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The next scheduled issue is for parshas Eikev. HaRav Dov Lando shlita Speaks at the Bnei Torah Camp founded by HaRav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi zt"l
On this past Friday afternoon, HaRav Dov Lando visited the yeshiva camp located this year in Moshav Shaalvim where masses of yeshiva bochurim awaited him as the gates. He was greeted with thunderous singing in honor of Torah and Mussar. The students sang full throated, hailing the guest who represented Torah tradition as handed down through the generations and was transmitting it to this present one. He came to uplift and fortify, among others, those high school students who have been captivated by the magic of Torah and decided to cleave to it.
"I, too, was a yeshiva student and have remained thus," the Rav began his address. "We are all bnei yeshiva. A ben yeshiva who studies Torah knows that this is the only way: to study and study more. To study and be immersed in Torah and continue thus for the rest of his life. This is what I witnessed so exceptionally by my childhood friend, HaGaon (HaRav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi zt"l), erudite and sharply brilliant, of outstanding character, devoted in his friendship, outstanding in his love for Torah which burned within him to an extraordinary degree.
This is the fourth and last in a series of articles and essays about tznius was first published in print in 1995, 29 years ago.
Dovid Hamelech accorded the title akkeres bayis to each and every Jewish woman. He said: "Moshivi akkeres habayis, eim habonim smeicha" (Tehillim 113:9). Chazal explained: akkeres habayis means the mainstay of the household, the ikkar of the household. From this we learn that the home — bais Yisroel, bais Yaakov is entrusted to the mother of the household, and it is well known, that it is she who lays the foundations upon which a home of Torah, sanctity and purity are built.
As has already been mentioned, the essence of Jewish modesty is expressed by the words "Kol kvoda bas melech pnima" — "All glorious is the king's daughter within the palace" (Tehillim 45:14) and who is more authorized than our sacred Torah to determine that the greatest glory and the most exalted description of the Jewish woman is kol kvoda.
The monthly "Seventh Eye" publication deals with criticism of the press. In recent issues, it presented a comprehensive critique on the Yediot Acharonot daily, the newspaper which was once "the national voice-piece", or as they called it, "the newspaper which has a country." Excerpts which were covered by the media are reminiscent of murky regimes, disgraceful conspiracies of which the only semblance to a free, liberal press is purely coincidental.
The appearance of the Rightist paper "Israel Today", which threatened the monopoly of Yediot Acharonot, was to help Netanyahu. It turned Yediot Acharonot into an arena for a war against the Prime Minister.
At first, it tried to stifle the rival paper. A bill was presented in the Knesset to suppress it and halt its circulation. The MKs who promoted it received promotions in the paper through positive coverage, as per quote from the former chief editor, "It was clear to us that whoever supported the bill was a friend of the editorial board, and received information which sponsored his parliamentary career (though none of them were served with a charge of bribery and disloyalty, as in the case of Netanyahu). While on the other side, those who were against the bill were labeled as enemies.
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Outstanding Articles From Our Archives
Opinion & Comment
This is the Segulah of the Torah
Part I
"He left behind a son like him." This is how Maran the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Shach ztvk'l expressed it in his eulogy for Maran the Steipler ztvk'l. In a rare moment, the editor of the Hebrew Yated's Musaf Shabbos Kodesh, R' Yisroel Friedman, and writer of these lines, HaRav A. Chefetz, were admitted into the inner sanctum of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky.
It is over twenty years since the passing of the Kehillos Yaakov ztvk'l on 23 Av, 5745. We lesser beings will always find difficulty in grasping the greatness of such cedars of Lebanon. It is daunting to attempt to encompass the stature, impossible to touch at the depths of their internal workings and the exalted level of the personalities of these Torah giants who Hashem implanted in every generation, figures like the Steipler.
We are so limited in vision; we cannot even touch a single thread of the hem of their garments. But since it is our task as writers to present, to the extent of our own limitations, a portrait of the great life of the Steipler, we knew that only those of similar stature could even begin to approach the task.
Opinion & Comment
by Mordecai Plaut
It could have been nothing but hatred that motivated Hizbullah to attack along the northern border and take two prisoners. There was no action or event that provided any pretext for their attack - just their evident desire to murder and maim Jews, made so painfully clear in the weeks since then.
The political background should have held them in check. The current government, only a few months in office, was elected on the basis of a plan to undertake massive further withdrawals which Hizbullah has always promoted as victories for them. Vicious attacks are not the reaction that this policy was calculated to draw.
Since then we have been seeing viciousness and cruelty, and more viciousness and more cruelty. Hizbullah fires rockets that are targeted at noncombatants, and their weapons are filled with criminal antipersonnel shrapnel. Their cruelty even extends to their own people whose lives they apparently view as cannon fodder and mere public relations assets.
We must respond as we best know how. Our job is to discuss the aspect of the war in which we have our greatest expertise: the moral ramifications...
Home and Family
by Esther Weil
Part II
"They contribute, they participate, they do, they bring up, they help . . . "
Who are they?
That's how Hadassa (an alias) describes children of families blessed with many children. Our generation has merited a real blessing, a blessing of children, where families with fourteen or eighteen children are not rare. How do children in such families feel? How do they give and receive? What experiences do they have, what memories do they cherish and how do the parents fit into the picture?
A picture of blessing.
Tell us about happy shared events.
Hadassah: "We make every event something joyous for everyone. When my husband finished mishnayos, we made a special feast at home for all the children. Every holiday by us is a shared simchah. We do everything together, whether it's Succos or Purim or Pesach. Pesach is an especially happy holiday for us. Everyone helps and cleans. We take down the Pesach dishes together. We wait for this moment. Everything depends on your approach and how you look at it. A mother who is always complaining how difficult it is for her, transmits this to the children. But if I prepare for the festival joyfully, the joy is contagious..."