recognition of the profound value of Torah study. There was no established track leading people to the beis medrash, generation after generation-going to learn without question because that was what was expected of them by their families and their communities.